Test 7th form 15.11

Додано: 14 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 118 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Welcome to the tour of Woodlands Junior School in the south-east corner of the United Kingdom. The school was build in 1960's to replace an overcrowded school in our local town centre. The main building of our school is a two-storey one with four classrooms on each floor. We also have classes in surrounding buildings.

Our classrooms are large, and every classroom,in the main teaching block, has its own resuorse area. In all classrooms there is a computer, an ovrhead projector and an interactive whiteboard. Each class is well resoursed for all subjects. We have a well-equipped music room where class and individual lessons are held. Many of our students play a variety of musical instruments. As far as we are aware, we are the only school in our area to have a "Singing and Singing" Choir. The children use their voices as well as sign language.

We have an Opportunity Centre for individual and small group work with learning support assistances. Our referencelibrary is used by all the classe weekly and also at lunch times. Every classroom has its own mini libraries, too. We have a computer suite with 32 computers as well as computers in every classroom.

Our school hall is an amazing place. The colourful curtains were provided by our Friends Association. Behind the curtains is our dining hall. The hall is used for gymnastics, assemblies, eating lunch and is the place where we hold many of our events.

Our school has two playgrounds. We are very fortunate to have a large fild. Our students enjoy using is for games and cros--country runs. Many of our children are members of a cross-country running teams. They take part in event across the country. There is also a quiet area, for children who want peace away from our two playgrounds at break times. It used to be a place where school rabbits were kept when the school first opened. We have many nature areas around the school. The one outside our main block has our school pond which is looked afterby our Environmental Club members.

1 Look and write the name of school area

варіанти відповідей

School's Main Building


Music room

Opportunity Centre

Reference Library

Nature Area

Computer Suite

Запитання 2

Welcome to the tour of Woodlands Junior School in the south-east corner of the United Kingdom. The school was build in 1960's to replace an overcrowded school in our local town centre. The main building of our school is a two-storey one with four classrooms on each floor. We also have classes in surrounding buildings.

Our classrooms are large, and every classroom,in the main teaching block, has its own resuorse area. In all classrooms there is a computer, an ovrhead projector and an interactive whiteboard. Each class is well resoursed for all subjects. We have a well-equipped music room where class and individual lessons are held. Many of our students play a variety of musical instruments. As far as we are aware, we are the only school in our area to have a "Singing and Singing" Choir. The children use their voices as well as sign language.

We have an Opportunity Centre for individual and small group work with learning support assistances. Our referencelibrary is used by all the classe weekly and also at lunch times. Every classroom has its own mini libraries, too. We have a computer suite with 32 computers as well as computers in every classroom.

Our school hall is an amazing place. The colourful curtains were provided by our Friends Association. Behind the curtains is our dining hall. The hall is used for gymnastics, assemblies, eating lunch and is the place where we hold many of our events.

Our school has two playgrounds. We are very fortunate to have a large fild. Our students enjoy using is for games and cros--country runs. Many of our children are members of a cross-country running teams. They take part in event across the country. There is also a quiet area, for children who want peace away from our two playgrounds at break times. It used to be a place where school rabbits were kept when the school first opened. We have many nature areas around the school. The one outside our main block has our school pond which is looked afterby our Environmental Club members.

2 Look and write the name of school area

варіанти відповідей

Music room


School Hall


Opportunity Centre

Nature area

Запитання 3

Welcome to the tour of Woodlands Junior School in the south-east corner of the United Kingdom. The school was build in 1960's to replace an overcrowded school in our local town centre. The main building of our school is a two-storey one with four classrooms on each floor. We also have classes in surrounding buildings.

Our classrooms are large, and every classroom,in the main teaching block, has its own resuorse area. In all classrooms there is a computer, an ovrhead projector and an interactive whiteboard. Each class is well resoursed for all subjects. We have a well-equipped music room where class and individual lessons are held. Many of our students play a variety of musical instruments. As far as we are aware, we are the only school in our area to have a "Singing and Singing" Choir. The children use their voices as well as sign language.

We have an Opportunity Centre for individual and small group work with learning support assistances. Our referencelibrary is used by all the classe weekly and also at lunch times. Every classroom has its own mini libraries, too. We have a computer suite with 32 computers as well as computers in every classroom.

