Soil (Land) Pollution

Додано: 2 грудня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
6 запитань
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There are three types of land pollution:

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solid waste



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Land pollution causes:

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industrial waste



waste disposal


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Human activities are the main causes of land pollution:

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industrial waste

animals habitat


waste disposal


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Soil pollution can harm public health and animals, as well as the quality of groundwater and surface water. Its effects ...

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On the environment

On industrial waste

On wildlife

On human health

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How to solve land pollution?

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The environment

Proper waste disposal


On human health

The "3 R's" Rule & Education

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What is land pollution?

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Storage tanks can also be a major source of land pollution in case of leakage.

This can have a big impact on the regeneration of the vegetation.

A soil is polluted when it contains an abnormal concentration of chemical compounds potentially dangerous to human health, plants or animals.

This especially applies to toxic and hazardous waste disposal.

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