Talk about the weather

Додано: 19 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 16 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

“I wouldn’t go out yet. It’s really chucking it down.”

What's the weather like?

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It's very foggy.

It's too cold.

It's too hot.

 It’s raining heavily.

Запитання 2

“It’s been _________ for days. I’m bored of this constant grey sky!”

Which is the missing word?

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Запитання 3

“It’s a completely _________ day. Look! There isn’t even a leaf moving on the trees.”

Which word goes in the gap?

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Запитання 4

Which is correct?

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 “We heard the lightning from miles away but we never saw any thunderstorm.”

 “We heard the thunder from miles away but we never saw any lighting.”

 “We heard the lightning from miles away but we never saw any thunder.”

 “We heard the thunder from miles away but we never saw any lightning.”

Запитання 5

“It’s absolutely freezing out there. You can _______________.”

Which expression goes in the gap?

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see your breath

 hear your heart

 feel your fingers

 taste your breakfast

Запитання 6

“It’s _________ hot out there. It’s like being in the Sahara!”

Which word goes in the gap?

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Запитання 7

“It’s a bit chilly today.”

What’s the weather like?

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Slightly cold, like first thing on an autumn morning.

Very cold, which means you need to wear a hat and scarf.

Cold and raining quite a lot.

 Quite warm, like on a summer afternoon.

Запитання 8

“They’re predicting _____-force winds. It’s best not to go out if you don’t have to.”

Which word can go in the gap, meaning a very strong wind?

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Запитання 9

“It’s only _________, but I’d still take an umbrella.”

Which two words could go in the gap?

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Запитання 10

“What a _________! I’ve never known it so hot.”

Which word goes in the gap?

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