семестрова к/р з читання

Додано: 14 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the correct answer


Many parents in Britain try to get their kids to study more by giving them money. However it does not help students to get better marks for their exams. Surprisingly, the promise of a trip to a nice place could encourage students to try harder and do better school. Researchers from the University of Bristol in England looked at how promises of cash and tickets to events affected students’ studying and learning. Over 10,000 pupils took part in the research. There was an improvement in classwork and homework, but this did not result in better test scores.

Education expert Dr Kevan Collins said good teachers were better than promises of rewards to get children to study, especially for children from low-income families. He added that some pupils have a lot of goals and believe that education is a way of getting what they want out of life, bit there are kids who think that working hard doesn’t make a difference.

He wrote: “What really makes the difference is how students are taught.”

The text is...

варіанти відповідей

a dialogue

a letter

an article

a story

Запитання 2

Read the text and choose the correct answer


Many parents in Britain try to get their kids to study more by giving them money. However it does not help students to get better marks for their exams. Surprisingly, the promise of a trip to a nice place could encourage students to try harder and do better school. Researchers from the University of Bristol in England looked at how promises of cash and tickets to events affected students’ studying and learning. Over 10,000 pupils took part in the research. There was an improvement in classwork and homework, but this did not result in better test scores.

Education expert Dr Kevan Collins said good teachers were better than promises of rewards to get children to study, especially for children from low-income families. He added that some pupils have a lot of goals and believe that education is a way of getting what they want out of life, bit there are kids who think that working hard doesn’t make a difference.

He wrote: “What really makes the difference is how students are taught.”

According to the text...

варіанти відповідей

students show better exam results when they are paid for it.

money can't improve students' exam results

parents always pay their children if they get good marks.

all the students who study well are taken to nice trips.

Запитання 3

Read the text and choose the correct answer


Many parents in Britain try to get their kids to study more by giving them money. However it does not help students to get better marks for their exams. Surprisingly, the promise of a trip to a nice place could encourage students to try harder and do better school. Researchers from the University of Bristol in England looked at how promises of cash and tickets to events affected students’ studying and learning. Over 10,000 pupils took part in the research. There was an improvement in classwork and homework, but this did not result in better test scores.

Education expert Dr Kevan Collins said good teachers were better than promises of rewards to get children to study, especially for children from low-income families. He added that some pupils have a lot of goals and believe that education is a way of getting what they want out of life, bit there are kids who think that working hard doesn’t make a difference.

He wrote: “What really makes the difference is how students are taught.”

All the students who took part in the experiment...

варіанти відповідей

went on a trip.

had some improvement in classwork and homework.

were from the University of Bristol

showed better results in tests.

Запитання 4

Read the text and complete it with the sentences

That day Tyler’s class was going to the dinosaur exhibition.

“What shall I put into your lunch box?” mum asked.

Tyler said, “Put some apples and carrots for the lunch, please! ______________________(1)”. Tyler still remembered what happened last year.

_______________________ (2) And everyone got up early to eat their breakfast before going to school. Tyler’s mum packed him a great lunch with apple slices and peanut butter, a slice of bread and cheese.

As lunch started, Tyler walked by the cafeteria and saw hot dogs and French fries. _______________ (3) Instead he bought some candy, French fries, hot dogs and soda. At first he felt fine. He ran around and played with everyone until the bell rang. Soon Tyler was having trouble staying awake in class. He just wanted to put his head down and take a nap.

After school, Tyler felt he didn’t have his usual energy! The teacher asked: “Did you eat your lunch?” That is when Tyler said that he had skipped his lunch and bought some candy and fatty foods instead. The teacher said that it was okay to eat these foods once in a while but not often. “Wow”, Tyler said, “I didn’t know that eating all this high-fat and high-sugar foods together and skipping my fruits and vegetables would make me feel so sleepy!”

_______________(4) Now, he always makes sure to have a healthy lunch that gives him all the energy he needs to learn and play and have lots of fun!

варіанти відповідей

He decided he didn’t want to eat his lunch.

That is how he learned how to important a healthy lunch is for our bodies.

I want to be full of energy after school!

It was a school day for the explorers when all the class was going to the chocolate factory.

Запитання 5

Read the text and complete it with the sentences



That day Tyler’s class was going to the dinosaur exhibition.

“What shall I put into your lunch box?” mum asked.

Tyler said, “Put some apples and carrots for the lunch, please! ______________________(1)”. Tyler still remembered what happened last year.

_______________________ (2) And everyone got up early to eat their breakfast before going to school. Tyler’s mum packed him a great lunch with apple slices and peanut butter, a slice of bread and cheese.

As lunch started, Tyler walked by the cafeteria and saw hot dogs and French fries. _______________ (3) Instead he bought some candy, French fries, hot dogs and soda. At first he felt fine. He ran around and played with everyone until the bell rang. Soon Tyler was having trouble staying awake in class. He just wanted to put his head down and take a nap.

