Tom wants to be an electronics technician so he will go to a(an) ....... school.
I was lucky to have parents who could afford to send me to a ..... school.
Elizabeth goes to a ..... school that trains children for the circus.
My dad went to a ....... school and only saw his parents once a month.
My older sister is learning French at a ...... school in the evenings.
My grandparents went to a ......... school because in their day boys and girls learnt separately.
They want to _________ how to ride a bike.
I __________ maths, and science at university.
Choose the correct sentence.
Choose the correct sentence.
To enter the British university you should ....... .
British children take the national General Certificate of Secondary Education exams at the age of ...... .
British children take 'A' level exams at the age of ...... .
Secondary education is _______ to all children in Britain.
The 1st school to which children go is called… .
Each year of high school finishes with a Prom.
Students have to pass two exams before they ___________ school.
Choose the odd word. Оберіть зайве слово.
teacher, graduate, learner, pupil, student
Choose the odd word. Оберіть зайве слово.
canteen, gym, education, library, workshop.
Choose the odd word. Оберіть зайве слово.
state, boarding, compulsory, private, co-educational
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