The traditional English breakfast is
The main meal of the day is called
"High tea" is
In the picture you can see
In the photo there is
This is
Choose non-traditional Ukrainian dishes
chocolate cakes, Kyiv cake, syrnyky are
It is a plum pudding that contains dried fruit, spices, and often brandy. It is served as a part of Christmas dinner. This is...
It is an old-fashioned drink in Britain.
In most cities in Britain, you can't find ... easily
Pancakes made from grated potatoes and flour, fried and served with sour cream.
Cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and vegetables, or possibly with spiced minced meat.
How many slices of bread would you like with your ...... eggs?
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are _________.
I'm looking for an easy ___________ for a home-made pizza.
I really love Italian _______.
Moussaka is one of the most delicious ..... you can eat in this country.
Bread, pasta and rice are __________
Which of the following is not a kind of meat?
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