Match the word combinations (з`єднай)
a loaf of
Match the word combinations (з`єднай)
a bar of
Match the word combinations (з`єднай)
a cup of
How ….... ice-cream have you got?
When you are hungry between meals, you can have a........... .
A vegetarian doesn't eat ......... .
Healthy food helps you to ........... .
Your diet is what you ............... .
Food in the milk group help your teeth and bones ...... .
Lilly is a ... She doesn't eat meat.
What food is rich in vitamins?
Виберіть рядок з незлічуваними іменниками.
Виберіть рядок лише зі злічувальними іменниками.
Healthy food is...
... skip breakfast! It is the most important meal.
... eat crisps and peanuts between meal.
Vegetables are ...
What food is rich in vitamins?
If you want to ........ you should eat more fruit and vegetables and you shouldn't eat sweets and cakes.
Good ...... are important for your health.
Eat fresh fruit and vegetables to ....... .
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