Our school hall is an amazing place. The colourful curtains were provided by our Friends Association. Behind the curtains is our dining hall. The hall is used for gymnastics, assemblies, eating lunch and is the place where we hold many of our events.

Our school has two playgrounds. We are very fortunate to have a large fild. Our students enjoy using is for games and cros--country runs. Many of our children are members of a cross-country running teams. They take part in event across the country. There is also a quiet area, for children who want peace away from our two playgrounds at break times. It used to be a place where school rabbits were kept when the school first opened. We have many nature areas around the school. The one outside our main block has our school pond which is looked afterby our Environmental Club members.

3 Look and write the name of school area

варіанти відповідей

School's Main Building


Computer Suite

Reference Library

Nature Area

Запитання 4

Welcome to the tour of Woodlands Junior School in the south-east corner of the United Kingdom. The school was build in 1960's to replace an overcrowded school in our local town centre. The main building of our school is a two-storey one with four classrooms on each floor. We also have classes in surrounding buildings.

Our classrooms are large, and every classroom,in the main teaching block, has its own resuorse area. In all classrooms there is a computer, an ovrhead projector and an interactive whiteboard. Each class is well resoursed for all subjects. We have a well-equipped music room where class and individual lessons are held. Many of our students play a variety of musical instruments. As far as we are aware, we are the only school in our area to have a "Singing and Singing" Choir. The children use their voices as well as sign language.

We have an Opportunity Centre for individual and small group work with learning support assistances. Our referencelibrary is used by all the classe weekly and also at lunch times. Every classroom has its own mini libraries, too. We have a computer suite with 32 computers as well as computers in every classroom.

Our school hall is an amazing place. The colourful curtains were provided by our Friends Association. Behind the curtains is our dining hall. The hall is used for gymnastics, assemblies, eating lunch and is the place where we hold many of our events.

Our school has two playgrounds. We are very fortunate to have a large fild. Our students enjoy using is for games and cros--country runs. Many of our children are members of a cross-country running teams. They take part in event across the country. There is also a quiet area, for children who want peace away from our two playgrounds at break times. It used to be a place where school rabbits were kept when the school first opened. We have many nature areas around the school. The one outside our main block has our school pond which is looked afterby our Environmental Club members.

4 Look and write the name of school area

варіанти відповідей

School's main Building

Opportunity Centre

School Hall


Nature Area

Запитання 5

Read and choose TRUE or FALSE

When I was at school, our teacher said to the class, "You are what you eat". My friends and I would laugh and call each other "hamburger" and "buscuits". Our teacher trying to show us the importance of eating the right food to stay healthy.

So can you tell what your friends eat just by looking at them?

Food has impact on our physical and emotional health. Have you ever heard any of the following advice?

- Lettuce or milk can make you sleepy.

- To stop feeling sleepy you should eat peanuts and dried fish.

- To keep your teeth clean you should eat apples often.

- Garlic helps you not to catch cold.

Everyone has their own advice to give. Some of these pieces of advice seem to contradict each other.

- Eating chocolate makes you fat and gives you spots.

- Chocolate contains the essential minerals iron and magnesium.

What we nned to figure out is what type os chocolate to eat to ger benefits and how much to eat. We can do this by reading the list of ingredients on the chocolate bar wrapper.

1 Food may influence people's physical and emotional health.

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Запитання 6

Read and choose TRUE or FALSE

When I was at school, our teacher said to the class, "You are what you eat". My friends and I would laugh and call each other "hamburger" and "buscuits". Our teacher trying to show us the importance of eating the right food to stay healthy.

So can you tell what your friends eat just by looking at them?

Food has impact on our physical and emotional health. Have you ever heard any of the following advice?

- Lettuce or milk can make you sleepy.

- To stop feeling sleepy you should eat peanuts and dried fish.

- To keep your teeth clean you should eat apples often.

- Garlic helps you not to catch cold.

Everyone has their own advice to give. Some of these pieces of advice seem to contradict each other.

- Eating chocolate makes you fat and gives you spots.

- Chocolate contains the essential minerals iron and magnesium.

