Test Unit 2 'What About Your Family?'

Додано: 23 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Test Unit 2 'What About Your Family?'
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Task 1: Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple\Present Continuous:

1. Twins sometimes ( compete)______ with each other.

варіанти відповідей


is competing


are competing

Запитання 2

2. Listen! The babies (scream)_____ in the bedroom now.

варіанти відповідей

are screaming

is screaming



Запитання 3

3. Jack (cook) _____dinner for his family at this moment.

варіанти відповідей


is cooking


are cooking

Запитання 4

6. Kim and Jim (not to follow)_____ me in the park right now.

варіанти відповідей

isn't following

don't follow

aren't following

doesn't follow

Запитання 5

Task 2: Fill in the sentences with the given words

1. My little brother thinks I have special _____

варіанти відповідей


an only child


grows up



Запитання 6

2. Jack wants to become a mechanic when he _____

варіанти відповідей


an only child


grows up



Запитання 7

3. I have got many ____: two aunts and four uncles

варіанти відповідей



grows up


an only child


Запитання 8

4. Ben is ______ in his family, but he really wants to have a brother.

варіанти відповідей


an only child


grows up



Запитання 9

Task 3 Read the paragraph and choose the right answer:

...My little brother, Jay, is such a pain in the neck. He follows me everywhere, takes my things from my room, breaks them, makes

a big mess, and I am the one who has to clean it! My parents say, "Oh, Jack! Relax! He's only five." I really want him to grow up...! My older brother, Jim, is quite different. He knows a lot and that is why I enjoy spending time with him. There are so many interesting books and games in his room! I sometimes come in and take them. He often gets angry with me, but I never break anything and I always put everything back! So, I can't be a nuisance like Jay, can I?

1. What is the author's name?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 10

.My little brother, Jay, is such a pain in the neck. He follows me everywhere, takes my things from my room, breaks them, makes

a big mess, and I am the one who has to clean it! My parents say, "Oh, Jack! Relax! He's only five." I really want him to grow up...! My older brother, Jim, is quite different. He knows a lot and that is why I enjoy spending time with him. There are so many interesting books and games in his room! I sometimes come in and take them. He often gets angry with me, but I never break anything and I always put everything back! So, I can't be a nuisance like Jay, can I?

2. What does Jay do in Jack's room?

варіанти відповідей

watches a film

cleans it up

makes a mess

Запитання 11

.My little brother, Jay, is such a pain in the neck. He follows me everywhere, takes my things from my room, breaks them, makes

a big mess, and I am the one who has to clean it! My parents say, "Oh, Jack! Relax! He's only five." I really want him to grow up...! My older brother, Jim, is quite different. He knows a lot and that is why I enjoy spending time with him. There are so many interesting books and games in his room! I sometimes come in and take them. He often gets angry at me, but I never break anything and I always put everything back! So, I can't be a nuisance like Jay, can I?

3. Who has to clean Jack's room?

варіанти відповідей


Jack's mother


Запитання 12

.My little brother, Jay, is such a pain in the neck. He follows me everywhere, takes my things from my room, breaks them, makes

a big mess, and I am the one who has to clean it! My parents say, "Oh, Jack! Relax! He's only five." I really want him to grow up...! My older brother, Jim, is quite different. He knows a lot and that is why I enjoy spending time with him. There are so many interesting books and games in his room! I sometimes come in and take them. He often gets angry at me, but I never break anything and I always put everything back! So, I can't be a nuisance like Jay, can I?

4. What things are there in Jim's room?

варіанти відповідей

books and games

books and magazines

toys and games

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