The most magnificent … in the world is in Alexandria.
… gave everyone access to books because they love learning.
The Greek libraries contained scrolls only on literary works.
In the libraries of ancient Greece one could find information on various topics.
The Greek libraries contained scrolls on mathematics too.
The great library of Alexandria existed for more … years.
The library of Alexandria is a complex of … .
Alexandria became … of civilization.
The library of Alexandria contained over … scrolls.
The librarians of Alexandria library wanted to have a copy of every book ever written.
The great library of Alexandria was … .
… from all over the world were invited to study and enrich the university and library.
“To be in charge of” means … .
“A priest” means… .
The Alexandrian Library contained the number of scrolls that was equivalent to 100,000 modern books.
“A scribe” is … .
When soldiers found books on the ships that came into the habour, they read them.
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