Skeletal system

Додано: 24 січня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 102 рази
17 запитань
Запитання 1

Spiral fracture

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a result of twisting forces; common in sports

open network of plates

located at the ends of Bones

Creates the lightweight nature of bones

freely movable joints: ball and socket (hip, shoulder), hinge (elbow, knee), pivot (radius/ulna) are a few examples

Запитання 2

Flat bones

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Do not fit into any of the other bone categories, vertebrae

These bones are thin, flat, and curved. They form the ribs, breastbone, and skull.

Open network of plates

located at the ends of Bones

Creates the lightweight nature of bones

Запитання 3

What is the name of the only long bone in the human body that lies horizontally?

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rib cage



Запитання 4

What organs does the pelvic girdle protect?

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liver and kidneys

bladder and heart

heart and lungs

uterus and liver

bladder and uterus

Запитання 5

It's a ...

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long bone

short bone

compact bone

spongy bone

Запитання 6

What is the bone between your breasts called?

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the stirrup bone

the sternum

the radius

the ulna

Запитання 7

The skeleton

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serve as a storehouse for calcium and phosphorus

protects the heart and lungs

gives upright strength to the body.

gives support to soft tissues

determine the degree and the quality of the motion

Запитання 8

Human bone is made of the mineral:

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Запитання 9

The smallest bone in the human body is the:

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The metatarsal bone

The femur bone

The tarsal bone

The stirrup bone

Запитання 10

How many bones does an adult human have?

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Запитання 11

The bladder and uterus are located in .....

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the rib cage

the pelvic girdle

the spine

the skull

Запитання 12

Functions of the skeletal system

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Blood cell protection

Stores minerals

Shape and support

Запитання 13

the part of the skeleton includes the skull and spinal column and sternum and ribs 

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Запитання 14

It is a

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Greenstick fracture

Transverse fracture

Oblique fracture

Spiral fracture

Запитання 15

It is a ....

варіанти відповідей

Greenstick Fracture

Oblique fracture

Transverse fracture

Spiral fracture

Запитання 16

It is a ...

варіанти відповідей

Oblique fracture

Spiral fracture

Greenstick fracture

Transverse fracture

Запитання 17

It is a ...

варіанти відповідей

Oblique fracture

Transverse fracture

Spiral fracture

Greenstick fracture

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