The sights of London

Додано: 14 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 422 рази
15 запитань
Запитання 1

London is...

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The capital of England

The capital of the United Kingdom

Запитання 2

Westminster Abbey is a....where all the monarchs are crowned.

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Запитання 3

Buckingham Palace is ...

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The official residence of the queen

The summer residence of the queen

Запитання 4

The Tower of London is...

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A prison

A museum

Запитання 5

10 Downing Street is the residence of the...

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British Prime Minister

British Queen

Запитання 6

Beefeaters are ....

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The guards of the Tower of London

The guards of London Bridge

Запитання 7

The members of the British Parliament work in....

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The Houses of Parliament

The House of Commons

Запитання 8

The Clock Tower Big Ben is near ....

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The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Congress

Запитання 9

The column with the statue of Admiral Nelson is in...

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Independence Square

Trafalgar Square

Запитання 10

Nelson won the Battle of Trafalgar over...

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Julius Caesar


Запитання 11

Tower Bridge is on the river...

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Запитання 12

The London Eye is....meters high.

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Запитання 13

The best- known park in London is...

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Hyde Park

Coventry Gardens

Запитання 14

The Gherkin is situated in....

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The City of London

Запитання 15

The Shard is the tallest European skyscraper in London, situated near...

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The London Eye

London Tower

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