Семестрова контрольна робота з читання

Додано: 2 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 904 рази
24 запитання
Запитання 1

Read the text and do the tasks.

Thomas Alva Edison

The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking "Why?" He was always trying to learn how things worked or how they were made. The boy's education was limited to three months in the public school of Port Huron, Michigan. He started work in 1859 when he was only twelve. Young Edison began to travel on one of the trains between Port Huron and Detroit. He sold fruit, sweets and cakes to the passengers. The hours that he had to wait at Detroit before starting' back home, he spent in the library reading technical books. Several years later, in 1863, Edison learned telegraphy and he became a telegraph operator. He was soon one of the fastest operators in a large telegraph company in Boston. He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it. Night after night he read “The Book of Experiments”, by Michael Faraday, the inventor of the electric generator, in the hope that this would help him to solve his problems. He did not sleep more than four hours a night and sometimes he did not go to bed at all. He often did not even find time for breakfast. "Aren't you going to stop to eat your breakfast?" his landlady once asked him. "No", he answered, "I've got so much to do, and life is short". After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new kind. This was his first important invention. Edison was advised to go to New York where the opportunities were greater. He did so, but when he reached New York in 1869, he had no money left at all. "I had to walk in the streets all night because I hadn't the price of bed, and in the morning nothing to buy breakfast with", he said. But soon he opened a small workshop. In 1867 he had two inventions. One of Edison's greatest inventions was the gramophone, or the "phonograph", as he called it, which repeated his words. He told his assistants that this was the beginning. The time would come, he said, when this new instrument would record music. "It will play symphonies and whole operas, the world will hear again the great singers who are no longer living". Another of Edison's inventions was the electric lamp. Edison believed that only work could bring success. He continued active work until only eighteen days before his death in 1931, at the age of eighty-seven. That evening, Americans all over the country turned off their electric lights for a few moments — the light which, Edison had given them. 

Where was Edison born?

варіанти відповідей

in New York

in Detroit

in Ohio

Запитання 2

Read the text and do the tasks.

Thomas Alva Edison

The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking "Why?" He was always trying to learn how things worked or how they were made. The boy's education was limited to three months in the public school of Port Huron, Michigan. He started work in 1859 when he was only twelve. Young Edison began to travel on one of the trains between Port Huron and Detroit. He sold fruit, sweets and cakes to the passengers. The hours that he had to wait at Detroit before starting' back home, he spent in the library reading technical books. Several years later, in 1863, Edison learned telegraphy and he became a telegraph operator. He was soon one of the fastest operators in a large telegraph company in Boston. He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it. Night after night he read “The Book of Experiments”, by Michael Faraday, the inventor of the electric generator, in the hope that this would help him to solve his problems. He did not sleep more than four hours a night and sometimes he did not go to bed at all. He often did not even find time for breakfast. "Aren't you going to stop to eat your breakfast?" his landlady once asked him. "No", he answered, "I've got so much to do, and life is short". After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new kind. This was his first important invention. Edison was advised to go to New York where the opportunities were greater. He did so, but when he reached New York in 1869, he had no money left at all. "I had to walk in the streets all night because I hadn't the price of bed, and in the morning nothing to buy breakfast with", he said. But soon he opened a small workshop. In 1867 he had two inventions. One of Edison's greatest inventions was the gramophone, or the "phonograph", as he called it, which repeated his words. He told his assistants that this was the beginning. The time would come, he said, when this new instrument would record music. "It will play symphonies and whole operas, the world will hear again the great singers who are no longer living". Another of Edison's inventions was the electric lamp. Edison believed that only work could bring success. He continued active work until only eighteen days before his death in 1931, at the age of eighty-seven. That evening, Americans all over the country turned off their electric lights for a few moments — the light which, Edison had given them. 

When did he start work at the railway?

варіанти відповідей

at the age of fifty

at the age of 12 

at the age of twenty

Запитання 3

Read the text and do the tasks.

Thomas Alva Edison

The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking "Why?" He was always trying to learn how things worked or how they were made. The boy's education was limited to three months in the public school of Port Huron, Michigan. He started work in 1859 when he was only twelve. Young Edison began to travel on one of the trains between Port Huron and Detroit. He sold fruit, sweets and cakes to the passengers. The hours that he had to wait at Detroit before starting' back home, he spent in the library reading technical books. Several years later, in 1863, Edison learned telegraphy and he became a telegraph operator. He was soon one of the fastest operators in a large telegraph company in Boston. He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it. Night after night he read “The Book of Experiments”, by Michael Faraday, the inventor of the electric generator, in the hope that this would help him to solve his problems. He did not sleep more than four hours a night and sometimes he did not go to bed at all. He often did not even find time for breakfast. "Aren't you going to stop to eat your breakfast?" his landlady once asked him. "No", he answered, "I've got so much to do, and life is short". After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new kind. This was his first important invention. Edison was advised to go to New York where the opportunities were greater. He did so, but when he reached New York in 1869, he had no money left at all. "I had to walk in the streets all night because I hadn't the price of bed, and in the morning nothing to buy breakfast with", he said. But soon he opened a small workshop. In 1867 he had two inventions. One of Edison's greatest inventions was the gramophone, or the "phonograph", as he called it, which repeated his words. He told his assistants that this was the beginning. The time would come, he said, when this new instrument would record music. "It will play symphonies and whole operas, the world will hear again the great singers who are no longer living". Another of Edison's inventions was the electric lamp. Edison believed that only work could bring success. He continued active work until only eighteen days before his death in 1931, at the age of eighty-seven. That evening, Americans all over the country turned off their electric lights for a few moments — the light which, Edison had given them.

