Test 1 (Reading Comprehension)

Додано: 14 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 74 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

I.              Read the text “After school” and do the task after the text.

     Let me introduce myself. I’m Nick. I’m a pupil of the seventh form. As all students I go to school and have many lessons. I must say that I like spending time after lessons. I am a member of a film club. We often shoot films. In my opinion it’s a lot of fun. We don’t get together very often, just twice a week. I enjoy it because I am fond of films. Besides I also go to the park or playground with my friends. I ride a bike. Of course I wear my helmet. I can play the piano but not very well. I practice two hours a day. My parents are proud me. 

Choose the right word to complete the sentence. 

   I am … . 

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Запитання 2

I.              Read the text “After school” and do the task after the text.

     Let me introduce myself. I’m Nick. I’m a pupil of the seventh form. As all students I go to school and have many lessons. I must say that I like spending time after lessons. I am a member of a film club. We often shoot films. In my opinion it’s a lot of fun. We don’t get together very often, just twice a week. I enjoy it because I am fond of films. Besides I also go to the park or playground with my friends. I ride a bike. Of course I wear my helmet. I can play the piano but not very well. I practice two hours a day. My parents are proud me. 

Choose the right word to complete the sentence. 

 I study at … .

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Запитання 3

I.              Read the text “After school” and do the task after the text.

     Let me introduce myself. I’m Nick. I’m a pupil of the seventh form. As all students I go to school and have many lessons. I must say that I like spending time after lessons. I am a member of a film club. We often shoot films. In my opinion it’s a lot of fun. We don’t get together very often, just twice a week. I enjoy it because I am fond of films. Besides I also go to the park or playground with my friends. I ride a bike. Of course I wear my helmet. I can play the piano but not very well. I practice two hours a day. My parents are proud me. 

Choose the right word to complete the sentence. 

          I like … .

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after school activities

Запитання 4

I.              Read the text “After school” and do the task after the text.

     Let me introduce myself. I’m Nick. I’m a pupil of the seventh form. As all students I go to school and have many lessons. I must say that I like spending time after lessons. I am a member of a film club. We often shoot films. In my opinion it’s a lot of fun. We don’t get together very often, just twice a week. I enjoy it because I am fond of films. Besides I also go to the park or playground with my friends. I ride a bike. Of course I wear my helmet. I can play the piano but not very well. I practice two hours a day. My parents are proud me. 

Choose the right word to complete the sentence.           

             We visit film club … .

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twice a day;   

two hours a day

two times a week

Запитання 5

I.              Read the text “After school” and do the task after the text.

     Let me introduce myself. I’m Nick. I’m a pupil of the seventh form. As all students I go to school and have many lessons. I must say that I like spending time after lessons. I am a member of a film club. We often shoot films. In my opinion it’s a lot of fun. We don’t get together very often, just twice a week. I enjoy it because I am fond of films. Besides I also go to the park or playground with my friends. I ride a bike. Of course I wear my helmet. I can play the piano but not very well. I practice two hours a day. My parents are proud me. 

Choose the right word to complete the sentence.         

             When I ride a bicycle I put on … .

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sport costume;



Запитання 6

I.              Read the text “After school” and do the task after the text.

     Let me introduce myself. I’m Nick. I’m a pupil of the seventh form. As all students I go to school and have many lessons. I must say that I like spending time after lessons. I am a member of a film club. We often shoot films. In my opinion it’s a lot of fun. We don’t get together very often, just twice a week. I enjoy it because I am fond of films. Besides I also go to the park or playground with my friends. I ride a bike. Of course I wear my helmet. I can play the piano but not very well. I practice two hours a day. My parents are proud me. 

Choose the right word to complete the sentence. 

           I … play the music instrument.

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Запитання 7

II.              Read the text “Fast food” and do the task after the text.


    This is the fast food restaurant. It isn’t like an ordinary restaurant. There aren’t any waiters in it. You order the food at the counter and pay for it at the same time. You get your food in a bag or in a box. There are no plates. There aren’t any knives, forks or spoons. You eat with fingers. Drinks are all in paper or plastic cups. You also cannot see any saucers. After eating your meals, you throw all the boxes and cup away. It’s easy. It’s cheap. It’s fast.


   You eat with knife and fork in the fast food restaurant.

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Запитання 8

              Read the text “Fast food” and do the task after the text.


    This is the fast food restaurant. It isn’t like an ordinary restaurant. There aren’t any waiters in it. You order the food at the counter and pay for it at the same time. You get your food in a bag or in a box. There are no plates. There aren’t any knives, forks or spoons. You eat with fingers. Drinks are all in paper or plastic cups. You also cannot see any saucers. After eating your meals, you throw all the boxes and cup away. It’s easy. It’s cheap. It’s fast.


You get your food at the counter.

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Запитання 9

             Read the text “Fast food” and do the task after the text.


    This is the fast food restaurant. It isn’t like an ordinary restaurant. There aren’t any waiters in it. You order the food at the counter and pay for it at the same time. You get your food in a bag or in a box. There are no plates. There aren’t any knives, forks or spoons. You eat with fingers. Drinks are all in paper or plastic cups. You also cannot see any saucers. After eating your meals, you throw all the boxes and cup away. It’s easy. It’s cheap. It’s fast.


 You drink from a paper cup.

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Запитання 10

               Read the text “Fast food” and do the task after the text.


    This is the fast food restaurant. It isn’t like an ordinary restaurant. There aren’t any waiters in it. You order the food at the counter and pay for it at the same time. You get your food in a bag or in a box. There are no plates. There aren’t any knives, forks or spoons. You eat with fingers. Drinks are all in paper or plastic cups. You also cannot see any saucers. After eating your meals, you throw all the boxes and cup away. It’s easy. It’s cheap. It’s fast. 

You throw away the bags and boxes.

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Запитання 11

             Read the text “Fast food” and do the task after the text.


    This is the fast food restaurant. It isn’t like an ordinary restaurant. There aren’t any waiters in it. You order the food at the counter and pay for it at the same time. You get your food in a bag or in a box. There are no plates. There aren’t any knives, forks or spoons. You eat with fingers. Drinks are all in paper or plastic cups. You also cannot see any saucers. After eating your meals, you throw all the boxes and cup away. It’s easy. It’s cheap. It’s fast.

 A waiter brings your food.

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Запитання 12

              Read the text “Fast food” and do the task after the text.


    This is the fast food restaurant. It isn’t like an ordinary restaurant. There aren’t any waiters in it. You order the food at the counter and pay for it at the same time. You get your food in a bag or in a box. There are no plates. There aren’t any knives, forks or spoons. You eat with fingers. Drinks are all in paper or plastic cups. You also cannot see any saucers. After eating your meals, you throw all the boxes and cup away. It’s easy. It’s cheap. It’s fast.

 It is very inconvenient to eat with hands.

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