Why do people read

Додано: 12 лютого 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

When was the first printed book invented?

Almost everyone knows how to read. People do it every day, and so we don’t really think about it very much. However, before about 550 years ago, very few people knew how to read. Then, in 1455, a German man called Johannes Gutenburg invented the first printed1 book. Reading then became more and more popular. However, learning to read is not easy and it takes many years in school to become a good reader. So then, you might ask yourself: Why do people read? Well, people read for two reasons. First, they read so that they can learn new things. For example, people read text messages2 to find out what their friends are doing, and they read to find out what time the next bus will arrive. They can even read (study) to learn how to become a restaurant cook, a teacher or a doctor. Many people also read for another reason: reading is fun. If you are a person who enjoys reading, there are many kinds of literature3 to choose from. You can choose to read nonfiction4 and read the biography5 of a famous singer like Paul McCartney, or a famous soccer player like Ronaldo. Or you might decide to read fiction6 , maybe science fiction7 , and read A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by French writer Jules Verne. Or maybe you just want to read some funny stories that make you laugh. So, maybe you want to get some information and learn something new - or maybe you read because you just enjoy it. Schools, the Internet, libraries and bookstores are filled with thousands of short stories, novels8 and biographies of famous people from all over the world, and there are millions of pages out there to teach you almost anything you want to learn. There’s no reason not to read!

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Запитання 2

Why do people read?

Almost everyone knows how to read. People do it every day, and so we don’t really think about it very much. However, before about 550 years ago, very few people knew how to read. Then, in 1455, a German man called Johannes Gutenburg invented the first printed1 book. Reading then became more and more popular. However, learning to read is not easy and it takes many years in school to become a good reader. So then, you might ask yourself: Why do people read? Well, people read for two reasons. First, they read so that they can learn new things. For example, people read text messages2 to find out what their friends are doing, and they read to find out what time the next bus will arrive. They can even read (study) to learn how to become a restaurant cook, a teacher or a doctor. Many people also read for another reason: reading is fun. If you are a person who enjoys reading, there are many kinds of literature3 to choose from. You can choose to read nonfiction4 and read the biography5 of a famous singer like Paul McCartney, or a famous soccer player like Ronaldo. Or you might decide to read fiction6 , maybe science fiction7 , and read A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by French writer Jules Verne. Or maybe you just want to read some funny stories that make you laugh. So, maybe you want to get some information and learn something new - or maybe you read because you just enjoy it. Schools, the Internet, libraries and bookstores are filled with thousands of short stories, novels8 and biographies of famous people from all over the world, and there are millions of pages out there to teach you almost anything you want to learn. There’s no reason not to read!

варіанти відповідей
To learn new things
To waste time
To dislike reading
To avoid studying
Запитання 3

What is an example of nonfiction literature?

Almost everyone knows how to read. People do it every day, and so we don’t really think about it very much. However, before about 550 years ago, very few people knew how to read. Then, in 1455, a German man called Johannes Gutenburg invented the first printed1 book. Reading then became more and more popular. However, learning to read is not easy and it takes many years in school to become a good reader. So then, you might ask yourself: Why do people read? Well, people read for two reasons. First, they read so that they can learn new things. For example, people read text messages2 to find out what their friends are doing, and they read to find out what time the next bus will arrive. They can even read (study) to learn how to become a restaurant cook, a teacher or a doctor. Many people also read for another reason: reading is fun. If you are a person who enjoys reading, there are many kinds of literature3 to choose from. You can choose to read nonfiction4 and read the biography5 of a famous singer like Paul McCartney, or a famous soccer player like Ronaldo. Or you might decide to read fiction6 , maybe science fiction7 , and read A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by French writer Jules Verne. Or maybe you just want to read some funny stories that make you laugh. So, maybe you want to get some information and learn something new - or maybe you read because you just enjoy it. Schools, the Internet, libraries and bookstores are filled with thousands of short stories, novels8 and biographies of famous people from all over the world, and there are millions of pages out there to teach you almost anything you want to learn. There’s no reason not to read!

варіанти відповідей
Science fiction
Funny stories
Запитання 4

Who wrote A Journey to the Center of the Earth?

