Special Days (Vocabulary 5)

Додано: 20 лютого 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 43 рази
16 запитань
Запитання 1

A Choose the correct item.

Every year, I …….. Christmas with my family.


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Запитання 2

The celebrations usually …….. for five days.


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date back  


Запитання 3

Mike …….. his shirt while he was climbing a tree.


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 dressed up

Запитання 4

There were thousands of people taking part in the …….. .


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Запитання 5

I hope I don’t …….. anything on my new dress.


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Запитання 6

The person who …….. the parade is always first in the procession.


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Запитання 7

The Mexican army …….. against the French at the Battle of Puebla.


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Запитання 8

During the parade it is very easy to accidentally …….. on somebody’s foot.


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Запитання 9

The town celebrates the anniversary of the battle every year …….. this day.


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Запитання 10

Last year, we …….. presents with each other around the tree.


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Запитання 11

New Year’s Eve is a very important …….. in Scotland.


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Запитання 12

The sound of the three pipe …….. playing together was amazing.


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Запитання 13

Read the text below, from which four sentences are missing. Fill the gaps (1-4) with appropriate sentences . 


Hindu weddings are elaborate occasions that take

place over several days. One important part of the

festivities is the Mehndi Party. 1)....

 It is called the Mehndi Party after the dye used to paint patterns on the skin of the bride, also called mehndi. This is a paste made from the dried leaves of a plant, mixed with lemon juice or water. 2).......

 An artist uses the mehndi to paint complicated designs on the bride’s hands and feet, so she has to sit still for hours. 3).......

 They also have designs painted on their skin. 4)........

 A popular belief is that the longer the pattern remains on the bride’s skin, the more the groom and his family love her.

1) The first sentence is...

варіанти відповідей

This is why the other women sing and dance to entertain her.  

The groom’s name is often hidden in the pattern on her hands.

The mehndi patterns last for 2-4 weeks.

This celebration is only for the bride and her relatives

 It is usually reddish-brown, the colour of luck.

Запитання 14

Read the text below, from which four sentences are missing. Fill the gaps (1-4) with appropriate sentences . 


Hindu weddings are elaborate occasions that take

place over several days. One important part of the

festivities is the Mehndi Party. 1)....

 It is called the Mehndi Party after the dye used to paint patterns on the skin of the bride, also called mehndi. This is a paste made from the dried leaves of a plant, mixed with lemon juice or water. 2).......

 An artist uses the mehndi to paint complicated designs on the bride’s hands and feet, so she has to sit still for hours. 3).......

 They also have designs painted on their skin. 4)........

 A popular belief is that the longer the pattern remains on the bride’s skin, the more the groom and his family love her.

2) The second sentence is...

варіанти відповідей

This is why the other women sing and dance to entertain her. 

The groom’s name is often hidden in the pattern on her hands.

The mehndi patterns last for 2-4 weeks.

This celebration is only for the bride and her relatives.

 It is usually reddish-brown, the colour of luck.

Запитання 15

Read the text below, from which four sentences are missing. Fill the gaps (1-4) with appropriate sentences . 


Hindu weddings are elaborate occasions that take

place over several days. One important part of the

festivities is the Mehndi Party. 1)....

 It is called the Mehndi Party after the dye used to paint patterns on the skin of the bride, also called mehndi. This is a paste made from the dried leaves of a plant, mixed with lemon juice or water. 2).......

 An artist uses the mehndi to paint complicated designs on the bride’s hands and feet, so she has to sit still for hours. 3).......

 They also have designs painted on their skin. 4)........

 A popular belief is that the longer the pattern remains on the bride’s skin, the more the groom and his family love her.

3) The third sentence is...

варіанти відповідей

The groom’s name is often hidden in the pattern on her hands.

This celebration is only for the bride and her relatives.

This is why the other women sing and dance to entertain her.

It is usually reddish-brown, the colour of luck.

The mehndi patterns last for 2-4 weeks.

Запитання 16

Read the text below, from which four sentences are missing. Fill the gaps (1-4) with appropriate sentences . 


Hindu weddings are elaborate occasions that take

place over several days. One important part of the

festivities is the Mehndi Party. 1)....

 It is called the Mehndi Party after the dye used to paint patterns on the skin of the bride, also called mehndi. This is a paste made from the dried leaves of a plant, mixed with lemon juice or water. 2).......

 An artist uses the mehndi to paint complicated designs on the bride’s hands and feet, so she has to sit still for hours. 3).......

 They also have designs painted on their skin. 4)........

 A popular belief is that the longer the pattern remains on the bride’s skin, the more the groom and his family love her.

4) The fourth sentence is...

варіанти відповідей

The groom’s name is often hidden in the pattern on her hands.

This celebration is only for the bride and her relatives.

This is why the other women sing and dance to entertain her.

It is usually reddish-brown, the colour of luck.

The mehndi patterns last for 2-4 weeks.

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