What did young Edison do when he had to wait at Detroit before starting back home?

варіанти відповідей

spent hours in the library

sold fruit, sweets and cakes

walked around the city

Запитання 4

Read the text and do the tasks.

Thomas Alva Edison

The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking "Why?" He was always trying to learn how things worked or how they were made. The boy's education was limited to three months in the public school of Port Huron, Michigan. He started work in 1859 when he was only twelve. Young Edison began to travel on one of the trains between Port Huron and Detroit. He sold fruit, sweets and cakes to the passengers. The hours that he had to wait at Detroit before starting' back home, he spent in the library reading technical books. Several years later, in 1863, Edison learned telegraphy and he became a telegraph operator. He was soon one of the fastest operators in a large telegraph company in Boston. He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it. Night after night he read “The Book of Experiments”, by Michael Faraday, the inventor of the electric generator, in the hope that this would help him to solve his problems. He did not sleep more than four hours a night and sometimes he did not go to bed at all. He often did not even find time for breakfast. "Aren't you going to stop to eat your breakfast?" his landlady once asked him. "No", he answered, "I've got so much to do, and life is short". After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new kind. This was his first important invention. Edison was advised to go to New York where the opportunities were greater. He did so, but when he reached New York in 1869, he had no money left at all. "I had to walk in the streets all night because I hadn't the price of bed, and in the morning nothing to buy breakfast with", he said. But soon he opened a small workshop. In 1867 he had two inventions. One of Edison's greatest inventions was the gramophone, or the "phonograph", as he called it, which repeated his words. He told his assistants that this was the beginning. The time would come, he said, when this new instrument would record music. "It will play symphonies and whole operas, the world will hear again the great singers who are no longer living". Another of Edison's inventions was the electric lamp. Edison believed that only work could bring success. He continued active work until only eighteen days before his death in 1931, at the age of eighty-seven. That evening, Americans all over the country turned off their electric lights for a few moments — the light which, Edison had given them.

What did Edison want to improve when he became a telegraph operator?

варіанти відповідей

railway communication

streetlights in New York

a telegraph system

Запитання 5

Read the text and do the tasks.

Thomas Alva Edison

The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking "Why?" He was always trying to learn how things worked or how they were made. The boy's education was limited to three months in the public school of Port Huron, Michigan. He started work in 1859 when he was only twelve. Young Edison began to travel on one of the trains between Port Huron and Detroit. He sold fruit, sweets and cakes to the passengers. The hours that he had to wait at Detroit before starting' back home, he spent in the library reading technical books. Several years later, in 1863, Edison learned telegraphy and he became a telegraph operator. He was soon one of the fastest operators in a large telegraph company in Boston. He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it. Night after night he read “The Book of Experiments”, by Michael Faraday, the inventor of the electric generator, in the hope that this would help him to solve his problems. He did not sleep more than four hours a night and sometimes he did not go to bed at all. He often did not even find time for breakfast. "Aren't you going to stop to eat your breakfast?" his landlady once asked him. "No", he answered, "I've got so much to do, and life is short". After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new kind. This was his first important invention. Edison was advised to go to New York where the opportunities were greater. He did so, but when he reached New York in 1869, he had no money left at all. "I had to walk in the streets all night because I hadn't the price of bed, and in the morning nothing to buy breakfast with", he said. But soon he opened a small workshop. In 1867 he had two inventions. One of Edison's greatest inventions was the gramophone, or the "phonograph", as he called it, which repeated his words. He told his assistants that this was the beginning. The time would come, he said, when this new instrument would record music. "It will play symphonies and whole operas, the world will hear again the great singers who are no longer living". Another of Edison's inventions was the electric lamp. Edison believed that only work could bring success. He continued active work until only eighteen days before his death in 1931, at the age of eighty-seven. That evening, Americans all over the country turned off their electric lights for a few moments — the light which, Edison had given them.

What was Edison's first invention?

варіанти відповідей

a phonograph

a transmitter of a new kind

a motion picture projector

Запитання 6

Read the text and do the tasks.

Thomas Alva Edison

The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking "Why?" He was always trying to learn how things worked or how they were made. The boy's education was limited to three months in the public school of Port Huron, Michigan. He started work in 1859 when he was only twelve. Young Edison began to travel on one of the trains between Port Huron and Detroit. He sold fruit, sweets and cakes to the passengers. The hours that he had to wait at Detroit before starting' back home, he spent in the library reading technical books. Several years later, in 1863, Edison learned telegraphy and he became a telegraph operator. He was soon one of the fastest operators in a large telegraph company in Boston. He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it. Night after night he read “The Book of Experiments”, by Michael Faraday, the inventor of the electric generator, in the hope that this would help him to solve his problems. He did not sleep more than four hours a night and sometimes he did not go to bed at all. He often did not even find time for breakfast. "Aren't you going to stop to eat your breakfast?" his landlady once asked him. "No", he answered, "I've got so much to do, and life is short". After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new kind. This was his first important invention. Edison was advised to go to New York where the opportunities were greater. He did so, but when he reached New York in 1869, he had no money left at all. "I had to walk in the streets all night because I hadn't the price of bed, and in the morning nothing to buy breakfast with", he said. But soon he opened a small workshop. In 1867 he had two inventions. One of Edison's greatest inventions was the gramophone, or the "phonograph", as he called it, which repeated his words. He told his assistants that this was the beginning. The time would come, he said, when this new instrument would record music. "It will play symphonies and whole operas, the world will hear again the great singers who are no longer living". Another of Edison's inventions was the electric lamp. Edison believed that only work could bring success. He continued active work until only eighteen days before his death in 1931, at the age of eighty-seven. That evening, Americans all over the country turned off their electric lights for a few moments — the light which, Edison had given them.

