Choose the correct words.
The sky is full of___________.
Choose the correct words.
I'm sorry but I can't __________your invitation.
Choose the correct words.
If you answer this question______, you win 10 points.
Complete with the Future going to.
Susan _____________to Malta next Saturday.
Complete with the Future going to.
She_________in the sea every day.
Correct the sentences.
"It's raining like cats and frogs"
Correct the sentences.
"There were storms because of frogs"
Correct the sentences.
"In India there were big in people's houses"
Complete using 1.Can, 2.Could, 3.May, 4.Might.
__________you pick me up from the airport, please.
Complete using 1.Can, 2.Could, 3.May, 4.Might.
Excuse me, Miss Muanes,________ I go outside?
Complete using 1.Can, 2.Could, 3.May, 4.Might.
__________I help with those bags?
Use the comparative or superlative.
cheap- cheaper-
Use the comparative or superlative.
Use the comparative or superlative.
hot----the hottest
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