Sports from A to Z

Додано: 30 січня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 130 разів
16 запитань
Запитання 1

Jack was nervous. He had to wear his old trousers with the purple patch that could be seen by those who didn't matter and those who did, like Ann Dale.

"Are you going to the competition, Jack?" his friend came up to him. "There are prizes - 10 dollars and 12 dollars!".

"Perhaps if I get a prize, I could buy new trousers," Jack thought.

Ten minutes later they were on their way to the competition. There were many children there.

"First race!" the man with the megaphone shouted.

Jack tried too hard at the sprint. He wanted to win. And he was the second.

"Event two! A Thread-the-Needle race!"

When he heard the signal he ran like the wind. But the pair next to him finished first. The last race was Jack's last chance for a big prize. At the moment Ann offered him to be his partner.

"Ready! Off!"

Jack forgot why he had come to the competitions. He had only one aim - to get to the other end quickly: the sooner he was there the less time Ann would have to notice the patch.

"We won, Jack!" he heard Ann's words when they crossed the finishing line. And he saw that Ann's face was full of admiration, not contempt, and he was very happy.

1) Jack dreamt of...

варіанти відповідей

a new ball

a new trousers

a new bicycle

a new trainers

Запитання 2

Jack was nervous. He had to wear his old trousers with the purple patch that could be seen by those who didn't matter and those who did, like Ann Dale.

"Are you going to the competition, Jack?" his friend came up to him. "There are prizes - 10 dollars and 12 dollars!".

"Perhaps if I get a prize, I could buy new trousers," Jack thought.

Ten minutes later they were on their way to the competition. There were many children there.

"First race!" the man with the megaphone shouted.

Jack tried too hard at the sprint. He wanted to win. And he was the second.

"Event two! A Thread-the-Needle race!"

When he heard the signal he ran like the wind. But the pair next to him finished first. The last race was Jack's last chance for a big prize. At the moment Ann offered him to be his partner.

"Ready! Off!"

Jack forgot why he had come to the competitions. He had only one aim - to get to the other end quickly: the sooner he was there the less time Ann would have to notice the patch.

"We won, Jack!" he heard Ann's words when they crossed the finishing line. And he saw that Ann's face was full of admiration, not contempt, and he was very happy.

2) From the text we can say that...

варіанти відповідей

Jack had a grey pathch on his trousers

Jack went to the race hoping to see Ann

Jack liked Ann Dale

Jack didn't feel embarrassed about his patch

Запитання 3

Jack was nervous. He had to wear his old trousers with the purple patch that could be seen by those who didn't matter and those who did, like Ann Dale.

"Are you going to the competition, Jack?" his friend came up to him. "There are prizes - 10 dollars and 12 dollars!".

"Perhaps if I get a prize, I could buy new trousers," Jack thought.

Ten minutes later they were on their way to the competition. There were many children there.

"First race!" the man with the megaphone shouted.

Jack tried too hard at the sprint. He wanted to win. And he was the second.

"Event two! A Thread-the-Needle race!"

When he heard the signal he ran like the wind. But the pair next to him finished first. The last race was Jack's last chance for a big prize. At the moment Ann offered him to be his partner.

"Ready! Off!"

Jack forgot why he had come to the competitions. He had only one aim - to get to the other end quickly: the sooner he was there the less time Ann would have to notice the patch.

"We won, Jack!" he heard Ann's words when they crossed the finishing line. And he saw that Ann's face was full of admiration, not contempt, and he was very happy.

3) Jack worried because...

варіанти відповідей

he had a patch on his trousers

his trousers were too long

there were a lot of children at the competitions

he wasn't in a mood for sport

Запитання 4

Jack was nervous. He had to wear his old trousers with the purple patch that could be seen by those who didn't matter and those who did, like Ann Dale.

"Are you going to the competition, Jack?" his friend came up to him. "There are prizes - 10 dollars and 12 dollars!".

"Perhaps if I get a prize, I could buy new trousers," Jack thought.

Ten minutes later they were on their way to the competition. There were many children there.

"First race!" the man with the megaphone shouted.

Jack tried too hard at the sprint. He wanted to win. And he was the second.

"Event two! A Thread-the-Needle race!"

When he heard the signal he ran like the wind. But the pair next to him finished first. The last race was Jack's last chance for a big prize. At the moment Ann offered him to be his partner.

"Ready! Off!"

Jack forgot why he had come to the competitions. He had only one aim - to get to the other end quickly: the sooner he was there the less time Ann would have to notice the patch.

"We won, Jack!" he heard Ann's words when they crossed the finishing line. And he saw that Ann's face was full of admiration, not contempt, and he was very happy.

