Look, read and choose the correct answer.
Is there a bookcase in your house?
Translate to English:
Ми завжди кладемо їжу в холодильник.
Read and translate :
I always have lots of blankets on my bed in winter.
Read and translate the words:
1.always 2. usually 3.often 4. never.
Read , translate and choose the correct answer.
Школа навпроти парку.
Read and translate to English:
Книжковий магазин знаходиться біля спортивної зали.
Read and translate to English:
Автовокзал знаходиться між зоопарком і іграшковим магазином.
Look and read. Choose the correct answer.
This is place where you go to buy interesting books.
Look and read. Choose the correct answer.
It’s good place to buy fruit and vegetables.
Read and choose the answer.
You need it in a town when you are new. It helps you to find places.
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