car keys
туалетні приналежності
складати графік виходу працювати
поповнення запасів
гарантія, впевненість
багажна стрічка/конвеєр
a double room
напів люкс
Начальник АГС
Daily housekeeping
a seamstress
Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective.
Jack Green is the hotel manager. He's in….., office.
Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective.
We can't help you at the moment because ……… computer system isn't working.
Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective.
I'm afraid I can't find ………. key card. Do you have another?
Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective.
The guests from Japan would like ………… luggage now.
Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective.
What time is ………. train? Do you have the ticket?
Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective.
Mrs Bell would like lunch in …………. room.
Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective.
Can I contact the hotel? Do you have ……………. email address?
Complete the sentences with a/an or the.
Is there …..……… exchange bureau in the hotel?
Complete the sentences with a/an or the.
A: Can I leave …………… message in reception?
B: Certainly, sir. Is this …………….. message?
Complete the sentences with a/an or the.
This is ………… bar I like.
Complete the sentences with a/an or the.
A: I'd like to have ……………… sauna.
B: Of course ……………… sauna is open from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
Complete the sentences with a/an or the.
Would you like…………………. aperitif?
Complete the sentences with a/an or the.
A: There's ……………….. key card on the desk.
B: Yes, but it isn't ……………….. key card for Mr Nagy's room.
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