Додано: 16 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

1.  Who are the main characters of the novel?

The main characters include Ralph, Jack, Piggy, Simon, and Roger.

варіанти відповідей

The main characters include Ivan, Jack, Piggy, Donald, and Roger.

The main characters include Tom, Jack, Nigel, Simon, and Roger.

The main characters include Ralph, Jack, Piggy, Simon, and Roger.

The main characters include Ralph, Nick, Piggy, Simon, and Eric.

Запитання 2

 How does the relationship between Ralph and Jack evolve throughout the novel?

варіанти відповідей

The relationship between Ralph and Jack starts as cooperative but deteriorates into rivalry and conflict.

The relationship between Ralph and Jack starts as hostile but change into rivalry and friendly.

The relationship between Ralph and Jack starts as cooperative but rivalry. Finally they change into peaceful but absolutely indifferent.

Запитання 3

 What is the significance of the title "Lord of the Flies"?

варіанти відповідей

The title "Lord of the Flies" refers to the translation of the Hindy name "Bazaar," a figure of an Indian trader symbolizing corruption and greed.

The title "Lord of the Flies" refers to the translation of the Greek name "Chaos," a whitch figure symbolizing darkness and fear.

The title "Lord of the Flies" refers to the translation of the Hebrew name "Beelzebub," a devil figure symbolizing chaos and evil.

Запитання 4

 What does the signal fire represent in "Lord of the Flies"?

варіанти відповідей

The signal fire symbolizes the boys' connection to spiritual life, hope for happiness, and their ability to maintain order in the community of strong children and calm life on the island

The signal fire symbolizes the boys' connection to civilization, hope for rescue, and their ability to maintain order and unity.

The signal fire symbolizes the boys' connection to something mystical, hope for magic survival, and the period of the improvement of relationship between the 2 hostile groups of children.

Запитання 5

How does the theme of fear manifest throughout the story?

варіанти відповідей

Fear manifests through the boys' paranoia about the "beast," their fear of the unknown, and their escalating violence towards each other.

Fear manifests through the boys' paranoia about the "beast," their fear of adults, who may appear on the island and kill all the children icluding the leaders.

Fear manifests through the boys' paranoia about the "beast," their fear of the pirates, who can appear at any moment and destroy their peaceful life.

Запитання 6

How does the conflict between Ralph and Jack escalate throughout the story?                    

варіанти відповідей

 The conflict between Ralph and Jack escalates as they vie for food, shelter, influence, and control over the treasures they found on the island

The conflict between Ralph and Jack escalates as they vie for leadership, influence, and control over the group, reflecting broader societal tensions and the struggle between order and chaos.

The conflict between Ralph and Jack escalates as they vie for guns they have found on the island and the influence they may have with the help of these godsend. (знахідка)

Запитання 7

What parallels can be drawn between the boys' behavior on the island and larger societal structures?

варіанти відповідей

The boys' societal structures mirror those of the childhood world, demonstrating how power struggles with kindness where kindness wins.

The boys' societal structures mirror those of the adulthood world, demonstrating how power struggles with weakness and strong-willed adults win every single case.

The boys' societal structures mirror those of the adult world, demonstrating how power struggles, hierarchy, and societal norms can break down in the face of primal instincts.

Запитання 8

How does the murder of Piggy mark a turning point in the narrative?

варіанти відповідей

Piggy's murder symbolizes the complete breakdown of kindness on the island, marking the point of changes that may improve the relationships between the children.

Piggy's murder symbolizes the complete breakdown of the order set by him on the island, marking the point of their adulthood.

Piggy's murder symbolizes the complete breakdown of rationality and morality on the island, marking the point of no return for the boys' descent into savagery.

Запитання 9

How does the character of Ralph demonstrate leadership qualities in "Lord of the Flies"?

варіанти відповідей

Ralph demonstrates leadership qualities by prioritizing the group's welfare, maintaining order through the use of the conch, and striving to establish a signal fire for rescue.

Ralph demonstrates leadership qualities by prioritizing the group's cruelty and irrationalism, maintaining order through the use of the conch, and striving to establish a strict order

Ralph demonstrates leadership qualities by prioritizing the group's intelligence, maintaining order through the use of the fire , and striving to establish a military order on the island.

Запитання 10

 What role does the conch shell play in the establishment of order and authority?

The conch shell serves as a symbol of authority and democracy, as only the one holding the conch has the right to speak during meetings, fostering order and civilized behavior.

варіанти відповідей

The conch shell serves as a symbol of rigid control and violencer , as only the one holding the conch has the right to speak during meetings, fostering order and civilized behavior.

The conch shell serves as a symbol of kindness and freedom, as only the one holding the conch has the right to speak during meetings, fostering order and peaceful behavior.

The conch shell serves as a symbol of authority and democracy, as only the one holding the conch has the right to speak during meetings, fostering order and civilized behavior.

Запитання 11

How does the character of Roger symbolize the inherent cruelty within humanity?

варіанти відповідей

Roger symbolizes the capacity for cruelty and violence within humanity, as he progressively embraces his primal instincts without restraint.

Roger symbolizes the capacity for kindness and goodness within humanity, as he progressively subjugated his primal instincts without restraint.

Roger symbolizes the capacity for indifference and calm within humanity, as he progressively embraces his

greatest instincts of survival.

Запитання 12

What does the final scene involving the naval officer reveal about the novel's themes?

варіанти відповідей

The final scene involving the naval officer highlights the stark contrast between the kindness on the island and the civilized world beyond, emphasizing the novel's themes of civilization versus savagery and the loss of patience.

The final scene involving the naval officer highlights the stark contrast between the brutality on the island and the civilized world beyond, emphasizing the novel's themes of civilization versus savagery and the loss of innocence.

The final scene involving the naval officer highlights the stark contrast between the indifference on the island and the kindness of the world beyond, emphasizing the novel's themes of civilization versus of ignorence and the loss of emotions.

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