She isn't going to the park, ______________ ?
I am late, ____________ ?
Chris should study more, ____________ ?
The boys won't be home in the evening, ______________ ?
This app looks great, _____________ ?
Sally hasn't taken the dog for a walk, ______________ ?
What kind of sport is a sport in which two people fight by holding each other and trying to make each other fall to the ground?
What kind of sport is the sport of moving down hills, across land in the snow, or on water wearing skis?
What kind of sport is the sport or activity of making a boat move through water with oars?
Mark only winter sports.
Mark only team sports.
We play...
We do...
We go...
The games take place every .... years.
This is the one of the symbols of the games. It has a white background with five interlocking rings.
The best athlets in each sports event get...:gold,silver or bronze.
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