Summer Memories. Reading.

Texts for reading

Додано: 12 вересня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 248 разів
16 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the dialogues and tick (√) who:

…spent holidays at the seaside?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 2

Read the dialogues and tick (√) who:

…practised English in summer?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 3

Read the dialogues and tick (√) who:

...enjoyed some time in the mountains?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 4

Read the dialogues and tick (√) who:

...asked a friend about the holiday photos?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 5

Read the dialogues and tick (√) who:

...wants to share holiday stories with a friend?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 6

Match the questions and the answers.

What did you do in the holidays?

варіанти відповідей

We went by plane.

We went away for two weeks and the rest of the time I was at home.

Turkey - we spent some time at the seaside.

Because we all like seaside holidays.

My parents and my cousins.

In August.

Запитання 7

Match the questions and the answers.

Where did you go?

варіанти відповідей

We went by plane.

We went away for two weeks and the rest of the time I was at home.

Turkey - we spent some time at the seaside.

Because we all like seaside holidays.

My parents and my cousins.

In August.

Запитання 8

Match the questions and the answers.

How did you get there?

варіанти відповідей

We went by plane.

We went away for two weeks and the rest of the time I was at home.

Turkey - we spent some time at the seaside.

Because we all like seaside holidays.

My parents and my cousins.

In August.

Запитання 9

Match the questions and the answers.

Who did you go there with?

варіанти відповідей

We went by plane.

We went away for two weeks and the rest of the time I was at home.

Turkey - we spent some time at the seaside.

Because we all like seaside holidays.

My parents and my cousins.

In August.

Запитання 10

Match the questions and the answers.

Why did you go there?

варіанти відповідей

We went by plane.

We went away for two weeks and the rest of the time I was at home.

Turkey - we spent some time at the seaside.

Because we all like seaside holidays.

My parents and my cousins.

In August.

Запитання 11

Match the questions and the answers.

When did you come home?

варіанти відповідей

We went by plane.

We went away for two weeks and the rest of the time I was at home.

Turkey - we spent some time at the seaside.

Because we all like seaside holidays.

My parents and my cousins.

In August.

Запитання 12

Read the letter and complete the sentences.

Ann thinks that all school holidays are.......

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 13

Read the letter and complete the sentences.

There are some things that Ann doesn’t like about her school holidays. They are.....

варіанти відповідей

She misses her friends.

You can stay up late.

Her parents’ holidays are not as long as school holidays.

Her mum always makes her read a lot in summer.

You can watch lots of TV programmes and play outdoors with your friends.

You can visit new places and meet new faces.

Запитання 14

Read the letter and complete the sentences.

The things that Ann likes about school holidays are.......

варіанти відповідей

She misses her friends.

You can stay up late.

Her parents’ holidays are not as long as school holidays.

Her mum always makes her read a lot in summer.

You can watch lots of TV programmes and play outdoors with your friends.

You can visit new places and meet new faces.

Запитання 15

Read the letter and complete the sentences.

This summer Ann has visited.......

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 16

Read the letter and complete the sentences.

She promises to.......

варіанти відповідей

help him.

show her holiday photos and a video film.

meet her.

come at seven.

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