1 Louise and her friends are going ___ next week.
2 Ricky ___ been camping before.
3 They won’t get cold if they ___.
4 Ricky ___ a sleeping bag.
5 Ricky is ___ snakes.
6 Ricky will go camping if ___.
Task 2. Write if the sentences are true or false
1. Ricky and his parents are going camping next week. ____
2. They’re going to stay in the forest for two nights. ____
3. Louise has been camping twice. ____
4. Louise has slept in the forest four times. ____
5. Louise has never seen a snake in the forest. ____
9. The boys need to talk to their parents. ____
Task 3. Answer the questions with full sentences.
1. Where are the boys going on a camping trip?
2. Will they get cold if they take warm clothes?
3. What can Ricky buy?
4. Has Ricky been camping before?
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