Test in Reading (2 term)

Додано: 10 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 81 раз
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Read (only once) the text and for questions (1-5) choose the best answer (A, B or C).


The Moken are a nomadic tribe who spend most of their life at sea off the west coast of Thailand. They live with their families on Kabangs, which are handmade, wooden boats. When the stormy season arrives, the Moken go to one of the small islands near Thailand and set up a village. Here, the men build new boats with the help of their sons and the women take care of the children. Family is very important to the Moken and often members of the tribe spend all day with their families.

They live on a diet of seafood and dive deep under water to catch sea creatures using sticks and spears. In fact, Moken children can see very well underwater and can hold their breath for longer than most people because they spend so much time diving for fish.

However, some of the Moken are becoming more modern and no longer move from place to place. Instead, these groups have settled on islands such as Surin, in Thailand. They even teach visitors to the island their way of life. They show these travellers how Moken hunt for seafood and how they build their Kabangs.

The Moken way of life is fascinating, and although it may not be easy, they always have their family close by.

What is true about the Kabangs?

варіанти відповідей

The Moken make them out of different materials.


They are where the Moken live on the water.

They are only big enough for one person. 

Запитання 2

In the tribe, family members


варіанти відповідей

 each have their own tasks.

 don’t help each other with jobs.

hardly see each other during the day.

Запитання 3

Moken children are special because they


варіанти відповідей

only eat seafood.

 have excellent eyesight.

can swim extremely well.

Запитання 4

The writer says that modern Moken people


варіанти відповідей

 are no longer nomadic.

 travel around Thailand.

want to learn about other lifestyles.

Запитання 5

The writer’s purpose is to


варіанти відповідей

describe the lifestyle of a tribe.

 persuade people to visit Thailand.

narrate a story about visiting the Moken.

Запитання 6

Read the texts below. For every paragraph (1-3) choose the right headline (A-D). Write appropriate letters next to paragraph numbers. One headline is extra and does not match any of the paragraphs.


 1  __________

      Mountain gorillas are sociable animals that live in groups. They communicate with each other by making noises, much like humans do, and studies have identified 25 different sounds. They are truly fascinating creatures, but they are in danger; there are less than 1,000 left in the wild.




 2  __________

      Mountain gorillas are endangered because they are hunted by humans. They also suffer from diseases, which they catch from tourists and scientists who are studying their behaviour and characteristics. However, the greatest problem for the mountain gorilla is habitat loss. Africa’s mountain forests are disappearing, which means that the future of the gorillas is uncertain.




 3  __________

      Many wildlife organisations are helping the mountain gorillas. There are patrols to stop the hunters and efforts to stop trees being cut down. Also, charities provide lessons for local people about the importance of saving this incredible species and its habitat. Gorilla numbers are slowly increasing and will hopefully continue to rise in the years to come.

1) the first headline...

варіанти відповідей

Saving the forests

 A species under threat

 A brighter future

Gorilla characteristics

Запитання 7


 1  __________

      Mountain gorillas are sociable animals that live in groups. They communicate with each other by making noises, much like humans do, and studies have identified 25 different sounds. They are truly fascinating creatures, but they are in danger; there are less than 1,000 left in the wild.


 2  __________

      Mountain gorillas are endangered because they are hunted by humans. They also suffer from diseases, which they catch from tourists and scientists who are studying their behaviour and characteristics. However, the greatest problem for the mountain gorilla is habitat loss. Africa’s mountain forests are disappearing, which means that the future of the gorillas is uncertain.


 3  __________

      Many wildlife organisations are helping the mountain gorillas. There are patrols to stop the hunters and efforts to stop trees being cut down. Also, charities provide lessons for local people about the importance of saving this incredible species and its habitat. Gorilla numbers are slowly increasing and will hopefully continue to rise in the years to come.

2) the second headline...

варіанти відповідей

Saving the forests

A species under threat

A brighter future

 Gorilla characteristics

Запитання 8


 1  __________

      Mountain gorillas are sociable animals that live in groups. They communicate with each other by making noises, much like humans do, and studies have identified 25 different sounds. They are truly fascinating creatures, but they are in danger; there are less than 1,000 left in the wild.


 2  __________

      Mountain gorillas are endangered because they are hunted by humans. They also suffer from diseases, which they catch from tourists and scientists who are studying their behaviour and characteristics. However, the greatest problem for the mountain gorilla is habitat loss. Africa’s mountain forests are disappearing, which means that the future of the gorillas is uncertain.


 3  __________

      Many wildlife organisations are helping the mountain gorillas. There are patrols to stop the hunters and efforts to stop trees being cut down. Also, charities provide lessons for local people about the importance of saving this incredible species and its habitat. Gorilla numbers are slowly increasing and will hopefully continue to rise in the years to come.

3) the third headline...

варіанти відповідей

Saving the forests

 A species under threat

A brighter future

Gorilla characteristics

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