Technology QA Selenium

Додано: 21 грудня 2023
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Which of the below strateges are avalible in Selenium?

варіанти відповідей

By ID.

By XPath

By CSS Selector

By jSonPath

By Text

Запитання 2

What are implicit waits in Selenium

варіанти відповідей

It is applying specific wait conditions on all the actions

They are waits that are applied to the specifically pointed point in execution

They are waits that are applied to all performed actions

Запитання 3

What does the XPath expression ./div do in Selenium?

варіанти відповідей

It searches for the first direct descendant of the current element where the descendant tag is 'div'

It searches for the first div in the whole tree

The expression is invalid

Запитання 4

What information can be retrieved using an instance of a WevDriver in Selenium?

варіанти відповідей

Current URL

Page Source


No correct answer

Запитання 5

Select the correct answers concerning Selenium.

варіанти відповідей

It is a set of tools designed for NET C# that allows you to simulate web browsers in your projects.

It is a set of tools designed for C#, Java, Python and Ruby that allows you to simulate web browsers in your projects

Selenium sa projet that enables and supports automation of web browsers. Currently, only C# and Java are supported.

Selenium is a project that enables and supports automation of web browsers.

Запитання 6

Select correct answers concering the OpenQA.Selenium.IWebElement Methods that can be used to perform actions on the page element.

варіанти відповідей

Submit - sends the current (parent) form to the web server.

Submit - sends the current HTML element tothe web server.

Send - sends the current form to the web server.

Click - clicks on the HTML element.

OnClick - clicks on the HTML element.

Запитання 7

Select the correct answers concering testing websites from a C# project using Selenium.

варіанти відповідей

No browser installation is required if we are using the Selenium.WebDriver.

No browser installation is required if we are using the Seleniun.WebDriver.Chrome.

The Selenium.WebDriver package's required.

‘The Selenium.WebDriver emulates major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera).

The Selenium.Support package can be used.

Запитання 8

When we use Selenium and we want to find a HTML element on the page, we should use (select the correct answers):

варіанти відповідей

The Find method from the OpenQA.Selenium.IWebElement.

The Findelement method from the OpenQA.Selenium.IWebElement.

The GetElement method from the OpenQA.Selenium.IWebElement.

We cannot access HTML elements on the page when using Selenium

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