Watch the school _________ – it’s all in English!
Come to our _________ and hear us sing!
Bring your friends to the _________ and listen to Mozart, Bach and Vivaldi!
Don’t forget to bring warm clothes on the _________!
Join the new _________ and learn a new skill!
You don’t have to be good at running to enjoy the _________!
Your sister always reads your private text messages. So, you are _________ .
You want to go to bed early. That's because you are _________ .
You have to talk in front of the class and you don’t like it. So, you are _________ .
The new Star Wars movie is out! You are _________ .
You aren’t happy today. You are _________ .
You are not very good at maths and the maths exam is next week. So, you are _________ .
Call me tonight ___________ 6 p.m.
The concert is ___________ Saturday.
He isn’t home at the moment. He is in Berlin ___________ the weekend.
The play starts at ___________ to five.
We have lunch at ___________.
Geography finishes at half ___________ two.
I remember to hand in my homework every week. I ___________ forget.
I ___________ borrow my sister’s clothes, but not often.
We ___________ arrive at school at 9 a.m. We are hardly ever late.
He speaks English very well. I ___________ understand him.
Do we ___________ our smartphones for our homework?
We ___________ photos of different trees.
We ___________ our work online.
The discription ___________ 100 words.
You ___________ to wait for us!
We ___________ to wear a school uniform on Friday.
Adam ___________ to take his exam again in the summer.
___________ to phone you?
How often ___________ to do P.E.?
Which sentence is correct?
Which sentence is correct?
Which sentence is correct?
Which sentence is correct?
Which sentence is correct?
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