Додано: 16 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

 What is the central setting of "Lord of the Flies"?

The central setting of "Lord of the Flies" is a deserted tropical island.

варіанти відповідей

The central setting of "Lord of the Flies" is a deserted tropical island in the Atlantic ocean

The central setting of "Lord of the Flies" is a deserted tropical island in the Pacific ocean

The central setting of "Lord of the Flies" is a deserted tropical island in the Indian Ocean

Запитання 2

  Who is the author of "Lord of the Flies"?    

варіанти відповідей

Agatha Christie

Joanne Rowling

William Golding

Robert Louis

Запитання 3

What role does the hunt for the beast play in the boys' descent into savagery?

варіанти відповідей

The hunt for the beast becomes a catalyst for the boys' primal instincts, leading to violence, paranoia, and the breakdown of societal norms.

The hunt for the beast becomes a catalyst for the boys' survival instincts, leading to solidarity, friendship, and preservation of societal norms.

The hunt for the beast becomes a catalyst for the boys' humane instincts, leading to leadership, a phobia of bossiness, and the beginning of new societal norms.

Запитання 4

How does the character of Ralph demonstrate leadership qualities in "Lord of the Flies"?

варіанти відповідей

Ralph demonstrates leadership qualities by prioritizing the group's solidarity and strength, maintaining order through the use of violence, and striving to establish a rigid military order

Ralph demonstrates leadership qualities by prioritizing the group's goodness, maintaining order through the use of the conch, and striving to establish a fire to keep warm.

Ralph demonstrates leadership qualities by prioritizing the group's welfare, maintaining order through the use of the conch, and striving to establish a signal fire for rescue.

Запитання 5

What lessons about human nature can be gleaned from "Lord of the Flies"?

"Lord of the Flies" teaches us about the fragility of civilization, the corrupting influence of power, and the capacity for both good and evil within every individual.

варіанти відповідей

"Lord of the Flies" teaches us about the fragility (слабкість) of the wild civilization, the corrupting influence of the power of beasts, and the capacity for both adults and children.

"Lord of the Flies" teaches us about the fragility of evil, the corrupting influence of weakness, and the capacity for both good and bad within every adult individual.

"Lord of the Flies" teaches us about the fragility of civilization, the corrupting influence of power, and the capacity for both good and evil within every individual.

Запитання 6

What is the significance of the "littluns" in "Lord of the Flies"?

варіанти відповідей

The "littluns" symbolize innocence, vulnerability, and helplessness.

The "littluns" symbolize violence, strength, and leadership.

The "littluns" symbolize honesty, creativity, and survival skills.

Запитання 7

How does the death of Simon contribute to the overall theme of the novel?

варіанти відповідей

Simon's death serves as a reminder of the consequences of unchecked savagery and the loss of innocence, contributing to the novel's theme of the inherent evil within humanity.

Simon's death serves as a reminder of the consequences

of kindness and weakness and the loss of moral strength of every single boy on the island, contributing to the novel's theme of the inherent evil within humanity.

Simon's death serves as a reminder of the consequences of uncontrolled behaviour, freedom, and the loss of leadership skills, contributing to the novel's theme of the inherent evil within humanity.

Запитання 8

What does the character of Roger symbolize?

варіанти відповідей

Roger symbolizes the capacity for agility and goodness, and trust within humanity, as he progressively embraces his new human instincts without restraint.

Roger symbolizes the capacity for cruelty and violence within humanity, as he progressively embraces his primal instincts without restraint.

Roger symbolizes the capacity for kindness and support within humanity, as he progressively embraces his best teenager's instincts without restraint.

Roger symbolizes the capacity for reason and intelligence, as he progressively embraces his best human instincts without restraint.

Запитання 9

What is the significance of the character of Piggy in the novel?

варіанти відповідей

Piggy serves as a voice of cruelty, representing violent aspects of society amidst the chaos of the island.

Piggy serves as a voice of reason, honesty, and intellect, representing rational aspects of society amidst the chaos of the island.

Piggy serves as a voice of rigid order and control, representing strict and logical regulations of society amidst the chaos of the island.

Запитання 10

How does Golding depict the concept of innocence in "Lord of the Flies"?   


варіанти відповідей

Golding explores the concept of gradual maturity through the boys' loss of childhood maximalism and their exposure

to find beasts in every human.        

Golding explores the concept of innocence through the boys' gradual loss of leadership skills and their exposure

to weakness and kindness.    

Golding explores the concept of innocence through the boys' gradual loss of childhood purity and their exposure to the harsh realities of human nature and hostility.        

Запитання 11

What does the character of Simon represent in the novel?



варіанти відповідей

 Simon represents a strong personality, rationalism with some elements of strict behaviour and pitiless attitude to weak children, and a deeper understanding of the island's mysteries, contrasting with the other boys' descent into kind wekness. 

 Simon represents the absence of spirituality, a lack

of goodness, and total inability to understand harsh reality and mysteries around him.

 Simon represents spirituality, goodness, and a deeper understanding of the island's mysteries, contrasting with the other boys' descent into barbarity (варварство)

Запитання 12

What is the significance of the naval officer's arrival at the end of the novel?

варіанти відповідей

The naval officer's arrival underscores the stark contrast between the boys' rigid order and the most uncivilized world outside the island, highlighting the loss of innocence and the brutality of human nature

The naval officer's arrival underscores the stark contrast between the boys' kindness and cruelty of the world outside the island, highlighting the best features and purposefulness of the boys.

The naval officer's arrival underscores the stark contrast between the boys' savagery and the civilized world outside the island, highlighting the loss of innocence and the brutality of human nature

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