Семестровий контроль читання для 10 класу. Частина 1.

Додано: 28 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 308 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the texts A-E about natural wonders and answer the questions. Choose the correct option.

A. The Great Barrier Reef

 R eefs form under water and can be made of coral, sand or rock. The top of the reef sits about two or three feet below sea level. Coral reefs are found in warm, shallow, clean water and the Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef of all. It stretches for two thousand kilometres and forms a natural breakwater that protects the coast of Australia from the strong waves of the South Pacific. There are many islands on the Great Barrier Reef formed by piled up coral and sand. They are, however, very difficult to reach as sharp coral will tear the bottom out of a boat. One must be careful not to step on living coral as it grows very slowly, about five centimetres a year. The Great Barrier Reef is home to many types of fish which depend on coral to protect them.

варіанти відповідей

This wonder is not particularly attractive to look at

This wonder can be dangerous to reach

This wonder is near towns that are pleasant to visit

This wonder took millions of years to create

This wonder requires that visitors take measures to protect themselves when visiting it

This wonder also has another name used by local people

Запитання 2

Read the texts A-E about natural wonders and answer the questions. Choose the correct option.

 B. Victoria Falls

One of the greatest waterfalls in the world is on the Zambezi River on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. Some people believe that it is the most beautiful sight they have ever seen. Local inhabitants call it ‘mosi-oa-tunya’ which means ‘smoke that thunders’. This is probably because you can hear the falls and see the mist that rises from them long before you can see the falls themselves. The falls are more than a mile wide and go from 256 feet at the side to 354 feet high in the centre. At the top they are separated into several parts by small islands and cliffs. Discovered in 1855 by the Scottish explorer, David Livingston, the falls were named in honour of Queen Victoria.

варіанти відповідей

This wonder is not particularly attractive to look at

This wonder can be dangerous to reach

This wonder is near towns that are pleasant to visit

This wonder took millions of years to create

This wonder requires that visitors take measures to protect themselves when visiting it

This wonder also has another name used by local people

Запитання 3

Read the texts A-E about natural wonders and answer the questions. Choose the correct option.

C. The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon, situated in Arizona, USA, is known for its spectacular shapes and colours and was cut by the Colorado River which flows through it. The Grand Canyon is characterised by contrasting weather conditions. In the middle, it is extremely hot and dry. On the north rim, it is much more mountain-like and cooler, particularly at night, whereas on the south rim, there is a combination of hot and cooler temperatures. Hiking in the Canyon is popular but very different from hiking in other regions because of the dry climate. It is strongly recommended that hikers in the Canyon should consume a minimum of three litres of water a day. Moreover, they should not leave any of their skin exposed or hike in the full heat of midday.

варіанти відповідей

This wonder is not particularly attractive to look at

This wonder can be dangerous to reach

This wonder is near towns that are pleasant to visit

This wonder took millions of years to create

This wonder requires that visitors take measures to protect themselves when visiting it

This wonder also has another name used by local people

Запитання 4

Read the texts A-E about natural wonders and answer the questions. Choose the correct option.

D. Ayers Rock

Ayers Rock is one of the oldest rocks on Earth.

It is located in Australia. The native Aborigines believe that it is a symbol of creation. Ayers Rock was formed over a period of 500 million years. It now stands 1142 feet above the plain and is an amazing five miles round the base. The rock is in the Uluru National Park which is home to 150 species of bird and 26 types of mammal. The sides of Ayers Rock have many caves, which the Aborigines also believe are of spiritual significance. The whole area is quite spectacular and well worth a visit.


варіанти відповідей

This wonder is not particularly attractive to look at

This wonder can be dangerous to reach

This wonder is near towns that are pleasant to visit

This wonder took millions of years to create

This wonder requires that visitors take measures to protect themselves when visiting it

This wonder also has another name used by local people

Запитання 5

Read the texts A-E about natural wonders and answer the questions. Choose the correct option.

E. The Barringer Meteor Crater

Some of the natural wonders of the world are known for their beauty but not the Barringer Meteor Crater. It is, however, an amazing physical phenomenon that was created by a meteor smashing into the earth at 43,125 miles per hour thousands of years ago. The crater is 4,145 feet across and 570 feet deep. When it was first discovered in 1871, they thought that it was the top of a volcano. However, in 1902, Dr Daniel Barringer proved that the rocks around the hole were not volcanic, and over a period of time, it was proved they had come from an enormous rock that had crashed into the earth. The nearest population centres to it are the towns of Flagstaff and Winslow, Arizona, places well worth a visit because of their many nearby attractions.

варіанти відповідей

This wonder is not particularly attractive to look at

This wonder can be dangerous to reach

This wonder is near towns that are pleasant to visit

This wonder took millions of years to create

This wonder requires that visitors take measures to protect themselves when visiting it

This wonder also has another name used by local people

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