What did Americans do the evening he died?

варіанти відповідей

came to his place

turned off the electric lights

organized meetings

Запитання 7

Read the text and do the tasks.

Thomas Alva Edison

The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking "Why?" He was always trying to learn how things worked or how they were made. The boy's education was limited to three months in the public school of Port Huron, Michigan. He started work in 1859 when he was only twelve. Young Edison began to travel on one of the trains between Port Huron and Detroit. He sold fruit, sweets and cakes to the passengers. The hours that he had to wait at Detroit before starting' back home, he spent in the library reading technical books. Several years later, in 1863, Edison learned telegraphy and he became a telegraph operator. He was soon one of the fastest operators in a large telegraph company in Boston. He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it. Night after night he read “The Book of Experiments”, by Michael Faraday, the inventor of the electric generator, in the hope that this would help him to solve his problems. He did not sleep more than four hours a night and sometimes he did not go to bed at all. He often did not even find time for breakfast. "Aren't you going to stop to eat your breakfast?" his landlady once asked him. "No", he answered, "I've got so much to do, and life is short". After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new kind. This was his first important invention. Edison was advised to go to New York where the opportunities were greater. He did so, but when he reached New York in 1869, he had no money left at all. "I had to walk in the streets all night because I hadn't the price of bed, and in the morning nothing to buy breakfast with", he said. But soon he opened a small workshop. In 1867 he had two inventions. One of Edison's greatest inventions was the gramophone, or the "phonograph", as he called it, which repeated his words. He told his assistants that this was the beginning. The time would come, he said, when this new instrument would record music. "It will play symphonies and whole operas, the world will hear again the great singers who are no longer living". Another of Edison's inventions was the electric lamp. Edison believed that only work could bring success. He continued active work until only eighteen days before his death in 1931, at the age of eighty-seven. That evening, Americans all over the country turned off their electric lights for a few moments — the light which, Edison had given them.

He was one of those children who are always asking "Why?"

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

Read the text and do the tasks.

Thomas Alva Edison

The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking "Why?" He was always trying to learn how things worked or how they were made. The boy's education was limited to three months in the public school of Port Huron, Michigan. He started work in 1859 when he was only twelve. Young Edison began to travel on one of the trains between Port Huron and Detroit. He sold fruit, sweets and cakes to the passengers. The hours that he had to wait at Detroit before starting' back home, he spent in the library reading technical books. Several years later, in 1863, Edison learned telegraphy and he became a telegraph operator. He was soon one of the fastest operators in a large telegraph company in Boston. He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it. Night after night he read “The Book of Experiments”, by Michael Faraday, the inventor of the electric generator, in the hope that this would help him to solve his problems. He did not sleep more than four hours a night and sometimes he did not go to bed at all. He often did not even find time for breakfast. "Aren't you going to stop to eat your breakfast?" his landlady once asked him. "No", he answered, "I've got so much to do, and life is short". After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new kind. This was his first important invention. Edison was advised to go to New York where the opportunities were greater. He did so, but when he reached New York in 1869, he had no money left at all. "I had to walk in the streets all night because I hadn't the price of bed, and in the morning nothing to buy breakfast with", he said. But soon he opened a small workshop. In 1867 he had two inventions. One of Edison's greatest inventions was the gramophone, or the "phonograph", as he called it, which repeated his words. He told his assistants that this was the beginning. The time would come, he said, when this new instrument would record music. "It will play symphonies and whole operas, the world will hear again the great singers who are no longer living". Another of Edison's inventions was the electric lamp. Edison believed that only work could bring success. He continued active work until only eighteen days before his death in 1931, at the age of eighty-seven. That evening, Americans all over the country turned off their electric lights for a few moments — the light which, Edison had given them.

Edison got his education in a private school in Detroit.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

Read the text and do the tasks.

Thomas Alva Edison

The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking "Why?" He was always trying to learn how things worked or how they were made. The boy's education was limited to three months in the public school of Port Huron, Michigan. He started work in 1859 when he was only twelve. Young Edison began to travel on one of the trains between Port Huron and Detroit. He sold fruit, sweets and cakes to the passengers. The hours that he had to wait at Detroit before starting' back home, he spent in the library reading technical books. Several years later, in 1863, Edison learned telegraphy and he became a telegraph operator. He was soon one of the fastest operators in a large telegraph company in Boston. He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it. Night after night he read “The Book of Experiments”, by Michael Faraday, the inventor of the electric generator, in the hope that this would help him to solve his problems. He did not sleep more than four hours a night and sometimes he did not go to bed at all. He often did not even find time for breakfast. "Aren't you going to stop to eat your breakfast?" his landlady once asked him. "No", he answered, "I've got so much to do, and life is short". After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new kind. This was his first important invention. Edison was advised to go to New York where the opportunities were greater. He did so, but when he reached New York in 1869, he had no money left at all. "I had to walk in the streets all night because I hadn't the price of bed, and in the morning nothing to buy breakfast with", he said. But soon he opened a small workshop. In 1867 he had two inventions. One of Edison's greatest inventions was the gramophone, or the "phonograph", as he called it, which repeated his words. He told his assistants that this was the beginning. The time would come, he said, when this new instrument would record music. "It will play symphonies and whole operas, the world will hear again the great singers who are no longer living". Another of Edison's inventions was the electric lamp. Edison believed that only work could bring success. He continued active work until only eighteen days before his death in 1931, at the age of eighty-seven. That evening, Americans all over the country turned off their electric lights for a few moments — the light which, Edison had given them.

