Choose the correct form of the verb in the Passive Voice.
The book __________ by the teacher yesterday.
Choose the correct answer in Past Simple.
They __________ to the cinema last Saturday.
Which sentence is in the Past Passive Voice?
Choose the correct answer to complete the Wh-question.
________ you visit your grandparents last weekend?
Choose the correct form for the tag question.
He didn’t like the movie, __________?
What is the correct passive form of the sentence?
They built a new bridge last year.
Which of the following is a correct Wh-question?
Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence.
People speak English all over the world.
Fill in the blank with the correct answer in Past Simple.
She __________ to the market yesterday.
Choose the correct tag question for this sentence:
They have finished the project, __________?
Choose the correct passive voice form of the sentence.
The manager ________ the report by 5 o'clock yesterday.
Complete the Wh-question.
________ she go to the park yesterday?
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