
Додано: 14 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 88 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and do a test ( прочитайте текст і виконайте тест)

Hi! My name is Dan. I’m ten. My hobby is travelling. This weekend I and my parents   will go to the USA for a week. Friends invited us . We’re not taking a train. We’re flying. It is my first flight. We are at Golden  Hotel now.

It is beautiful. We’ll come back on the 10th of August. I have a nice trip.

Dan is nine

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Запитання 2

Hi! My name is Dan. I’m ten. My hobby is travelling. This weekend I and my parents   will go to the USA for a week. Friends invited us . We’re not taking a train. We’re flying. It is my first flight. We are at Golden  Hotel now.

It is beautiful. We’ll come back on the 10th of August. I have a nice trip.

He likes to travel.

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Запитання 3

Hi! My name is Dan. I’m ten. My hobby is travelling. This weekend I and my parents   will go to the USA for a week. Friends invited us . We’re not taking a train. We’re flying. It is my first flight. We are at Golden  Hotel now.

It is beautiful. We’ll come back on the 10th of August. I have a nice trip.


  The family will go to  London.

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Запитання 4

Hi! My name is Dan. I’m ten. My hobby is travelling. This weekend I and my parents   will go to the USA for a week. Friends invited us . We’re not taking a train. We’re flying. It is my first flight. We are at Golden  Hotel now.

It is beautiful. We’ll come back on the 10th of August. I have a nice trip.

   They are travelling by train.

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Запитання 5

Hi! My name is Dan. I’m ten. My hobby is travelling. This weekend I and my parents   will go to the USA for a week. Friends invited us . We’re not taking a train. We’re flying. It is my first flight. We are at Golden  Hotel now.

It is beautiful. We’ll come back on the 10th of August. I have a nice trip.

He is not flying.

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Запитання 6

Hi! My name is Dan. I’m ten. My hobby is travelling. This weekend I and my parents   will go to the USA for a week. Friends invited us . We’re not taking a train. We’re flying. It is my first flight. We are at Golden  Hotel now.

It is beautiful. We’ll come back on the 10th of August. I have a nice trip.

Dan is at beautiful hotel.

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Запитання 7

Hi! My name is Dan. I’m ten. My hobby is travelling. This weekend I and my parents   will go to the USA for a week. Friends invited us . We’re not taking a train. We’re flying. It is my first flight. We are at Golden  Hotel now.

It is beautiful. We’ll come back on the 10th of August. I have a nice trip.

Dan will come back in July.

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Запитання 8

Hi! My name is Dan. I’m ten. My hobby is travelling. This weekend I and my parents   will go to the USA for a week. Friends invited us . We’re not taking a train. We’re flying. It is my first flight. We are at Golden  Hotel now.

It is beautiful. We’ll come back on the 10th of August. I have a nice trip.

The trip is nice.

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Запитання 9

Read and choose( прочитай і вибери)

You are at the airport when you travel:

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  by train;                    

by car;

by plane;                 

Запитання 10

Travelling is a way to :

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learn a lot of things;



visit friends.        

read a book;                      

Запитання 11

What*s this?

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The Big Ben. 

The Houses of Parliament.

London National Gallery.

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