He started work at the age of twelve when the first telegraph company  appeared in the USA

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10

Read the text and do the tasks.

Thomas Alva Edison

The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking "Why?" He was always trying to learn how things worked or how they were made. The boy's education was limited to three months in the public school of Port Huron, Michigan. He started work in 1859 when he was only twelve. Young Edison began to travel on one of the trains between Port Huron and Detroit. He sold fruit, sweets and cakes to the passengers. The hours that he had to wait at Detroit before starting' back home, he spent in the library reading technical books. Several years later, in 1863, Edison learned telegraphy and he became a telegraph operator. He was soon one of the fastest operators in a large telegraph company in Boston. He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it. Night after night he read “The Book of Experiments”, by Michael Faraday, the inventor of the electric generator, in the hope that this would help him to solve his problems. He did not sleep more than four hours a night and sometimes he did not go to bed at all. He often did not even find time for breakfast. "Aren't you going to stop to eat your breakfast?" his landlady once asked him. "No", he answered, "I've got so much to do, and life is short". After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new kind. This was his first important invention. Edison was advised to go to New York where the opportunities were greater. He did so, but when he reached New York in 1869, he had no money left at all. "I had to walk in the streets all night because I hadn't the price of bed, and in the morning nothing to buy breakfast with", he said. But soon he opened a small workshop. In 1867 he had two inventions. One of Edison's greatest inventions was the gramophone, or the "phonograph", as he called it, which repeated his words. He told his assistants that this was the beginning. The time would come, he said, when this new instrument would record music. "It will play symphonies and whole operas, the world will hear again the great singers who are no longer living". Another of Edison's inventions was the electric lamp. Edison believed that only work could bring success. He continued active work until only eighteen days before his death in 1931, at the age of eighty-seven. That evening, Americans all over the country turned off their electric lights for a few moments — the light which, Edison had given them.

He sold newspapers to the passengers on one of the trains.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11

Read the text and do the tasks.

Thomas Alva Edison

The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking "Why?" He was always trying to learn how things worked or how they were made. The boy's education was limited to three months in the public school of Port Huron, Michigan. He started work in 1859 when he was only twelve. Young Edison began to travel on one of the trains between Port Huron and Detroit. He sold fruit, sweets and cakes to the passengers. The hours that he had to wait at Detroit before starting' back home, he spent in the library reading technical books. Several years later, in 1863, Edison learned telegraphy and he became a telegraph operator. He was soon one of the fastest operators in a large telegraph company in Boston. He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it. Night after night he read “The Book of Experiments”, by Michael Faraday, the inventor of the electric generator, in the hope that this would help him to solve his problems. He did not sleep more than four hours a night and sometimes he did not go to bed at all. He often did not even find time for breakfast. "Aren't you going to stop to eat your breakfast?" his landlady once asked him. "No", he answered, "I've got so much to do, and life is short". After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new kind. This was his first important invention. Edison was advised to go to New York where the opportunities were greater. He did so, but when he reached New York in 1869, he had no money left at all. "I had to walk in the streets all night because I hadn't the price of bed, and in the morning nothing to buy breakfast with", he said. But soon he opened a small workshop. In 1867 he had two inventions. One of Edison's greatest inventions was the gramophone, or the "phonograph", as he called it, which repeated his words. He told his assistants that this was the beginning. The time would come, he said, when this new instrument would record music. "It will play symphonies and whole operas, the world will hear again the great singers who are no longer living". Another of Edison's inventions was the electric lamp. Edison believed that only work could bring success. He continued active work until only eighteen days before his death in 1931, at the age of eighty-seven. That evening, Americans all over the country turned off their electric lights for a few moments — the light which, Edison had given them.

He learned telegraphy and became one of the fastest operators in a telegraph company.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 12

Read the text and do the tasks.

Thomas Alva Edison

The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking "Why?" He was always trying to learn how things worked or how they were made. The boy's education was limited to three months in the public school of Port Huron, Michigan. He started work in 1859 when he was only twelve. Young Edison began to travel on one of the trains between Port Huron and Detroit. He sold fruit, sweets and cakes to the passengers. The hours that he had to wait at Detroit before starting' back home, he spent in the library reading technical books. Several years later, in 1863, Edison learned telegraphy and he became a telegraph operator. He was soon one of the fastest operators in a large telegraph company in Boston. He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it. Night after night he read “The Book of Experiments”, by Michael Faraday, the inventor of the electric generator, in the hope that this would help him to solve his problems. He did not sleep more than four hours a night and sometimes he did not go to bed at all. He often did not even find time for breakfast. "Aren't you going to stop to eat your breakfast?" his landlady once asked him. "No", he answered, "I've got so much to do, and life is short". After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new kind. This was his first important invention. Edison was advised to go to New York where the opportunities were greater. He did so, but when he reached New York in 1869, he had no money left at all. "I had to walk in the streets all night because I hadn't the price of bed, and in the morning nothing to buy breakfast with", he said. But soon he opened a small workshop. In 1867 he had two inventions. One of Edison's greatest inventions was the gramophone, or the "phonograph", as he called it, which repeated his words. He told his assistants that this was the beginning. The time would come, he said, when this new instrument would record music. "It will play symphonies and whole operas, the world will hear again the great singers who are no longer living". Another of Edison's inventions was the electric lamp. Edison believed that only work could bring success. He continued active work until only eighteen days before his death in 1931, at the age of eighty-seven. That evening, Americans all over the country turned off their electric lights for a few moments — the light which, Edison had given them.

Edison went to New York because the opportunities were greater there.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 13

The valuable fence.