Almost everyone knows how to read. People do it every day, and so we don’t really think about it very much. However, before about 550 years ago, very few people knew how to read. Then, in 1455, a German man called Johannes Gutenburg invented the first printed1 book. Reading then became more and more popular. However, learning to read is not easy and it takes many years in school to become a good reader. So then, you might ask yourself: Why do people read? Well, people read for two reasons. First, they read so that they can learn new things. For example, people read text messages2 to find out what their friends are doing, and they read to find out what time the next bus will arrive. They can even read (study) to learn how to become a restaurant cook, a teacher or a doctor. Many people also read for another reason: reading is fun. If you are a person who enjoys reading, there are many kinds of literature3 to choose from. You can choose to read nonfiction4 and read the biography5 of a famous singer like Paul McCartney, or a famous soccer player like Ronaldo. Or you might decide to read fiction6 , maybe science fiction7 , and read A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by French writer Jules Verne. Or maybe you just want to read some funny stories that make you laugh. So, maybe you want to get some information and learn something new - or maybe you read because you just enjoy it. Schools, the Internet, libraries and bookstores are filled with thousands of short stories, novels8 and biographies of famous people from all over the world, and there are millions of pages out there to teach you almost anything you want to learn. There’s no reason not to read!

варіанти відповідей
Jules Verne
Paul McCartney
Запитання 5

Where can you find short stories, novels, and biographies?

Almost everyone knows how to read. People do it every day, and so we don’t really think about it very much. However, before about 550 years ago, very few people knew how to read. Then, in 1455, a German man called Johannes Gutenburg invented the first printed1 book. Reading then became more and more popular. However, learning to read is not easy and it takes many years in school to become a good reader. So then, you might ask yourself: Why do people read? Well, people read for two reasons. First, they read so that they can learn new things. For example, people read text messages2 to find out what their friends are doing, and they read to find out what time the next bus will arrive. They can even read (study) to learn how to become a restaurant cook, a teacher or a doctor. Many people also read for another reason: reading is fun. If you are a person who enjoys reading, there are many kinds of literature3 to choose from. You can choose to read nonfiction4 and read the biography5 of a famous singer like Paul McCartney, or a famous soccer player like Ronaldo. Or you might decide to read fiction6 , maybe science fiction7 , and read A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by French writer Jules Verne. Or maybe you just want to read some funny stories that make you laugh. So, maybe you want to get some information and learn something new - or maybe you read because you just enjoy it. Schools, the Internet, libraries and bookstores are filled with thousands of short stories, novels8 and biographies of famous people from all over the world, and there are millions of pages out there to teach you almost anything you want to learn. There’s no reason not to read!

варіанти відповідей
Schools, the Internet, libraries, and bookstores
Parks and cafes
Restaurants and movie theaters
Gyms and sports stadiums
Запитання 6

How long does it take to become a good reader?

Almost everyone knows how to read. People do it every day, and so we don’t really think about it very much. However, before about 550 years ago, very few people knew how to read. Then, in 1455, a German man called Johannes Gutenburg invented the first printed1 book. Reading then became more and more popular. However, learning to read is not easy and it takes many years in school to become a good reader. So then, you might ask yourself: Why do people read? Well, people read for two reasons. First, they read so that they can learn new things. For example, people read text messages2 to find out what their friends are doing, and they read to find out what time the next bus will arrive. They can even read (study) to learn how to become a restaurant cook, a teacher or a doctor. Many people also read for another reason: reading is fun. If you are a person who enjoys reading, there are many kinds of literature3 to choose from. You can choose to read nonfiction4 and read the biography5 of a famous singer like Paul McCartney, or a famous soccer player like Ronaldo. Or you might decide to read fiction6 , maybe science fiction7 , and read A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by French writer Jules Verne. Or maybe you just want to read some funny stories that make you laugh. So, maybe you want to get some information and learn something new - or maybe you read because you just enjoy it. Schools, the Internet, libraries and bookstores are filled with thousands of short stories, novels8 and biographies of famous people from all over the world, and there are millions of pages out there to teach you almost anything you want to learn. There’s no reason not to read!