What we nned to figure out is what type os chocolate to eat to ger benefits and how much to eat. We can do this by reading the list of ingredients on the chocolate bar wrapper.

1. Lettuce can make you sleepy.

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Запитання 7

Read and choose TRUE or FALSE

When I was at school, our teacher said to the class, "You are what you eat". My friends and I would laugh and call each other "hamburger" and "buscuits". Our teacher trying to show us the importance of eating the right food to stay healthy.

So can you tell what your friends eat just by looking at them?

Food has impact on our physical and emotional health. Have you ever heard any of the following advice?

- Lettuce or milk can make you sleepy.

- To stop feeling sleepy you should eat peanuts and dried fish.

- To keep your teeth clean you should eat apples often.

- Garlic helps you not to catch cold.

Everyone has their own advice to give. Some of these pieces of advice seem to contradict each other.

- Eating chocolate makes you fat and gives you spots.

- Chocolate contains the essential minerals iron and magnesium.

What we nned to figure out is what type os chocolate to eat to ger benefits and how much to eat. We can do this by reading the list of ingredients on the chocolate bar wrapper.

3 Potatoes help you not to catch cold.

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Запитання 8

Read and choose TRUE or FALSE

When I was at school, our teacher said to the class, "You are what you eat". My friends and I would laugh and call each other "hamburger" and "buscuits". Our teacher trying to show us the importance of eating the right food to stay healthy.

So can you tell what your friends eat just by looking at them?

Food has impact on our physical and emotional health. Have you ever heard any of the following advice?

- Lettuce or milk can make you sleepy.

- To stop feeling sleepy you should eat peanuts and dried fish.

- To keep your teeth clean you should eat apples often.

- Garlic helps you not to catch cold.

Everyone has their own advice to give. Some of these pieces of advice seem to contradict each other.

- Eating chocolate makes you fat and gives you spots.

- Chocolate contains the essential minerals iron and magnesium.

What we nned to figure out is what type os chocolate to eat to ger benefits and how much to eat. We can do this by reading the list of ingredients on the chocolate bar wrapper.

4 Eating chocolate can't be harmful for one's health.

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Запитання 9

Read and choose TRUE or FALSE

When I was at school, our teacher said to the class, "You are what you eat". My friends and I would laugh and call each other "hamburger" and "buscuits". Our teacher trying to show us the importance of eating the right food to stay healthy.

So can you tell what your friends eat just by looking at them?

Food has impact on our physical and emotional health. Have you ever heard any of the following advice?

- Lettuce or milk can make you sleepy.

- To stop feeling sleepy you should eat peanuts and dried fish.

- To keep your teeth clean you should eat apples often.

- Garlic helps you not to catch cold.

Everyone has their own advice to give. Some of these pieces of advice seem to contradict each other.

- Eating chocolate makes you fat and gives you spots.

- Chocolate contains the essential minerals iron and magnesium.

What we nned to figure out is what type os chocolate to eat to ger benefits and how much to eat. We can do this by reading the list of ingredients on the chocolate bar wrapper.

5 It's good idea to read the list of ingredients on the wrappers.

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Запитання 10

What club does Emma's mother run?

I do Drama on Tuesday at the arts centre, I have piano classes on Fridays, and I'm practising throughout a week. I help my mother with her art club on Thursday, which she runs at primary. A lot of what I do is outside at school, but my school offers plenty of things, from dsport to science, and a lot of my friends go to after-school clubs.

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Запитання 11

What would Max like for dinner?

- Mum, can we have pancakes for dinner tonight?

- Good idea, Max, but we have no milk in the fridge left. Maybe you'd prefer fish and rice?

- No, mum, please. I can go to the shop and buy some milk for pancakes.

- Ok, thanks.

- Do we need eggs or sugar or anything else?

- Let me see. We have some eggs and there's enough sugar. No, dearm we need only milk.

- Ok, I'll be back in half an hour.

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Запитання 12

- Hello, Kate. Do you have any plans for Saturday?

- No, why?

- What about going to the circus to watch the nea acrobar show?

- Actually, I don't like circus. Shall we go to the cinema instead? There is a new thriller this week.

- A good idea. I love thrillers. When shall we meet?

- Let's meet at 3 p.m. somewhere.

Where does Vic want to go?

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