Test 2

Додано: 9 квітня 2020
Тест виконано: 148 разів
4 запитання
Запитання 1

Read the text below. Choose the correct item.

The recent modernization of Ukrainian education sector commenced in 2017 when the new Law on Education was adopted; as a consequence, the period of schooling has been lengthened from 11 up to 12 years, new standards of education have been accepted, and school programmes have been updated.

варіанти відповідей

more and more kids learn FL

changes in secondary school

school reform

European language strategies

motivating lessons

key school competences

requirements to FL acquisition  

Запитання 2

Read the text below. Choose the correct item.

The pervasive ideology of the extensive transformations expecting school education is delineated in the Ministry document ‘The New Ukrainian School. Conceptual principles of secondary school reform’(2016), in which communication in foreign languages holds next to number-one position of communication in the national language among 10 basic skills, that coincides with the standpoint of the European Commission stating that “language competences will play a key role in creating a European Education Area”.

варіанти відповідей

more and more kids learn FL

changes in secondary school

school reform

European language strategies

motivating lessons

key school competences

requirements to FL acquisition  

Запитання 3

Read the text below. Choose the correct item.

The implementation of the Law launched from the first school level in September 1, 2018 and foresees that “the quality of education, in particular, in foreign languages, will be increased”. Thus, the overall percentage of primary school learners starting to learn a foreign language from grade 1 (age 6) has achieved its absolute maximum of 100 percent.

варіанти відповідей

more and more kids learn FL

changes in secondary school

school reform

European language strategies

motivating lessons

key school competences

requirements to FL acquisition  

Запитання 4

Read the text below. Choose the correct item.

The strong desire to improve language skills so as to access international collaboration in various domains, and recognition of the utmost importance of language learning in modern societies provoke both Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Ukrainian teachers of English to design effective and efficacious learning strategies.

варіанти відповідей

Ministry documents

countries try to improve their foreign language level

united actions help achieve the goal

it is rather difficult to catch European level

language schools

one language becomes more important than others

Ukrainian government’s decisions

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