Тематична контрольна 7 клас 1

Додано: 5 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 173 рази
26 запитань
Запитання 1

Оберіть перше слово

The West Philadelphia School of the Future was opened in 2006. It’s difficult to believe, but students there don’t need any books. Instead, students use _____(1). Mathematics is taught with OneNote, a note-taking app, and teachers use computerized smart boards instead of traditional ________(2). Students use digital _________(3) that open with the flash of an ID card. The lessons begin at 9.00 a.m. and end at 4.00 p.m. to be like a normal workday instead of a typical school day.

The school soon became successful. Students show good results in _______(4), reading and sciences. As they can use Microsoft Office and other programs very well, they have higher chances to find a good job after finishing school.

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Запитання 2

Оберіть друге слово

The West Philadelphia School of the Future was opened in 2006. It’s difficult to believe, but students there don’t need any books. Instead, students use _____(1). Mathematics is taught with OneNote, a note-taking app, and teachers use computerized smart boards instead of traditional ________(2). Students use digital _________(3) that open with the flash of an ID card. The lessons begin at 9.00 a.m. and end at 4.00 p.m. to be like a normal workday instead of a typical school day.

The school soon became successful. Students show good results in _______(4), reading and sciences. As they can use Microsoft Office and other programs very well, they have higher chances to find a good job after finishing school.

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Запитання 3

Оберіть третє слово

The West Philadelphia School of the Future was opened in 2006. It’s difficult to believe, but students there don’t need any books. Instead, students use _____(1). Mathematics is taught with OneNote, a note-taking app, and teachers use computerized smart boards instead of traditional ________(2). Students use digital _________(3) that open with the flash of an ID card. The lessons begin at 9.00 a.m. and end at 4.00 p.m. to be like a normal workday instead of a typical school day.

The school soon became successful. Students show good results in _______(4), reading and sciences. As they can use Microsoft Office and other programs very well, they have higher chances to find a good job after finishing school.

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Запитання 4

Оберіть четверте слово

The West Philadelphia School of the Future was opened in 2006. It’s difficult to believe, but students there don’t need any books. Instead, students use _____(1). Mathematics is taught with OneNote, a note-taking app, and teachers use computerized smart boards instead of traditional ________(2). Students use digital _________(3) that open with the flash of an ID card. The lessons begin at 9.00 a.m. and end at 4.00 p.m. to be like a normal workday instead of a typical school day.

The school soon became successful. Students show good results in _______(4), reading and sciences. As they can use Microsoft Office and other programs very well, they have higher chances to find a good job after finishing school.

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Запитання 5

Оберіть перше слово

Brooklyn Free School is divided into two. The upper school is for children between the ages of 11 and 18, and the lower school for(1) between the ages of 4 and 11. This school is unusual as students can choose

any (2) they want and may stay away from school if they wish. Besides the students are responsible for making the school rules. There are no tests, (3), or grades. If a student

wants to, he or she can call a meeting and discuss ideas with the whole school. As the (4) of Brooklyn Free School says, they want every student'to find his or her own way.

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Запитання 6

Оберіть друге слово

Brooklyn Free School is divided into two. The upper school is for children between the ages of 11 and 18, and the lower school for(1) between the ages of 4 and 11. This school is unusual as students can choose

any (2) they want and may stay away from school if they wish. Besides the students are responsible for making the school rules. There are no tests, (3), or grades. If a student

wants to, he or she can call a meeting and discuss ideas with the whole school. As the (4) of Brooklyn Free School says, they want every student'to find his or her own way.

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Запитання 7

Оберіть третє слово

Brooklyn Free School is divided into two. The upper school is for children between the ages of 11 and 18, and the lower school for(1) between the ages of 4 and 11. This school is unusual as students can choose

any (2) they want and may stay away from school if they wish. Besides the students are responsible for making the school rules. There are no tests, (3), or grades. If a student

wants to, he or she can call a meeting and discuss ideas with the whole school. As the (4) of Brooklyn Free School says, they want every student'to find his or her own way.

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Запитання 8

Оберіть четверте слово

Brooklyn Free School is divided into two. The upper school is for children between the ages of 11 and 18, and the lower school for(1) between the ages of 4 and 11. This school is unusual as students can choose

any (2) they want and may stay away from school if they wish. Besides the students are responsible for making the school rules. There are no tests, (3), or grades. If a student

wants to, he or she can call a meeting and discuss ideas with the whole school. As the (4) of Brooklyn Free School says, they want every student'to find his or her own way.

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Запитання 9

A club for students who are interested in programming and want to do something fun related to technology.

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Computer Club

Journalism Club

Debate Club

Sports Club

Запитання 10

The purpose of this club is to gather in the spirit of good cooking, share recipes, and learn about dishes. The club eats well, too.

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Dinner Club

Book Club

Chess Club

Tennis Club

Запитання 11

The mission of this club is to bring music to a variety of local audiences and to earn money for an organization that provides free musical instruments to children. Concerts occur once a month, usually on Sunday afternoon.

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Modern Club

Dabate Club

Chess Club

Songs for Smiles Club

Запитання 12

A staff room is a room where..

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Teachers can speak.

Teachers can speak with their students.

Teachers can relax, speak and check hometasks.

Teachers can spend their time and watch films.

Запитання 13

A place where you can find a lot of books.

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Art room


Запитання 14

The students live in these schools and go home only for holidays.

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Day school

Primary school

Boarding school

Secondary school

Запитання 15

A room where you can have your lunch.

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Запитання 16

Choose correct translation:

Кімната була темною та просторою.

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The room was dark and spasious.

The room was bright and spasious.

The room was dark and wide.

The room was shabby and nice.

Запитання 17

It`s a room where you get ready for a PE lesson.

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Changing room

Art classroom

Запитання 18

We ....chew gum at the lesson.

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Запитання 19

Виберіть правильний варіант перекладу:

I needn't wear a coat. It is warm outside.

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Я повинен одягти пальто. На вулиці холодно.

Мені потрібно одягти пальто. На вулиці холодно.

Мені не потрібно одягти пальто. На вулиці тепло.

Я не повинен одягти пальто. На вулиці тепло.

Запитання 20

The visitors _______ eat or drink in the library.

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has to


Запитання 21

Choose the odd word

Oбери зайве слово

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next to



Запитання 22

Choose the odd word

Oбери зайве слово

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Запитання 23

I can't buy the bike because it is________expensive.

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Запитання 24

He wasn't strong________to carry that heavy suitcase.

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Запитання 25

I didn't buy the jacket because it was ___ big.

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Запитання 26

Today's homework is easy ___ .

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