The Greggs were coming back from their first trip to Europe. On board "The Queen Elizabeth" they got acquainted with a Frenchman. His English was good and soon they got quite friendly. The Frenchman told the Greggs that he was an artist and his name was Lautisse. He asked them to keep it in a secret. He did not like publicity. The Greggs didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse. So they talked to the ship's librarian and found out that their new friend was the world's famous artist whose pictures were very valuable and expensive. The librarian found a book with a biographical sketch and a photograph. The sketch said that the artist had retired at fifty-three to a villa on the Rivera. He said he would never touch a brush again. Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York. Mrs. Greggs suggested that he would come to their place for the weekend. The artist accepted the invitation and made them promise not to invite any other people to their place and not to speak about art. At the appointed time Lautisse arrived at the Greggs and they were happy to see him. Mr. Greggs and his wife did their best to entertain the famous artist, but he did not want to go for a swim or walk in the wood. He wanted to sit and relax. The next morning Mr. Greggs got up very early as he wanted to paint the fence around the vegetable garden. He took a brush and was about to begin painting when Lautisse approached him, as soon as he saw the brush, he seized it from Mr. Greggs and began painting the fence. The same day Lautisse started for New York. Some correspondents found out about Lautisse's stay in New York. An article was published in one of newspapers saying: "Mr. Lautisse has spent all his time in New York except for the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greggs. He met the Greggs on the ship coming from Europe". The day after the story appeared, two reporters came to the Greggs' place. They wanted to know everything about the stay of the famous artist at their place. They were shown the fence painted and signed by Lautisse. A long article, headlined "Lautisse paints again", was published the next day. The fence turned out to be a valuable thing. It was sold for a big sum of money. It was taken to a museum. The fence was not worth it.


Where were the Greggs coming from?

варіанти відповідей

from their trip to Japan

from their trip to Africa

from their trip to Europe

Запитання 14

The valuable fence.

The Greggs were coming back from their first trip to Europe. On board "The Queen Elizabeth" they got acquainted with a Frenchman. His English was good and soon they got quite friendly. The Frenchman told the Greggs that he was an artist and his name was Lautisse. He asked them to keep it in a secret. He did not like publicity. The Greggs didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse. So they talked to the ship's librarian and found out that their new friend was the world's famous artist whose pictures were very valuable and expensive. The librarian found a book with a biographical sketch and a photograph. The sketch said that the artist had retired at fifty-three to a villa on the Rivera. He said he would never touch a brush again. Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York. Mrs. Greggs suggested that he would come to their place for the weekend. The artist accepted the invitation and made them promise not to invite any other people to their place and not to speak about art. At the appointed time Lautisse arrived at the Greggs and they were happy to see him. Mr. Greggs and his wife did their best to entertain the famous artist, but he did not want to go for a swim or walk in the wood. He wanted to sit and relax. The next morning Mr. Greggs got up very early as he wanted to paint the fence around the vegetable garden. He took a brush and was about to begin painting when Lautisse approached him, as soon as he saw the brush, he seized it from Mr. Greggs and began painting the fence. The same day Lautisse started for New York. Some correspondents found out about Lautisse's stay in New York. An article was published in one of newspapers saying: "Mr. Lautisse has spent all his time in New York except for the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greggs. He met the Greggs on the ship coming from Europe". The day after the story appeared, two reporters came to the Greggs' place. They wanted to know everything about the stay of the famous artist at their place. They were shown the fence painted and signed by Lautisse. A long article, headlined "Lautisse paints again", was published the next day. The fence turned out to be a valuable thing. It was sold for a big sum of money. It was taken to a museum. The fence was not worth it.


How did the Greggs learn the information about Lautisse?

варіанти відповідей

from the artist himself

From the newspaper article

from the ship's librarian

Запитання 15

The valuable fence.

The Greggs were coming back from their first trip to Europe. On board "The Queen Elizabeth" they got acquainted with a Frenchman. His English was good and soon they got quite friendly. The Frenchman told the Greggs that he was an artist and his name was Lautisse. He asked them to keep it in a secret. He did not like publicity. The Greggs didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse. So they talked to the ship's librarian and found out that their new friend was the world's famous artist whose pictures were very valuable and expensive. The librarian found a book with a biographical sketch and a photograph. The sketch said that the artist had retired at fifty-three to a villa on the Rivera. He said he would never touch a brush again. Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York. Mrs. Greggs suggested that he would come to their place for the weekend. The artist accepted the invitation and made them promise not to invite any other people to their place and not to speak about art. At the appointed time Lautisse arrived at the Greggs and they were happy to see him. Mr. Greggs and his wife did their best to entertain the famous artist, but he did not want to go for a swim or walk in the wood. He wanted to sit and relax. The next morning Mr. Greggs got up very early as he wanted to paint the fence around the vegetable garden. He took a brush and was about to begin painting when Lautisse approached him, as soon as he saw the brush, he seized it from Mr. Greggs and began painting the fence. The same day Lautisse started for New York. Some correspondents found out about Lautisse's stay in New York. An article was published in one of newspapers saying: "Mr. Lautisse has spent all his time in New York except for the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greggs. He met the Greggs on the ship coming from Europe". The day after the story appeared, two reporters came to the Greggs' place. They wanted to know everything about the stay of the famous artist at their place. They were shown the fence painted and signed by Lautisse. A long article, headlined "Lautisse paints again", was published the next day. The fence turned out to be a valuable thing. It was sold for a big sum of money. It was taken to a museum. The fence was not worth it.


Where did the Greggs invite their new friend to?

варіанти відповідей

to their place

to their wedding party

to the art gallery

Запитання 16

The valuable fence.

