Solutions Pre-Intermediate. U-6

Додано: 2 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 997 разів
22 запитання
Запитання 1

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

I love to visit ___ because there are so many interesting plants and trees there.

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botanical gardens 



Запитання 2

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Joe works at the ___ so he knows a lot about fish.

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water park

theme park


Запитання 3

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Not many people are allowed to go into the ___ because the queen lives there!

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Запитання 4

Complete the word in the sentence.

The market is too _ _ _ _ at the weekends, but it’s really quiet on Mondays.

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Запитання 5

Complete the word in the sentence.

My dad doesn’t like going to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ places on holiday – he prefers to discover more unusual places.

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Запитання 6

Complete the word in the sentence.

Tokyo is a very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city − everything costs a lot of money.

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Запитання 7

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

My family always fly _______ class because it’s cheaper.

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Запитання 8

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Sam always goes on holiday in the ___ season because there are fewer people and everything is cheaper.

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Запитання 9

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Megan and her husband stayed in a ____ room in the hotel.

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Запитання 10

Complete the travel compound noun in the sentence.

The ___________ crew are usually really helpful if you need anything on a flight.

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Запитання 11

Complete the travel compound noun in the sentence. 

My mum prefers an ___________ seat on a plane because it’s easier to get up and walk around.

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Запитання 12

Complete the travel compound noun in the sentence.

Waiting to get your suitcase from the ___________ carousel can take a long time.

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Запитання 13

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

______ did you get here?

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How long


Запитання 14

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Sam’s not here – has he ______ to the cinema?

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Запитання 15

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Have you ______ in an important race before?

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Запитання 16

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Has your grandma had a cat _____ a long time?

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Запитання 17

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Have you ____ seen a thunderstorm in the middle of the night? 

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Запитання 18

Complete Sam’s email with the words below. 

Hi there,

I can’t believe we’re going camping this weekend! Have you got a 1__________________ now? You need quite a big one because there’s a lot of stuff to take. I’ll bring my travel guide so we can read about interesting places to visit.

The forecast for this weekend is sunny spells and showers, so we need to be prepared for everything. Don’t forget your raincoat, but also pack some 2__________________ and suncream.

I saw the campsite on a 3__________________ last week and it looked really good. There’s a swimming pool! I have booked to stay for three nights. My 4__________________ has written to tell me that he’s going too, so that’ll be fun.

The nearest city is Oxford. We can go there to do some 5__________________ and buy some souvenirs. I’ve been there before, but there’s plenty to see and do.

Anyway, see you Friday.


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travel programme

Запитання 19

Complete Sam’s email with the words below. 

Hi there,

I can’t believe we’re going camping this weekend! Have you got a 1__________________ now? You need quite a big one because there’s a lot of stuff to take. I’ll bring my travel guide so we can read about interesting places to visit.

The forecast for this weekend is sunny spells and showers, so we need to be prepared for everything. Don’t forget your raincoat, but also pack some 2__________________ and suncream.

I saw the campsite on a 3__________________ last week and it looked really good. There’s a swimming pool! I have booked to stay for three nights. My 4__________________ has written to tell me that he’s going too, so that’ll be fun.

The nearest city is Oxford. We can go there to do some 5__________________ and buy some souvenirs. I’ve been there before, but there’s plenty to see and do.

Anyway, see you Friday.


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Запитання 20

Complete Sam’s email with the words below. 

Hi there,

I can’t believe we’re going camping this weekend! Have you got a 1__________________ now? You need quite a big one because there’s a lot of stuff to take. I’ll bring my travel guide so we can read about interesting places to visit.

The forecast for this weekend is sunny spells and showers, so we need to be prepared for everything. Don’t forget your raincoat, but also pack some 2__________________ and suncream.

I saw the campsite on a 3__________________ last week and it looked really good. There’s a swimming pool! I have booked to stay for three nights. My 4__________________ has written to tell me that he’s going too, so that’ll be fun.

The nearest city is Oxford. We can go there to do some 5__________________ and buy some souvenirs. I’ve been there before, but there’s plenty to see and do.

Anyway, see you Friday.


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travel programme


Запитання 21

Complete Sam’s email with the words below. 

Hi there,

I can’t believe we’re going camping this weekend! Have you got a 1__________________ now? You need quite a big one because there’s a lot of stuff to take. I’ll bring my travel guide so we can read about interesting places to visit.

The forecast for this weekend is sunny spells and showers, so we need to be prepared for everything. Don’t forget your raincoat, but also pack some 2__________________ and suncream.

I saw the campsite on a 3__________________ last week and it looked really good. There’s a swimming pool! I have booked to stay for three nights. My 4__________________ has written to tell me that he’s going too, so that’ll be fun.

The nearest city is Oxford. We can go there to do some 5__________________ and buy some souvenirs. I’ve been there before, but there’s plenty to see and do.

Anyway, see you Friday.


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travel programme

Запитання 22

Complete Sam’s email with the words below. 

Hi there,

I can’t believe we’re going camping this weekend! Have you got a 1__________________ now? You need quite a big one because there’s a lot of stuff to take. I’ll bring my travel guide so we can read about interesting places to visit.

The forecast for this weekend is sunny spells and showers, so we need to be prepared for everything. Don’t forget your raincoat, but also pack some 2__________________ and suncream.

I saw the campsite on a 3__________________ last week and it looked really good. There’s a swimming pool! I have booked to stay for three nights. My 4__________________ has written to tell me that he’s going too, so that’ll be fun.

The nearest city is Oxford. We can go there to do some 5__________________ and buy some souvenirs. I’ve been there before, but there’s plenty to see and do.

Anyway, see you Friday.


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travel programme

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