The UK ( final test )

Додано: 18 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 257 разів
30 запитань
Запитання 1

What is the capital of Scotland?

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Запитання 2

The capital of the UK is...

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Запитання 3

People from Scotland are ...

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 the Scottish or the Scots

 the English

 the British

Запитання 4

Who was the Queen of the UK?

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Elizabeth II

 Elizabeth III

Запитання 5

How many countries are there in the UK?

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Запитання 6

The most famous symbol of this country is a shamrock.

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Northern Ireland

Запитання 7

What is the full name of the UK?

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the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

 Great Britain

 the United Kingdom of Northern Ireland and Great Britain

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Запитання 8

 They ...( not enjoy) the carate class yesterday.

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 aren`t enjoyyed

 hasn`t enjoy

didn`t enjoy

Запитання 9

We.. (invite ) some famous artists for this party.

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 will invite

Запитання 10

My sister ... (do) the work and can go home.

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have already done

has already done

Запитання 11

We ...( go ) to school . They ...(play) tennis at school.

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goed , played

 went , played

 are going , play

Запитання 12

____________are things you need in Great Britain.

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 fur - coats and jackets

 phones and the Internet

umbrellas and raincoats

Запитання 13

The English usually say about the weather.

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We don't have a climate, we have only samples of weather.

We don't have a bad weather, we have a bad climate

Don't belive in weather forecast.

Запитання 14

The people can talk about the weather for hours.

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Doesn't say

Запитання 15

Scots, the Irish and the Welsh

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consider themselves to be the English

 do not consider themselves to be the English

do not know what they realy want

Запитання 16

The symbol of England is….

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 a daffodil 

  a rose

a tulip

Запитання 17

Choose the EX - Queen of England

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Запитання 18

Choose the flag of Great Britain

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Запитання 19

My parents ____ at home yesterday

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Запитання 20

I _____ him at the concert last Sunday. (-)

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didn't see

didn't saw

Запитання 21

My classmates ___ me when I was sick last week

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Запитання 22

___ you go abroad last summer?

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Запитання 23

Michail ___ at university in 2010. He was only 16 y.o.(-)

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do study

didn't study

Запитання 24

Did you ___ him 2 days ago? 

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Запитання 25

I ___ too much money on accommodation on my last trip. 

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Запитання 26

Read the text. Then match the gaps in the text (1-4) with the sentences below (A-F). Use the underlined words to help you. 

A village without phones

The UK is not a big country, and it certainly is not a poor country. So you probably think communications are very good and everybody can use the internet and mobile phones. But this is not true. In some remote parts of the country, communications are very bad.

Staylittle is a village in the centre of Wales. In 1965, a journalist wrote about the village in a newspaper. He said, ‘it is miles from anywhere’. 1……………….. That was a long time ago, but communications in the village have not changed very much. You cannot use a mobile phone in Staylittle because there is no signal. There are also problems with the telephone lines. When the villagers make phone calls, they often hear other people’s conversations at the same time!

The people who live there are tired of these problems. ‘You need good telephone lines these days,’ said one woman. ‘Last month I tried to buy something online. 2……………….. That was because I couldn’t give them a phone number.’ Other people have stopped using their phones completely. They’ve started writing letters to friends and relatives instead, just like in the past.

The British government is spending money to improve internet connections in remote parts of the country. For this reason, most of the people in Staylittle hope that communications will get better soon. 3……………….. A few days ago, there was a bad storm in the area. Because of this, most of the telephone lines to Staylittle have stopped working completely. Now the village has only got one telephone, in the post office.

A few houses in the village have internet access. 4……………….. However, it isn’t a good idea to use email in an emergency. ‘Imagine there’s a fire,’ said one man. ‘You can’t email the fire station and hope that they read it. You need to phone them!’


варіанти відповідей

Their owners can get online and send emails

Now they can get online easily using their mobile phones.

He also complained that the telephone lines in the village did not work well.

Запитання 27

Read the text. Then match the gaps in the text (1-4) with the sentences below (A-F). Use the underlined words to help you. 

A village without phones

The UK is not a big country, and it certainly is not a poor country. So you probably think communications are very good and everybody can use the internet and mobile phones. But this is not true. In some remote parts of the country, communications are very bad.

Staylittle is a village in the centre of Wales. In 1965, a journalist wrote about the village in a newspaper. He said, ‘it is miles from anywhere’. 1……………….. That was a long time ago, but communications in the village have not changed very much. You cannot use a mobile phone in Staylittle because there is no signal. There are also problems with the telephone lines. When the villagers make phone calls, they often hear other people’s conversations at the same time!

