Solutions Short Test

Додано: 12 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 114 разів
21 запитання
Запитання 1


1    Complete the online chat. Use the correct present simple, present continuous, or past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Glen              1_______________ (you / want) to meet in town later? There’s a really good Robert Pattinson film on at the cinema.

варіанти відповідей

Are you want

 Do you want

Did you want

Did you wanted

Do you wanted

Are you wanting

Запитання 2

Ben         Sorry, Glen. I’m not at home this weekend. My sister and I are staying with our aunt in Coventry because our parents are away. They 2_______________ (go) to Paris yesterday morning. 

варіанти відповідей






are going

Запитання 3

Glen          Oh, right. So that’s why I 3_______________ (not see) you at the football club this morning.

варіанти відповідей

don't see

does'nt see

don't seeing

  didn’t see 

didn't seeing

does'nt seeing

Запитання 4

Ben Yes. We’re here for two days. My aunt always 4_______________ (look) after us when my parents are away.  

варіанти відповідей



are looking

is looking



Запитання 5

We 5_______________ (not come) back to Birmingham until Sunday night.

варіанти відповідей

isn't coming

dont come

didn't come

don't coming

aren't come

  aren’t coming

Запитання 6

We 5_______________ (not come) back to Birmingham until Sunday night.

варіанти відповідей

isn't coming

dont come

didn't come

don't coming

aren't come

  aren’t coming

Запитання 7

1    Write sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous.

the baby / not sleep / at the moment.       

варіанти відповідей

The baby aren’t sleeping at the moment.

The baby isn’t sleeping at the moment.

  The baby isn’t sleeping at the moment.

The baby don’t sleep at the moment.

The baby doesn’t sleeping at the moment.

The baby didn’t sleeping at the moment.

Запитання 8

1    Write sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous. 2 sentences are correct.

you / often / play / table tennis?

варіанти відповідей

Did you often do you play table tennis?

Do you often do you play table tennis?

How often do you play table tennis?

Does you often do you play table tennis?

Are you often playing table tennis?

Is you often playing table tennis?

Запитання 9

1    Write sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous.

we / go / for a bike ride / after school today?

варіанти відповідей

  Are we goi for a bike ride after school today?

  Are we went for a bike ride after school today?

  Do we go for a bike ride after school today?

  Does we go for a bike ride after school today?

 Are we going for a bike ride after school today?

  Does  we going for a bike ride after school today?

Запитання 10

1    Write sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous.

I / not understand / this exercise.

варіанти відповідей

     I don’t understand this exercise.

     I doesn’t understand this exercise.

     I'm don’t understanding this exercise.

     I don’t understanding this exercise.

     I doesn’t understanding this exercise.

      I didn’t understand this exercise.

Запитання 11

1    Write sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous.

Ben and Ketty / wait / for the bus to arrive.

варіанти відповідей

      Ben and Ketty are waiting for the bus to arrive.

      Ben and Ketty is waiting for the bus to arrive.

      Ben and Ketty are wait for the bus to arrive.

      Ben and Ketty doesn't waiting for the bus to arrive.

      Ben and Ketty don't waiting for the bus to arrive.

       Ben and Ketty don't wait for the bus to arrive.

Запитання 12

Complete the sentences with the words below. 

     1    When they go to California on holiday, my dad’s going to __________________ a car for a week.

варіанти відповідей

board games   

boat trip    





Запитання 13

   Do you like playing __________________ like chess?

варіанти відповідей

board games   

boat trip    





Запитання 14

     1    We went on a great __________________ across Lake Geneva when we were in Switzerland.

варіанти відповідей

board games   

boat trip    





Запитання 15

There’s no food in the fridge, so let’s eat __________________ at a restaurant tonight

варіанти відповідей

board games   

boat trip    





Запитання 16

     1    I don’t like swimming very much, but I can __________________ on the beach all day!

варіанти відповідей

board games   

boat trip    





Запитання 17

1    Match quotes 1–5 with places A–E.

The songs are in Italian, so I don’t understand them. But the costumes

and music are great.

варіанти відповідей

shopping district

wildlife park

opera house



Запитання 18

An earthquake destroyed this town in 34 BC.       

варіанти відповідей

shopping district

 wildlife park

 opera house



Запитання 19

The Queen of England still lives there.

варіанти відповідей

shopping district

  wildlife park

opera house



Запитання 20

We can look for a new dress for you, and then get something to eat.

варіанти відповідей

shopping district

wildlife park

 opera house



Запитання 21

Stop the car. I want to take a photo of those animals over there.       

варіанти відповідей

shopping district

 wildlife park

opera house



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