Shops and Shopping. Test

Додано: 7 березня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Shops and Shopping. Test
Тест виконано: 193 рази
14 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the dialogue and tick (√) all the FALSE (помилкові) statements (3)

— Can you go shopping today, Emma? I’m very busy and will come home late.

— Yes, Mum. What shall I buy?

— Buy a chicken at the butcher’s and six buns at the baker’s.

— Should I buy any sausages or a loaf of bread?

— No, I bought bread yesterday and we have some sausages in the fridge.

— OK. Do we need anything else?

— Yes, buy a kilo of tomatoes at the greengrocer’s.

— Should I buy any apples?

— No, there are a lot of apples in the fridge. But you should buy a bottle of shampoo at the chemist’s.

— Do we need a tube of toothpaste? I can buy it at the chemist’s, too.

— No, we have got enough toothpaste.

— May I buy my favourite magazine at the newsagent’s, Mum?

— Yes, of course. And you can buy a big bar of chocolate at the sweet shop as a present from me for your help.

— Thank you, Mum!

варіанти відповідей

Emma has to buy a chicken at the butcher’s.

Emma needs to buy a kilo of tomatoes of at the greengrocer’s.

Emma doesn’t have to buy a loaf of bread at the baker’s.

Emma should buy a tube of toothpaste at the chemist’s.

Emma may buy her favourite newspaper at the newsagent’s.

Emma may buy a chocolate ice-cream as a present for her help.

Запитання 2

Read the dialogue and tick (√) all the TRUE (правдиві) statements (3)

— Can you go shopping today, Emma? I’m very busy and will come home late.

— Yes, Mum. What shall I buy?

— Buy a chicken at the butcher’s and six buns at the baker’s.

— Should I buy any sausages or a loaf of bread?

— No, I bought bread yesterday and we have some sausages in the fridge.

— OK. Do we need anything else?

— Yes, buy a kilo of tomatoes at the greengrocer’s.

— Should I buy any apples?

— No, there are a lot of apples in the fridge. But you should buy a bottle of shampoo at the chemist’s.

— Do we need a tube of toothpaste? I can buy it at the chemist’s, too.

— No, we have got enough toothpaste.

— May I buy my favourite magazine at the newsagent’s, Mum?

— Yes, of course. And you can buy a big bar of chocolate at the sweet shop as a present from me for your help.

— Thank you, Mum!

варіанти відповідей

Emma has to buy six buns at the baker’s.

Emma doesn’t have to buy any sausages at the butcher’s.

Emma need to buy some apples at the greengrocer’s.

Emma shouldn't buy a bottle of shampoo at the chemist’s.

Emmy can buy a big bar of chocolate at the toys shop.

Emma may buy chocolate as a present for her help.

Запитання 3

Complete the sentence:

At the butcher’s people buy

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pens and pencils

Запитання 4

Complete the sentence:

When I want to buy some milk, I go to the .

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Запитання 5

Complete the sentence:

You should go to the if you need vegetables.

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sweet shop


Запитання 6

Complete the sentence

When you go to the …, you can usually pay by credit card or by cash.

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Запитання 7

Read the text and fill in the missing words.

Yesterday my mother asked me for help. She wanted to buy a (1)… of bread and some cheese for supper. She was busy, so she couldn’t go shopping. I am always ready to help my mother.

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Запитання 8

Read the text and fill in the missing words.

First I went to the (2)… . But they didn’t have fresh bread there. So I went to another baker’s in our neighbourhood. They always sell fresh bread there.

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Запитання 9

Read the text and fill in the missing words.

Then I went to the (3)… to buy fresh cottage cheese and hard cheese for tea.

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Запитання 10

Read and choose the degree of comparison:

My granny thinks the market is than the shop.

варіанти відповідей



the best

Запитання 11

Read and choose the degree of comparison:

My mother's cake is than mine.

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more delicious

the most delicious

Запитання 12

Read and choose the degree of comparison:

My classmates think the vegetables are .

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more useful

the most useful

Запитання 13

Read and choose the degree of comparison:

In TESCO there are prices than in BHS.

варіанти відповідей


more expensive

the most expensive

Запитання 14

Read and choose the degree of comparison:

In Lutsk there are clothes than in Poland.

варіанти відповідей



the cheapest

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