The Time Machine

За НМК Wider World 1 Unit 8

Додано: 27 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 21 раз
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct option

India is a huge country in  Asia. It has the second largest _________________ in the world after China – about 1.3 billion people. 

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 2

Choose the correct option

The main _________________ people speak in India are Hindi, Bengali, Gujurati, Tamil and English. 

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Запитання 3

Choose the correct option

For many people now _________________ is the main type of communication

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Запитання 4

Choose the correct option

There's _______cinema in the town. ___________cinema is next to the football stadium.

варіанти відповідей

a, an

the, a

a, the

Запитання 5

Choose the correct option

There’s ________big library near the shopping centre.

______ library is opposite _______old museum

варіанти відповідей

a, a, the

a, the, an

an, the, a

Запитання 6

Choose the correct option

What did you talk _________ with Pierre at the party?

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Запитання 7

Choose the correct option

Do you believe _________ ghosts and vampires?

ghost - привид

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Запитання 8

Choose the correct option

All you ever think _________ is yourself! You’re so selfish!

selfish - егоїст

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Запитання 9

Choose the correct option

Why is that man looking _________ me? I don’t know who he is!

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Запитання 10

Choose the correct answer

Facebook? I don’t use it. I think it’s waste of time!

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Now I get it. So what else can you do on it?

No it isn’t! I can keep in contact with all of my friends....

Exactly! I like it! And that’s not all! Look here… Can you see my photos?

Запитання 11

Choose the correct answer

Do you mean the girl with the long black hair?

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Yes, that’s her. Well, look… she put this picture on there about five minutes ago.

Yes, thanks. What are you doing?

I’m sorry, I don’t get it. How can you get the video from YouTube to show them?

Запитання 12

Choose the correct question to the answer

Yes, you can. Look! There’s a post from Magda.

варіанти відповідей

Do you mean the girl with the long black hair?

So how do I get a Facebook page?

Do you mean I can just type something there and then all my friends see it at the same time?

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