The Greggs were coming back from their first trip to Europe. On board "The Queen Elizabeth" they got acquainted with a Frenchman. His English was good and soon they got quite friendly. The Frenchman told the Greggs that he was an artist and his name was Lautisse. He asked them to keep it in a secret. He did not like publicity. The Greggs didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse. So they talked to the ship's librarian and found out that their new friend was the world's famous artist whose pictures were very valuable and expensive. The librarian found a book with a biographical sketch and a photograph. The sketch said that the artist had retired at fifty-three to a villa on the Rivera. He said he would never touch a brush again. Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York. Mrs. Greggs suggested that he would come to their place for the weekend. The artist accepted the invitation and made them promise not to invite any other people to their place and not to speak about art. At the appointed time Lautisse arrived at the Greggs and they were happy to see him. Mr. Greggs and his wife did their best to entertain the famous artist, but he did not want to go for a swim or walk in the wood. He wanted to sit and relax. The next morning Mr. Greggs got up very early as he wanted to paint the fence around the vegetable garden. He took a brush and was about to begin painting when Lautisse approached him, as soon as he saw the brush, he seized it from Mr. Greggs and began painting the fence. The same day Lautisse started for New York. Some correspondents found out about Lautisse's stay in New York. An article was published in one of newspapers saying: "Mr. Lautisse has spent all his time in New York except for the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greggs. He met the Greggs on the ship coming from Europe". The day after the story appeared, two reporters came to the Greggs' place. They wanted to know everything about the stay of the famous artist at their place. They were shown the fence painted and signed by Lautisse. A long article, headlined "Lautisse paints again", was published the next day. The fence turned out to be a valuable thing. It was sold for a big sum of money. It was taken to a museum. The fence was not worth it.


What did Mr. Greggs want to paint the next morning?

варіанти відповідей

Mrs. Greggs' portrait

the fence around their vegetable garden

the door of his house

Запитання 17

The valuable fence.

The Greggs were coming back from their first trip to Europe. On board "The Queen Elizabeth" they got acquainted with a Frenchman. His English was good and soon they got quite friendly. The Frenchman told the Greggs that he was an artist and his name was Lautisse. He asked them to keep it in a secret. He did not like publicity. The Greggs didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse. So they talked to the ship's librarian and found out that their new friend was the world's famous artist whose pictures were very valuable and expensive. The librarian found a book with a biographical sketch and a photograph. The sketch said that the artist had retired at fifty-three to a villa on the Rivera. He said he would never touch a brush again. Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York. Mrs. Greggs suggested that he would come to their place for the weekend. The artist accepted the invitation and made them promise not to invite any other people to their place and not to speak about art. At the appointed time Lautisse arrived at the Greggs and they were happy to see him. Mr. Greggs and his wife did their best to entertain the famous artist, but he did not want to go for a swim or walk in the wood. He wanted to sit and relax. The next morning Mr. Greggs got up very early as he wanted to paint the fence around the vegetable garden. He took a brush and was about to begin painting when Lautisse approached him, as soon as he saw the brush, he seized it from Mr. Greggs and began painting the fence. The same day Lautisse started for New York. Some correspondents found out about Lautisse's stay in New York. An article was published in one of newspapers saying: "Mr. Lautisse has spent all his time in New York except for the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greggs. He met the Greggs on the ship coming from Europe". The day after the story appeared, two reporters came to the Greggs' place. They wanted to know everything about the stay of the famous artist at their place. They were shown the fence painted and signed by Lautisse. A long article, headlined "Lautisse paints again", was published the next day. The fence turned out to be a valuable thing. It was sold for a big sum of money. It was taken to a museum. The fence was not worth it.


What did the Greggs do with the fence painted by the famous artist?

варіанти відповідей

they kept it in their garden

they gave it to Lautisse

they sold it for a big sum of money

Запитання 18

The valuable fence.

The Greggs were coming back from their first trip to Europe. On board "The Queen Elizabeth" they got acquainted with a Frenchman. His English was good and soon they got quite friendly. The Frenchman told the Greggs that he was an artist and his name was Lautisse. He asked them to keep it in a secret. He did not like publicity. The Greggs didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse. So they talked to the ship's librarian and found out that their new friend was the world's famous artist whose pictures were very valuable and expensive. The librarian found a book with a biographical sketch and a photograph. The sketch said that the artist had retired at fifty-three to a villa on the Rivera. He said he would never touch a brush again. Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York. Mrs. Greggs suggested that he would come to their place for the weekend. The artist accepted the invitation and made them promise not to invite any other people to their place and not to speak about art. At the appointed time Lautisse arrived at the Greggs and they were happy to see him. Mr. Greggs and his wife did their best to entertain the famous artist, but he did not want to go for a swim or walk in the wood. He wanted to sit and relax. The next morning Mr. Greggs got up very early as he wanted to paint the fence around the vegetable garden. He took a brush and was about to begin painting when Lautisse approached him, as soon as he saw the brush, he seized it from Mr. Greggs and began painting the fence. The same day Lautisse started for New York. Some correspondents found out about Lautisse's stay in New York. An article was published in one of newspapers saying: "Mr. Lautisse has spent all his time in New York except for the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greggs. He met the Greggs on the ship coming from Europe". The day after the story appeared, two reporters came to the Greggs' place. They wanted to know everything about the stay of the famous artist at their place. They were shown the fence painted and signed by Lautisse. A long article, headlined "Lautisse paints again", was published the next day. The fence turned out to be a valuable thing. It was sold for a big sum of money. It was taken to a museum. The fence was not worth it.


The famous artist didn't like_______________

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 19

The valuable fence.