After school, Tyler felt he didn’t have his usual energy! The teacher asked: “Did you eat your lunch?” That is when Tyler said that he had skipped his lunch and bought some candy and fatty foods instead. The teacher said that it was okay to eat these foods once in a while but not often. “Wow”, Tyler said, “I didn’t know that eating all this high-fat and high-sugar foods together and skipping my fruits and vegetables would make me feel so sleepy!”

_______________(4) Now, he always makes sure to have a healthy lunch that gives him all the energy he needs to learn and play and have lots of fun!

варіанти відповідей

He decided he didn’t want to eat his lunch.

That is how he learned how to important a healthy lunch is for our bodies.

I want to be full of energy after school!

It was a school day for the explorers when all the class was going to the chocolate factory.

Запитання 6

Read the text and complete it with the sentences



That day Tyler’s class was going to the dinosaur exhibition.

“What shall I put into your lunch box?” mum asked.

Tyler said, “Put some apples and carrots for the lunch, please! ______________________(1)”. Tyler still remembered what happened last year.

_______________________ (2) And everyone got up early to eat their breakfast before going to school. Tyler’s mum packed him a great lunch with apple slices and peanut butter, a slice of bread and cheese.

As lunch started, Tyler walked by the cafeteria and saw hot dogs and French fries. _______________ (3) Instead he bought some candy, French fries, hot dogs and soda. At first he felt fine. He ran around and played with everyone until the bell rang. Soon Tyler was having trouble staying awake in class. He just wanted to put his head down and take a nap.

After school, Tyler felt he didn’t have his usual energy! The teacher asked: “Did you eat your lunch?” That is when Tyler said that he had skipped his lunch and bought some candy and fatty foods instead. The teacher said that it was okay to eat these foods once in a while but not often. “Wow”, Tyler said, “I didn’t know that eating all this high-fat and high-sugar foods together and skipping my fruits and vegetables would make me feel so sleepy!”

_______________(4) Now, he always makes sure to have a healthy lunch that gives him all the energy he needs to learn and play and have lots of fun!

варіанти відповідей

He decided he didn’t want to eat his lunch.

That is how he learned how to important a healthy lunch is for our bodies.

I want to be full of energy after school!

It was a school day for the explorers when all the class was going to the chocolate factory.

Запитання 7

Read the text and complete it with the sentences



That day Tyler’s class was going to the dinosaur exhibition.

“What shall I put into your lunch box?” mum asked.

Tyler said, “Put some apples and carrots for the lunch, please! ______________________(1)”. Tyler still remembered what happened last year.

_______________________ (2) And everyone got up early to eat their breakfast before going to school. Tyler’s mum packed him a great lunch with apple slices and peanut butter, a slice of bread and cheese.

As lunch started, Tyler walked by the cafeteria and saw hot dogs and French fries. _______________ (3) Instead he bought some candy, French fries, hot dogs and soda. At first he felt fine. He ran around and played with everyone until the bell rang. Soon Tyler was having trouble staying awake in class. He just wanted to put his head down and take a nap.

After school, Tyler felt he didn’t have his usual energy! The teacher asked: “Did you eat your lunch?” That is when Tyler said that he had skipped his lunch and bought some candy and fatty foods instead. The teacher said that it was okay to eat these foods once in a while but not often. “Wow”, Tyler said, “I didn’t know that eating all this high-fat and high-sugar foods together and skipping my fruits and vegetables would make me feel so sleepy!”

_______________(4) Now, he always makes sure to have a healthy lunch that gives him all the energy he needs to learn and play and have lots of fun!

варіанти відповідей

He decided he didn’t want to eat his lunch.

That is how he learned how to important a healthy lunch is for our bodies.

I want to be full of energy after school!

It was a school day for the explorers when all the class was going to the chocolate factory.

Запитання 8

Read the text and choose the correct answer


Many parents in Britain try to get their kids to study more by giving them money. However it does not help students to get better marks for their exams. Surprisingly, the promise of a trip to a nice place could encourage students to try harder and do better school. Researchers from the University of Bristol in England looked at how promises of cash and tickets to events affected students’ studying and learning. Over 10,000 pupils took part in the research. There was an improvement in classwork and homework, but this did not result in better test scores.

Education expert Dr Kevan Collins said good teachers were better than promises of rewards to get children to study, especially for children from low-income families. He added that some pupils have a lot of goals and believe that education is a way of getting what they want out of life, bit there are kids who think that working hard doesn’t make a difference.

He wrote: “What really makes the difference is how students are taught.”

Dr Kevan Collins...

варіанти відповідей

is a teacher.

believes that good teachers are more important than promises of rewards.

says that most children are determined.

doesn't think a method of teaching makes difference.

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