The English language school

Додано: 22 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 28 разів
4 запитання
Запитання 1

Прочитай діалог та обери правильну відповідь .

- Jill. I need some information about your English Language School.

- Of course. What do you want to know?

- When is the Language School starting? Is it in June?

- No, I think it will start in July.

- Ok. How can the children travel to England? Can they travel by ship?

- Oh,no. It's better to travel by plane.

- And who will meet the children?

- I think our teacher will meet the children at the airport.

- One more question. How long can the children be in England?

- They can be here for two weeks.


When will the English Language School start?

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

Прочитай діалог та обери правильну відповідь .

- Jill. I need some information about your English Language School.

- Of course. What do you want to know?

- When is the Language School starting? Is it in June?

- No, I think it will start in July.

- Ok. How can the children travel to England? Can they travel by ship?

- Oh,no. It's better to travel by plane.

- And who will meet the children?

- I think our teacher will meet the children at the airport.

- One more question. How long can the children be in England?

- They can be here for two weeks.


How will the children travel to Great Britain?

варіанти відповідей
Запитання 3

Прочитай діалог та обери правильну відповідь .

- Jill. I need some information about your English Language School.

- Of course. What do you want to know?

- When is the Language School starting? Is it in June?

- No, I think it will start in July.

- Ok. How can the children travel to England? Can they travel by ship?

- Oh,no. It's better to travel by plane.

- And who will meet the children?

- I think our teacher will meet the children at the airport.

- One more question. How long can the children be in England?

- They can be here for two weeks.


Who will meet the children?

варіанти відповідей
Запитання 4

Прочитай діалог та обери правильну відповідь .

- Jill. I need some information about your English Language School.

- Of course. What do you want to know?

- When is the Language School starting? Is it in June?

- No, I think it will start in July.

- Ok. How can the children travel to England? Can they travel by ship?

- Oh,no. It's better to travel by plane.

- And who will meet the children?

- I think our teacher will meet the children at the airport.

- One more question. How long can the children be in England?

- They can be here for two weeks.


How long will the children be in England?

варіанти відповідей

one week

two weeks

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