4) What kind of prize did the winner receive?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 5

Jack was nervous. He had to wear his old trousers with the purple patch that could be seen by those who didn't matter and those who did, like Ann Dale.

"Are you going to the competition, Jack?" his friend came up to him. "There are prizes - 10 dollars and 12 dollars!".

"Perhaps if I get a prize, I could buy new trousers," Jack thought.

Ten minutes later they were on their way to the competition. There were many children there.

"First race!" the man with the megaphone shouted.

Jack tried too hard at the sprint. He wanted to win. And he was the second.

"Event two! A Thread-the-Needle race!"

When he heard the signal he ran like the wind. But the pair next to him finished first. The last race was Jack's last chance for a big prize. At the moment Ann offered him to be his partner.

"Ready! Off!"

Jack forgot why he had come to the competitions. He had only one aim - to get to the other end quickly: the sooner he was there the less time Ann would have to notice the patch.

"We won, Jack!" he heard Ann's words when they crossed the finishing line. And he saw that Ann's face was full of admiration, not contempt, and he was very happy.

5) Why was Jack confused when he had to run the race together with Ann?

варіанти відповідей

Jack was tired

He couldn't run fast enough

She was a bad partner

He didn't want Ann to see patch on his trousers

Запитання 6

Jack was nervous. He had to wear his old trousers with the purple patch that could be seen by those who didn't matter and those who did, like Ann Dale.

"Are you going to the competition, Jack?" his friend came up to him. "There are prizes - 10 dollars and 12 dollars!".

"Perhaps if I get a prize, I could buy new trousers," Jack thought.

Ten minutes later they were on their way to the competition. There were many children there.

"First race!" the man with the megaphone shouted.

Jack tried too hard at the sprint. He wanted to win. And he was the second.

"Event two! A Thread-the-Needle race!"

When he heard the signal he ran like the wind. But the pair next to him finished first. The last race was Jack's last chance for a big prize. At the moment Ann offered him to be his partner.

"Ready! Off!"

Jack forgot why he had come to the competitions. He had only one aim - to get to the other end quickly: the sooner he was there the less time Ann would have to notice the patch.

"We won, Jack!" he heard Ann's words when they crossed the finishing line. And he saw that Ann's face was full of admiration, not contempt, and he was very happy.

6) Jack won...

варіанти відповідей

all the competitions

only the first race

the competition in which he participated with Ann

no competition

Запитання 7

Jack was nervous. He had to wear his old trousers with the purple patch that could be seen by those who didn't matter and those who did, like Ann Dale.

"Are you going to the competition, Jack?" his friend came up to him. "There are prizes - 10 dollars and 12 dollars!".

"Perhaps if I get a prize, I could buy new trousers," Jack thought.

Ten minutes later they were on their way to the competition. There were many children there.

"First race!" the man with the megaphone shouted.

Jack tried too hard at the sprint. He wanted to win. And he was the second.

"Event two! A Thread-the-Needle race!"

When he heard the signal he ran like the wind. But the pair next to him finished first. The last race was Jack's last chance for a big prize. At the moment Ann offered him to be his partner.

"Ready! Off!"

Jack forgot why he had come to the competitions. He had only one aim - to get to the other end quickly: the sooner he was there the less time Ann would have to notice the patch.

"We won, Jack!" he heard Ann's words when they crossed the finishing line. And he saw that Ann's face was full of admiration, not contempt, and he was very happy.

7) What did Ann's face expressed when they finished the race?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

Read the definition and choose the name of the sport

1) A sport of fighting with swords, especially foils.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

Read the definition and choose the name of the sport

2 A sport of trying to throw an opponent down on the ground, according to a code of rules.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

Read the definition and choose the name of the sport

3) A winter sport in which teams of two or four go down narrow, twisting, iced tracks in gravity-powered sled

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 11

Read the definition and choose the name of the sport

4) a game in which players try to score a goal by hitting a puck with a spesial stick

варіанти відповідей

water polo




Запитання 12

Read the definition and choose the name of the sport

A sport of competing in track and field events, including running races and various competitions in jumping

варіанти відповідей


horse riding


figure skating

Запитання 13

The team has scored three goals, ...

варіанти відповідей

has it?

hasn't it?

has they?

hasn't they?

Запитання 14

He won the race, ...

варіанти відповідей

don't he?

doesn't he?

isn't he?

didn't he?

Запитання 15

Cindy will win the competiton, ...

варіанти відповідей

will she?

is she?

won't she?

does she?

Запитання 16

Rick has trained a lot, ...

варіанти відповідей

hasn't he?

has he?

did he?

didn't he?

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