The people who live there are tired of these problems. ‘You need good telephone lines these days,’ said one woman. ‘Last month I tried to buy something online. 2……………….. That was because I couldn’t give them a phone number.’ Other people have stopped using their phones completely. They’ve started writing letters to friends and relatives instead, just like in the past.

The British government is spending money to improve internet connections in remote parts of the country. For this reason, most of the people in Staylittle hope that communications will get better soon. 3……………….. A few days ago, there was a bad storm in the area. Because of this, most of the telephone lines to Staylittle have stopped working completely. Now the village has only got one telephone, in the post office.

A few houses in the village have internet access. 4……………….. However, it isn’t a good idea to use email in an emergency. ‘Imagine there’s a fire,’ said one man. ‘You can’t email the fire station and hope that they read it. You need to phone them!’


варіанти відповідей

But in fact they have become worse recently.

 Unfortunately, the company refused to bring it here.

Now they can get online easily using their mobile phones.

Запитання 28

Read the text. Then match the gaps in the text (1-4) with the sentences below (A-F). Use the underlined words to help you. 

A village without phones

The UK is not a big country, and it certainly is not a poor country. So you probably think communications are very good and everybody can use the internet and mobile phones. But this is not true. In some remote parts of the country, communications are very bad.

Staylittle is a village in the centre of Wales. In 1965, a journalist wrote about the village in a newspaper. He said, ‘it is miles from anywhere’. 1……………….. That was a long time ago, but communications in the village have not changed very much. You cannot use a mobile phone in Staylittle because there is no signal. There are also problems with the telephone lines. When the villagers make phone calls, they often hear other people’s conversations at the same time!

The people who live there are tired of these problems. ‘You need good telephone lines these days,’ said one woman. ‘Last month I tried to buy something online. 2……………….. That was because I couldn’t give them a phone number.’ Other people have stopped using their phones completely. They’ve started writing letters to friends and relatives instead, just like in the past.

The British government is spending money to improve internet connections in remote parts of the country. For this reason, most of the people in Staylittle hope that communications will get better soon. 3……………….. A few days ago, there was a bad storm in the area. Because of this, most of the telephone lines to Staylittle have stopped working completely. Now the village has only got one telephone, in the post office.

A few houses in the village have internet access. 4……………….. However, it isn’t a good idea to use email in an emergency. ‘Imagine there’s a fire,’ said one man. ‘You can’t email the fire station and hope that they read it. You need to phone them!’


варіанти відповідей

 But in fact they have become worse recently.

Unfortunately, the company refused to bring it here

Their owners can get online and send emails

Запитання 29

Read the text. Then match the gaps in the text (1-4) with the sentences below (A-F). Use the underlined words to help you. 

A village without phones

The UK is not a big country, and it certainly is not a poor country. So you probably think communications are very good and everybody can use the internet and mobile phones. But this is not true. In some remote parts of the country, communications are very bad.

Staylittle is a village in the centre of Wales. In 1965, a journalist wrote about the village in a newspaper. He said, ‘it is miles from anywhere’. 1……………….. That was a long time ago, but communications in the village have not changed very much. You cannot use a mobile phone in Staylittle because there is no signal. There are also problems with the telephone lines. When the villagers make phone calls, they often hear other people’s conversations at the same time!

The people who live there are tired of these problems. ‘You need good telephone lines these days,’ said one woman. ‘Last month I tried to buy something online. 2……………….. That was because I couldn’t give them a phone number.’ Other people have stopped using their phones completely. They’ve started writing letters to friends and relatives instead, just like in the past.

The British government is spending money to improve internet connections in remote parts of the country. For this reason, most of the people in Staylittle hope that communications will get better soon3……………….. A few days ago, there was a bad storm in the area. Because of this, most of the telephone lines to Staylittle have stopped working completely. Now the village has only got one telephone, in the post office.

A few houses in the village have internet access. 4……………….. However, it isn’t a good idea to use email in an emergency. ‘Imagine there’s a fire,’ said one man. ‘You can’t email the fire station and hope that they read it. You need to phone them!’


варіанти відповідей

Their owners can get online and send emails

He also complained that the telephone lines in the village did not work well.

Now they can get online easily using their mobile phones.

Запитання 30

Who is this man?

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I don't know

The King of UK

Average man

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