Sport and games. Present Perfect Continuous vs Present Continuous

Додано: 9 березня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 475 разів
15 запитань
Запитання 1

Ми вже займаємося йогою з вересня.

варіанти відповідей

We are doing yoga since September.

We have doing yoga since September.

We have been doing yoga since September.

We has been doing yoga since september.

Запитання 2

Українські спортсмени беруть участь у циз змаганнях з 1991 року.

варіанти відповідей

Ukrainian sportsman are participating in these competitions for 1991.

Ukrainian sportsmans are participating in these competitions since 1991.

Ukrainian sportsmen have been participating in these competitions since 1991.

A Ukrainian sportsman has been participating in these competitions for 1991.

Запитання 3

Цей лижник вже катається на лижах пів години.

варіанти відповідей

This skater has already been skiing for an hour.

This skier has already been skiing for half an hour.

The skier have already been ski for half an hour.

The skiing sportsman is skiing for thirty minutes.

Запитання 4

Моя сестра вже займається скелелазінням з другого класу.

варіанти відповідей

My sister is going climbing, she is in the second class

My sister have been going climbing for the second form.

My sister has been going climbing since the second class.

My sister is going climbing in the second form.

Запитання 5

Хлопці нашого класу зараз грають у футбол. Вони вже грають сорок хвилин.

варіанти відповідей

The boys of our class are playing soccer. They have been playing for forty minutes.

The boys of our class playing football. They have been playing for forty minutes.

The boys of our class is playing soccer. They has been playing for forty minutes.

The boys our class are playing football. They haven't been playing for 40 minutes.

Запитання 6

Вони вже бігають у парку з восьмої години.

варіанти відповідей

They jogging in the park since nine o'lock.

They have been jogging in the park since nine o'lock.

They has been jogging in the park since nine o'lock.

They are runnung in the park since nine o'lock.

Запитання 7

Два баскетболісти тренуються зараз на спортмайданчику.

варіанти відповідей

The basketball players train themselves on the sport ground.

Now two basketball players are training on the sport ground.

Two basketball players are training on the sport ground now.

Two basketball players have been training on the sport ground.

Запитання 8

Мої батьки вже дивляться цю популярну телепрограму протягом години.

варіанти відповідей

My relatives have been watching this popular TV program since one o'clock.

My parents are watching the popular TV programme.

My parents have been watching this popular TV program for an hour.

My parents has been watching this popular TV program for one hour.

Запитання 9

Вона вже плаває у басейні з одинадцятої години.

варіанти відповідей

She is swimming in the swimming pool now.

She has been swimming in the swimming pool since the eleventh o'clock.

She has been swimming in the swimming pool since eleven o'clock.

She has swimming in the swimming pool for eleven hours.

Запитання 10

Мої однокласники вже обговорюють минулий футбольний матч протягом перерви.

варіанти відповідей

Мy class pupils are discussing the last match at the break.

My classmates have been discussing the last match during the break.

My classmate has been discussing the last match during the break.

My classmates have been discussing the last match since the break.

Запитання 11

Ця компанія вже будує спортивний клуб протягом чотирьох місяців.

варіанти відповідей

This company is building a sport club since the fourth month.

This company has already been building a sport club for four months.

This company have been already building a sport club for four months.

This company has been building a sport club for four weeks.

Запитання 12

Учні нашого класу зараз грають у теніс на фізкультурі.

варіанти відповідей

The students of our class are playing tennis at PE now.

The students of our class have been playing tennis at PE.

The pupils of our form are playing tennis at PT now.

The student of our class is playing tennis at PE now.

Запитання 13

Мій дідусь слухає радіо програму про Олімпійські ігри зараз.

варіанти відповідей

My grandfather is watching a radio programme about the Olympic Games at the moment.

My grandfather has been listening to a radio program about the Olympics for the whole day.

My grandfather is listening to a radio programme about the Olympic Games now.

My granddad is listening to a radio program about the Olympic Games now.

Запитання 14

Як довго ваш двоюрідний брат займається велоспортом?

варіанти відповідей

How long has your cousin brother been going cycling?

How has your cousin brother been going cycling?

How your cousin brother has been going cycling?

How much has your cousin brother been going cycling?

Запитання 15

Наш вчитель фізкультури Микола Іванович вже працює у гімназії протягом року.

варіанти відповідей

Our PE teacher Mykola Ivanovych has already been working in the gymnasium for a year.

Our teacher of Physical Training Mykola Ivanovych is working in the gymnasium the first year.

Our PT teacher Mykola Ivanovych has already been working in the gymnasium for one year.

Our PE teacher Mykola Ivanovych been working in the gymnasium for the first year.

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