Passive Voice

Додано: 6 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 4 рази
16 запитань
Запитання 1

The house ... two years ago.

варіанти відповідей

was build

was built

were built

is built

Запитання 2

The first mobile phones ....... in the USA.

варіанти відповідей

are produced

were produced

will be produced


Запитання 3

Choose the correct answer

The staff the manager tomorrow morning.

варіанти відповідей

is instructed

will be instructed

are instructed

will be to instructed

Запитання 4

Choose the correct answer

Someone ... him to record their first single.

варіанти відповідей



was helped

was help

Запитання 5

Choose the correct sentences

варіанти відповідей

Was the equipment delivered by the end of the working day yesterday?

The equipment was delivered by the end of the working day yesterday?

Were the equipment delivered by the end of the working day yesterday?

The equipment wasn't delivered by the end of the working day yesterday.

Was the equipment deliver by the end of the working day yesterday?

Запитання 6

Different musical instruments ..... in this shop.

варіанти відповідей

are sold

is sold

have sold

Запитання 7

All musicians ..... by the nature.

варіанти відповідей

are inspired

were inspired

is inspired

Запитання 8

Besides, a hospital treating coronavirus patients ______ too.

Оригінал статті - на сайті Українського кризового медіа-центру:

варіанти відповідей

were flooded

was flooded


were flood

Запитання 9

In the third week of June 2020 in 15 districts of Ivano-Frankivsk region, 4,596 houses _____, 90 bridges and 125 km of roads ________.

Оригінал статті - на сайті Українського кризового медіа-центру:

варіанти відповідей

were flooded \ were destroyed

flooded \ destroyed

was flooded \ were destroyed

were flooded \ was destroyed

Запитання 10

Choose the correct Grammar Tense: First reason: higher-than-average rainfall. Some areas in the regions that suffered most ____ 50-60 per cent of monthly average precipitations fall in two days.

Оригінал статті - на сайті Українського кризового медіа-центру:

варіанти відповідей

had (Past Simple)

has (Present Simple)

have (Present Simple)

having (Present Continuous)

Запитання 11

The Key fact is that people ______ for the natural disaster and sometimes further ______ the situation. An example of such risky behavior is having a house constructed too close to river, in a floodplain. 

Оригінал статті - на сайті Українського кризового медіа-центру:

варіанти відповідей

are dully prepared \ complicate

are not duly prepared \ complicate

properly trained \ complicates

not appropriately skilled \ complicates

Запитання 12

What does it mean 'to respond to natural disasters effectively' ? It means _______.

варіанти відповідей

we shouldn't pay any attention to difficulties

we must remember that all elements and systems are interconnected in nature.

we should learn more about disasters and build safer communities with real-time information provided.

we should know the different names of hurricane-like storms in the different regions of the world.

Запитання 13

Rewrite the sentences and questions in the Passive:

Have they found the keys?

варіанти відповідей

Have they been found the keys?

Have they been found ?

Have the keys been found?

The keys have been found? .

Запитання 14

Rewrite the sentences and questions in the Passive:

Tim has forgotten the sandwiches.

варіанти відповідей

Tim has been forgotten the sandwiches.

The sandwiches has been forgotten.

The sandwiches have been forgotten.

The sandwiches have forgotten.

Запитання 15

Rugby _____in this country

варіанти відповідей


is played



Запитання 16

 "Moonlight Sonata" ....... Beethoven is my favourite composition.

варіанти відповідей




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