варіанти відповідей
Many years in school
A few days
One hour
Запитання 7

What can people read to find out what time the next bus will arrive?

Almost everyone knows how to read. People do it every day, and so we don’t really think about it very much. However, before about 550 years ago, very few people knew how to read. Then, in 1455, a German man called Johannes Gutenburg invented the first printed1 book. Reading then became more and more popular. However, learning to read is not easy and it takes many years in school to become a good reader. So then, you might ask yourself: Why do people read? Well, people read for two reasons. First, they read so that they can learn new things. For example, people read text messages2 to find out what their friends are doing, and they read to find out what time the next bus will arrive. They can even read (study) to learn how to become a restaurant cook, a teacher or a doctor. Many people also read for another reason: reading is fun. If you are a person who enjoys reading, there are many kinds of literature3 to choose from. You can choose to read nonfiction4 and read the biography5 of a famous singer like Paul McCartney, or a famous soccer player like Ronaldo. Or you might decide to read fiction6 , maybe science fiction7 , and read A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by French writer Jules Verne. Or maybe you just want to read some funny stories that make you laugh. So, maybe you want to get some information and learn something new - or maybe you read because you just enjoy it. Schools, the Internet, libraries and bookstores are filled with thousands of short stories, novels8 and biographies of famous people from all over the world, and there are millions of pages out there to teach you almost anything you want to learn. There’s no reason not to read!

варіанти відповідей
Text messages
Запитання 8

What are some examples of professions that people can learn by reading?

Almost everyone knows how to read. People do it every day, and so we don’t really think about it very much. However, before about 550 years ago, very few people knew how to read. Then, in 1455, a German man called Johannes Gutenburg invented the first printed1 book. Reading then became more and more popular. However, learning to read is not easy and it takes many years in school to become a good reader. So then, you might ask yourself: Why do people read? Well, people read for two reasons. First, they read so that they can learn new things. For example, people read text messages2 to find out what their friends are doing, and they read to find out what time the next bus will arrive. They can even read (study) to learn how to become a restaurant cook, a teacher or a doctor. Many people also read for another reason: reading is fun. If you are a person who enjoys reading, there are many kinds of literature3 to choose from. You can choose to read nonfiction4 and read the biography5 of a famous singer like Paul McCartney, or a famous soccer player like Ronaldo. Or you might decide to read fiction6 , maybe science fiction7 , and read A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by French writer Jules Verne. Or maybe you just want to read some funny stories that make you laugh. So, maybe you want to get some information and learn something new - or maybe you read because you just enjoy it. Schools, the Internet, libraries and bookstores are filled with thousands of short stories, novels8 and biographies of famous people from all over the world, and there are millions of pages out there to teach you almost anything you want to learn. There’s no reason not to read!

варіанти відповідей
Restaurant cook, teacher, and doctor
Singer and soccer player
Writer and artist
Engineer and scientist
Запитання 9

Why is reading fun for some people?

Almost everyone knows how to read. People do it every day, and so we don’t really think about it very much. However, before about 550 years ago, very few people knew how to read. Then, in 1455, a German man called Johannes Gutenburg invented the first printed1 book. Reading then became more and more popular. However, learning to read is not easy and it takes many years in school to become a good reader. So then, you might ask yourself: Why do people read? Well, people read for two reasons. First, they read so that they can learn new things. For example, people read text messages2 to find out what their friends are doing, and they read to find out what time the next bus will arrive. They can even read (study) to learn how to become a restaurant cook, a teacher or a doctor. Many people also read for another reason: reading is fun. If you are a person who enjoys reading, there are many kinds of literature3 to choose from. You can choose to read nonfiction4 and read the biography5 of a famous singer like Paul McCartney, or a famous soccer player like Ronaldo. Or you might decide to read fiction6 , maybe science fiction7 , and read A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by French writer Jules Verne. Or maybe you just want to read some funny stories that make you laugh. So, maybe you want to get some information and learn something new - or maybe you read because you just enjoy it. Schools, the Internet, libraries and bookstores are filled with thousands of short stories, novels8 and biographies of famous people from all over the world, and there are millions of pages out there to teach you almost anything you want to learn. There’s no reason not to read!

