The role of TV in our life

Додано: 15 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Копія з тесту: The role of TV in our life
Тест виконано: 1 раз
29 запитань
Запитання 1

TV does not give wonderful possibilities for education.

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Запитання 2

TV gives see the best actors, sport matches, to meet famous people.

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an opportunity



Запитання 3

Which programmes have great entertainment value and provide useful topics for conversation?

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News, different talk-shows, TV games, concerts and variety shows

Horror films

Scenes of violence

Запитання 4

News deal with political and social problems of modern society aimed at to give analysis of the problems and show different view points. 

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Запитання 5

We can not say that TV is a great force which attracts millions of people to the screens.

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Запитання 6

Some people are against TV. They say that TV is doing ......

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a lot of harm

the problems

the art of conversation

Запитання 7

We also become better informed by....

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watching documentaries, science programmes.

watchig horror .

listening about violence in films and news programmes.

Запитання 8

A show in which people play games and answer questions in order to win prizes

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A sitcom

A reality TV

A chat show

A quiz show

Запитання 9

An exciting but serious play on radio or television

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A drama

A comedy programme

A soap opera

A documentary

Запитання 10

A television or a radio story about a group of imaginary people and their lives, which is broadcast regularly for many years

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A reality TV

A show

A sitcom

A soap opera

Запитання 11

An amusing programme in which there is a different story each week about the same group of people

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A breakfast show

A sitcom

A show

A documentary

Запитання 12

A short programme that tells you what the weather will be like

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A news programme

A cartoon

A weather forecast

A reality TV

Запитання 13

A programme that is broadcast several times a day, which tells you about the most important current events

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A makeover show

A news programme

A talk show

A phone-in

Запитання 14

A programme that gives you facts and information about a serious subject, such as history, science or social problems

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A reality TV

A makeover show

A news programme

A documentary

Запитання 15

A programme on television or the radio that is intended to be entertaining or funny

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A show

A talk show

A phone-in

A reality TV

Запитання 16

A programme that shows real people in different situations and which do not use professional actors

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A talk show

A reality TV

A makeover show

A quiz show

Запитання 17

A programme about animals and plants

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A weather forecast

A reality TV

A wildlife programme

A cartoon

Запитання 18

A funny programme with a lot of jokes and tricks

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A cartoon

A talk show

A reality TV

A comedy programme

Запитання 19

A programme, especially on the radio, in which people telephone the programme in order to give their opinions or ask a famous person

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A breakfast show

A phone-in

A talk show

A reality TV

Запитання 20

A person who helps a producer

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assistant producer



Запитання 21

An equipment that we use for taking photographs or moving pictures

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Запитання 22

The team that takes video footage of an event for a television broadcast

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graphic designer


camera crew

Запитання 23

A regular programme giving the most recent news on the radio or TV

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the news

reality show

debates and discussions

Запитання 24


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Запитання 25

A piece of information about goods on TV, etc. in order to persuade people to buy them

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Запитання 26

A person who reads the news on the radio or TV

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Запитання 27

A local film crew is making a … about volcanoes.

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 comedy series

 reality show


Запитання 28

“The Voice of Ukraine” is one of the most successful … .


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game show

debates and discussions

sports programme

Запитання 29

Television is certainly one of the most…

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developing news programme

 influential forces

television programme creators

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