The Greggs were coming back from their first trip to Europe. On board "The Queen Elizabeth" they got acquainted with a Frenchman. His English was good and soon they got quite friendly. The Frenchman told the Greggs that he was an artist and his name was Lautisse. He asked them to keep it in a secret. He did not like publicity. The Greggs didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse. So they talked to the ship's librarian and found out that their new friend was the world's famous artist whose pictures were very valuable and expensive. The librarian found a book with a biographical sketch and a photograph. The sketch said that the artist had retired at fifty-three to a villa on the Rivera. He said he would never touch a brush again. Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York. Mrs. Greggs suggested that he would come to their place for the weekend. The artist accepted the invitation and made them promise not to invite any other people to their place and not to speak about art. At the appointed time Lautisse arrived at the Greggs and they were happy to see him. Mr. Greggs and his wife did their best to entertain the famous artist, but he did not want to go for a swim or walk in the wood. He wanted to sit and relax. The next morning Mr. Greggs got up very early as he wanted to paint the fence around the vegetable garden. He took a brush and was about to begin painting when Lautisse approached him, as soon as he saw the brush, he seized it from Mr. Greggs and began painting the fence. The same day Lautisse started for New York. Some correspondents found out about Lautisse's stay in New York. An article was published in one of newspapers saying: "Mr. Lautisse has spent all his time in New York except for the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greggs. He met the Greggs on the ship coming from Europe". The day after the story appeared, two reporters came to the Greggs' place. They wanted to know everything about the stay of the famous artist at their place. They were shown the fence painted and signed by Lautisse. A long article, headlined "Lautisse paints again", was published the next day. The fence turned out to be a valuable thing. It was sold for a big sum of money. It was taken to a museum. The fence was not worth it.


The Greggs get acquainted with a Frenchman

варіанти відповідей

on board the ship

at their place

at the British Museum

Запитання 20

The valuable fence.

The Greggs were coming back from their first trip to Europe. On board "The Queen Elizabeth" they got acquainted with a Frenchman. His English was good and soon they got quite friendly. The Frenchman told the Greggs that he was an artist and his name was Lautisse. He asked them to keep it in a secret. He did not like publicity. The Greggs didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse. So they talked to the ship's librarian and found out that their new friend was the world's famous artist whose pictures were very valuable and expensive. The librarian found a book with a biographical sketch and a photograph. The sketch said that the artist had retired at fifty-three to a villa on the Rivera. He said he would never touch a brush again. Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York. Mrs. Greggs suggested that he would come to their place for the weekend. The artist accepted the invitation and made them promise not to invite any other people to their place and not to speak about art. At the appointed time Lautisse arrived at the Greggs and they were happy to see him. Mr. Greggs and his wife did their best to entertain the famous artist, but he did not want to go for a swim or walk in the wood. He wanted to sit and relax. The next morning Mr. Greggs got up very early as he wanted to paint the fence around the vegetable garden. He took a brush and was about to begin painting when Lautisse approached him, as soon as he saw the brush, he seized it from Mr. Greggs and began painting the fence. The same day Lautisse started for New York. Some correspondents found out about Lautisse's stay in New York. An article was published in one of newspapers saying: "Mr. Lautisse has spent all his time in New York except for the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greggs. He met the Greggs on the ship coming from Europe". The day after the story appeared, two reporters came to the Greggs' place. They wanted to know everything about the stay of the famous artist at their place. They were shown the fence painted and signed by Lautisse. A long article, headlined "Lautisse paints again", was published the next day. The fence turned out to be a valuable thing. It was sold for a big sum of money. It was taken to a museum. The fence was not worth it.


Lautisse asked them to keep his name a secret because:

варіанти відповідей

he didn't like publicity

he was afraid of the police

he was a brave person

Запитання 21

The valuable fence.

The Greggs were coming back from their first trip to Europe. On board "The Queen Elizabeth" they got acquainted with a Frenchman. His English was good and soon they got quite friendly. The Frenchman told the Greggs that he was an artist and his name was Lautisse. He asked them to keep it in a secret. He did not like publicity. The Greggs didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse. So they talked to the ship's librarian and found out that their new friend was the world's famous artist whose pictures were very valuable and expensive. The librarian found a book with a biographical sketch and a photograph. The sketch said that the artist had retired at fifty-three to a villa on the Rivera. He said he would never touch a brush again. Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York. Mrs. Greggs suggested that he would come to their place for the weekend. The artist accepted the invitation and made them promise not to invite any other people to their place and not to speak about art. At the appointed time Lautisse arrived at the Greggs and they were happy to see him. Mr. Greggs and his wife did their best to entertain the famous artist, but he did not want to go for a swim or walk in the wood. He wanted to sit and relax. The next morning Mr. Greggs got up very early as he wanted to paint the fence around the vegetable garden. He took a brush and was about to begin painting when Lautisse approached him, as soon as he saw the brush, he seized it from Mr. Greggs and began painting the fence. The same day Lautisse started for New York. Some correspondents found out about Lautisse's stay in New York. An article was published in one of newspapers saying: "Mr. Lautisse has spent all his time in New York except for the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greggs. He met the Greggs on the ship coming from Europe". The day after the story appeared, two reporters came to the Greggs' place. They wanted to know everything about the stay of the famous artist at their place. They were shown the fence painted and signed by Lautisse. A long article, headlined "Lautisse paints again", was published the next day. The fence turned out to be a valuable thing. It was sold for a big sum of money. It was taken to a museum. The fence was not worth it.


The Greggs learned from the sketch in the book that

варіанти відповідей

Lautisse had lost all his money

Lautisse had retired and promised not to take brush again

Lautisse had married a girl younger than he was

Запитання 22

The valuable fence.