варіанти відповідей
Because they enjoy it
Because they have to
Because they are forced
Because it is easy
Запитання 10

Are there reasons not to read?

Almost everyone knows how to read. People do it every day, and so we don’t really think about it very much. However, before about 550 years ago, very few people knew how to read. Then, in 1455, a German man called Johannes Gutenburg invented the first printed1 book. Reading then became more and more popular. However, learning to read is not easy and it takes many years in school to become a good reader. So then, you might ask yourself: Why do people read? Well, people read for two reasons. First, they read so that they can learn new things. For example, people read text messages2 to find out what their friends are doing, and they read to find out what time the next bus will arrive. They can even read (study) to learn how to become a restaurant cook, a teacher or a doctor. Many people also read for another reason: reading is fun. If you are a person who enjoys reading, there are many kinds of literature3 to choose from. You can choose to read nonfiction4 and read the biography5 of a famous singer like Paul McCartney, or a famous soccer player like Ronaldo. Or you might decide to read fiction6 , maybe science fiction7 , and read A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by French writer Jules Verne. Or maybe you just want to read some funny stories that make you laugh. So, maybe you want to get some information and learn something new - or maybe you read because you just enjoy it. Schools, the Internet, libraries and bookstores are filled with thousands of short stories, novels8 and biographies of famous people from all over the world, and there are millions of pages out there to teach you almost anything you want to learn. There’s no reason not to read!

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Запитання 11

Is learning to read easy?

Almost everyone knows how to read. People do it every day, and so we don’t really think about it very much. However, before about 550 years ago, very few people knew how to read. Then, in 1455, a German man called Johannes Gutenburg invented the first printed1 book. Reading then became more and more popular. However, learning to read is not easy and it takes many years in school to become a good reader. So then, you might ask yourself: Why do people read? Well, people read for two reasons. First, they read so that they can learn new things. For example, people read text messages2 to find out what their friends are doing, and they read to find out what time the next bus will arrive. They can even read (study) to learn how to become a restaurant cook, a teacher or a doctor. Many people also read for another reason: reading is fun. If you are a person who enjoys reading, there are many kinds of literature3 to choose from. You can choose to read nonfiction4 and read the biography5 of a famous singer like Paul McCartney, or a famous soccer player like Ronaldo. Or you might decide to read fiction6 , maybe science fiction7 , and read A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by French writer Jules Verne. Or maybe you just want to read some funny stories that make you laugh. So, maybe you want to get some information and learn something new - or maybe you read because you just enjoy it. Schools, the Internet, libraries and bookstores are filled with thousands of short stories, novels8 and biographies of famous people from all over the world, and there are millions of pages out there to teach you almost anything you want to learn. There’s no reason not to read!

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Запитання 12

Before about 550 years ago, did many people know how to read?

Almost everyone knows how to read. People do it every day, and so we don’t really think about it very much. However, before about 550 years ago, very few people knew how to read. Then, in 1455, a German man called Johannes Gutenburg invented the first printed1 book. Reading then became more and more popular. However, learning to read is not easy and it takes many years in school to become a good reader. So then, you might ask yourself: Why do people read? Well, people read for two reasons. First, they read so that they can learn new things. For example, people read text messages2 to find out what their friends are doing, and they read to find out what time the next bus will arrive. They can even read (study) to learn how to become a restaurant cook, a teacher or a doctor. Many people also read for another reason: reading is fun. If you are a person who enjoys reading, there are many kinds of literature3 to choose from. You can choose to read nonfiction4 and read the biography5 of a famous singer like Paul McCartney, or a famous soccer player like Ronaldo. Or you might decide to read fiction6 , maybe science fiction7 , and read A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by French writer Jules Verne. Or maybe you just want to read some funny stories that make you laugh. So, maybe you want to get some information and learn something new - or maybe you read because you just enjoy it. Schools, the Internet, libraries and bookstores are filled with thousands of short stories, novels8 and biographies of famous people from all over the world, and there are millions of pages out there to teach you almost anything you want to learn. There’s no reason not to read!

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