Tom Brett and his family

Додано: 3 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Копія з тесту: Tom Brett and his family
10 запитань
Запитання 1

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Tom Brett is from America. He is 7 years old. He has got a mother and a father. His mother is a vet. Her name is Helen.  His father is a doctor. His name is Ben. Tom has got a baby sister. Her name is Mary. Mary is 3 years old.

 Tom has got a grandmother and a grandfather. Tom's grandmother and grandfather live in Canada.   Tom has got a dog. His name is Spot. Tom likes to play with Spot and Spot likes to play with Tom, too.

1. Tom Brett is from ...

варіанти відповідей


Great Britain


Запитання 2

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Tom Brett is from America. He is 7 years old. He has got a mother and a father.  His mother is a vet. Her name is Helen.  His father is a doctor. His name is Ben. Tom has got a baby sister. Her name is Mary. Mary is 3 years old.

 Tom has got a grandmother and a grandfather. Tom's grandmother and grandfather live in Canada.   Tom has got a dog. His name is Spot. Tom likes to play with Spot and Spot likes to play with Tom, too.

2. He has got...

варіанти відповідей

a brother

a mother and a father

an aunt and an uncle

Запитання 3

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Tom Brett is from America. He is 7 years old. He has got a mother and a father.  His mother is a vet. Her name is Helen.  His father is a doctor. His name is Ben. Tom has got a baby sister. Her name is Mary. Mary is 3 years old.

 Tom has got a grandmother and a grandfather. Tom's grandmother and grandfather live in Canada.   Tom has got a dog. His name is Spot. Tom likes to play with Spot and Spot likes to play with Tom, too.

3. His mother's name is ...

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Запитання 4

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Tom Brett is from America. He is 7 years old. He has got a mother and a father.  His mother is a vet. Her name is Helen.  His father is a doctor. His name is Ben. Tom has got a baby sister. Her name is Mary. Mary is 3 years old.

 Tom has got a grandmother and a grandfather. Tom's grandmother and grandfather live in Canada.   Tom has got a dog. His name is Spot. Tom likes to play with Spot and Spot likes to play with Tom, too.

4. His father's name is ...

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Запитання 5

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Tom Brett is from America. He is 7 years old. He has got a mother and a father. His mother is a vet. Her name is Helen.  His father is a doctor. His name is Ben. Tom has got a baby sister. Her name is Mary. Mary is 3 years old.

 Tom has got a grandmother and a grandfather. Tom's grandmother and grandfather live in Canada.   Tom has got a dog. His name is Spot. Tom likes to play with Spot and Spot likes to play with Tom, too.

5. Tom has got...

варіанти відповідей

a dog

a pig

a cat

Запитання 6

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Tom Brett is from America. He is 7 years old. He has got a mother and a father.  His mother is a vet. Her name is Helen.  His father is a doctor. His name is Ben. Tom has got a baby sister. Her name is Mary. Mary is 3 years old.

 Tom has got a grandmother and a grandfather. Tom's grandmother and grandfather live in Canada.   Tom has got a dog. His name is Spot. Tom likes to play with Spot and Spot likes to play with Tom, too.

6. Spot likes to play with...

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Запитання 7

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Tom Brett is from America. He is 7 years old. He has got a mother and a father. His mother is a vet. Her name is Helen.  His father is a doctor. His name is Ben. Tom has got a baby sister. Her name is Mary. Mary is 3 years old.

 Tom has got a grandmother and a grandfather. Tom's grandmother and grandfather live in Canada.   Tom has got a dog. His name is Spot. Tom likes to play with Spot and Spot likes to play with Tom, too.

7. Tom is seven years old.

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Запитання 8

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Tom Brett is from America. He is 7 years old. He has got a mother and a father. His mother is a vet. Her name is Helen.  His father is a doctor. His name is Ben. Tom has got a baby sister. Her name is Mary. Mary is 3 years old.

 Tom has got a grandmother and a grandfather. Tom's grandmother and grandfather live in Canada.   Tom has got a dog. His name is Spot. Tom likes to play with Spot and Spot likes to play with Tom, too.

8. Tom has got a baby brother.

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Запитання 9

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Tom Brett is from America. He is 7 years old. He has got a mother and a father.  His mother is a vet. Her name is Helen.  His father is a doctor. His name is Ben. Tom has got a baby sister. Her name is Mary. Mary is 3 years old.

 Tom has got a grandmother and a grandfather. Tom's grandmother and grandfather live in Canada.   Tom has got a dog. His name is Spot. Tom likes to play with Spot and Spot likes to play with Tom, too.

9. Tom's grandmother and grandfather live in Ukraine.

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Запитання 10

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Tom Brett is from America. He is 7 years old. He has got a mother and a father.  His mother is a vet. Her name is Helen.  His father is a doctor. His name is Ben. Tom has got a baby sister. Her name is Mary. Mary is 3 years old.

 Tom has got a grandmother and a grandfather. Tom's grandmother and grandfather live in Canada.   Tom has got a dog. His name is Spot. Tom likes to play with Spot and Spot likes to play with Tom, too.

варіанти відповідей

Tom's mother is a vet.

Tom's father is a doctor.

Tom's sister is 3 years old.

Tom has got a cat.

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