The Greggs were coming back from their first trip to Europe. On board "The Queen Elizabeth" they got acquainted with a Frenchman. His English was good and soon they got quite friendly. The Frenchman told the Greggs that he was an artist and his name was Lautisse. He asked them to keep it in a secret. He did not like publicity. The Greggs didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse. So they talked to the ship's librarian and found out that their new friend was the world's famous artist whose pictures were very valuable and expensive. The librarian found a book with a biographical sketch and a photograph. The sketch said that the artist had retired at fifty-three to a villa on the Rivera. He said he would never touch a brush again. Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York. Mrs. Greggs suggested that he would come to their place for the weekend. The artist accepted the invitation and made them promise not to invite any other people to their place and not to speak about art. At the appointed time Lautisse arrived at the Greggs and they were happy to see him. Mr. Greggs and his wife did their best to entertain the famous artist, but he did not want to go for a swim or walk in the wood. He wanted to sit and relax. The next morning Mr. Greggs got up very early as he wanted to paint the fence around the vegetable garden. He took a brush and was about to begin painting when Lautisse approached him, as soon as he saw the brush, he seized it from Mr. Greggs and began painting the fence. The same day Lautisse started for New York. Some correspondents found out about Lautisse's stay in New York. An article was published in one of newspapers saying: "Mr. Lautisse has spent all his time in New York except for the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greggs. He met the Greggs on the ship coming from Europe". The day after the story appeared, two reporters came to the Greggs' place. They wanted to know everything about the stay of the famous artist at their place. They were shown the fence painted and signed by Lautisse. A long article, headlined "Lautisse paints again", was published the next day. The fence turned out to be a valuable thing. It was sold for a big sum of money. It was taken to a museum. The fence was not worth it.


The famous artist wanted

варіанти відповідей

to start a new picture

to relax

to help Mrs. Greggs in the vegetable garden

Запитання 23

The valuable fence.

The Greggs were coming back from their first trip to Europe. On board "The Queen Elizabeth" they got acquainted with a Frenchman. His English was good and soon they got quite friendly. The Frenchman told the Greggs that he was an artist and his name was Lautisse. He asked them to keep it in a secret. He did not like publicity. The Greggs didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse. So they talked to the ship's librarian and found out that their new friend was the world's famous artist whose pictures were very valuable and expensive. The librarian found a book with a biographical sketch and a photograph. The sketch said that the artist had retired at fifty-three to a villa on the Rivera. He said he would never touch a brush again. Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York. Mrs. Greggs suggested that he would come to their place for the weekend. The artist accepted the invitation and made them promise not to invite any other people to their place and not to speak about art. At the appointed time Lautisse arrived at the Greggs and they were happy to see him. Mr. Greggs and his wife did their best to entertain the famous artist, but he did not want to go for a swim or walk in the wood. He wanted to sit and relax. The next morning Mr. Greggs got up very early as he wanted to paint the fence around the vegetable garden. He took a brush and was about to begin painting when Lautisse approached him, as soon as he saw the brush, he seized it from Mr. Greggs and began painting the fence. The same day Lautisse started for New York. Some correspondents found out about Lautisse's stay in New York. An article was published in one of newspapers saying: "Mr. Lautisse has spent all his time in New York except for the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greggs. He met the Greggs on the ship coming from Europe". The day after the story appeared, two reporters came to the Greggs' place. They wanted to know everything about the stay of the famous artist at their place. They were shown the fence painted and signed by Lautisse. A long article, headlined "Lautisse paints again", was published the next day. The fence turned out to be a valuable thing. It was sold for a big sum of money. It was taken to a museum. The fence was not worth it.


As soon as the artist saw a brush he

варіанти відповідей

got afraid and ran away

got angry with Mr. Greggs

seized it from Mr. Greggs and began painting the fence

Запитання 24

The valuable fence.

The Greggs were coming back from their first trip to Europe. On board "The Queen Elizabeth" they got acquainted with a Frenchman. His English was good and soon they got quite friendly. The Frenchman told the Greggs that he was an artist and his name was Lautisse. He asked them to keep it in a secret. He did not like publicity. The Greggs didn't know any artist whose name was Lautisse. So they talked to the ship's librarian and found out that their new friend was the world's famous artist whose pictures were very valuable and expensive. The librarian found a book with a biographical sketch and a photograph. The sketch said that the artist had retired at fifty-three to a villa on the Rivera. He said he would never touch a brush again. Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York. Mrs. Greggs suggested that he would come to their place for the weekend. The artist accepted the invitation and made them promise not to invite any other people to their place and not to speak about art. At the appointed time Lautisse arrived at the Greggs and they were happy to see him. Mr. Greggs and his wife did their best to entertain the famous artist, but he did not want to go for a swim or walk in the wood. He wanted to sit and relax. The next morning Mr. Greggs got up very early as he wanted to paint the fence around the vegetable garden. He took a brush and was about to begin painting when Lautisse approached him, as soon as he saw the brush, he seized it from Mr. Greggs and began painting the fence. The same day Lautisse started for New York. Some correspondents found out about Lautisse's stay in New York. An article was published in one of newspapers saying: "Mr. Lautisse has spent all his time in New York except for the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greggs. He met the Greggs on the ship coming from Europe". The day after the story appeared, two reporters came to the Greggs' place. They wanted to know everything about the stay of the famous artist at their place. They were shown the fence painted and signed by Lautisse. A long article, headlined "Lautisse paints again", was published the next day. The fence turned out to be a valuable thing. It was sold for a big sum of money. It was taken to a museum. The fence was not worth it.


At the Greggs place two reporters were shown:

варіанти відповідей

Mr. Greggs' photograph 

Lautisse's photograph signed by the artist    

the fence painted by the famous artist

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