Find winter kinds of sports.
To play this game you need a ball and a net.
In what game do you need a racket and a ball?
The person who is a leader of a team
What kind of sport is it?
Знайди правильний переклад речення:
The Olympic Games were first held in ... between 776BC and 393 AD.
The Winter Olympics officially began in 1924 in ...
Complete the correct variant. What is Ukrainian is "play table games"?
The board game, ____, is played by two people who take turns moving twelve pieces across a board in an effort to take the other player's pieces by jumping over them.
____ is played on horseback. Two teams try to hit as many balls as they can through their opponent's goal line. The players use long, wooden mallets to hit the balls in this sport.
____ involves throwing and catching a disk-like object.
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