Travelling (c 185 Karpiuk)

Додано: 20 березня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 140 разів
14 запитань
Запитання 1

Відкрий підручник на сторінці 185 і прочитай текст. Перечитай перший абзац тексту і виконай завдання:


My uncle lives in the country. The name of the village where he lives is Krasne. The village is not small, more than three thousand people live there. There is a train station in the village.

Bибери правильне речення

варіанти відповідей

I have an uncle

I have an aunt

I have a sister

Запитання 2


My uncle lives in the country. The name of the village where he lives is Krasne. The village is not small, more than three thousand people live there. There is a train station in the village.

Bибери правильне речення

варіанти відповідей

Krasne is a town

Krasne is a village

Krasne is house

Запитання 3


My uncle lives in the country. The name of the village where he lives is Krasne. The village is not small, more than three thousand people live there. There is a train station in the village.

Bибери правильне речення

варіанти відповідей

Krasne is a small village

Krasne is a big town

Krasne is a big village

Запитання 4


My uncle lives in the country. The name of the village where he lives is Krasne. The village is not small, more than three thousand people live there. There is a train station in the village.

Bибери правильне речення

варіанти відповідей

There is a bus station in the village

There is a tram station in the village

There is a train station in the village

Запитання 5

Перечитай другий абзац тексту і виконай завдання:

In the centre of the village there is a large square with shops and a cafe near it. The club is on the other side, opposite the hotel. The club has got a big hall, where people watch films and concerts. There is a library in the club. In the evening people of the village go to the club and have good time there. Sometimes they gather there to talk, sing and dance. There are two schools in the village.

Вибери правильну відповідь на питання

What is there in the middle of the village?

варіанти відповідей

a big square

a large school

a big shop

Запитання 6

Перечитай другий абзац тексту і виконай завдання:

In the centre of the village there is a large square with shops and a cafe near it. The club is on the other side, opposite the hotel. The club has got a big hall, where people watch films and concerts. There is a library in the club. In the evening people of the village go to the club and have good time there. Sometimes they gather there to talk, sing and dance. There are two schools in the village.

Вибери правильну відповідь на питання

What is there opposite the club?

варіанти відповідей

a school

a library

a hotel

Запитання 7

Перечитай другий абзац тексту і виконай завдання:

In the centre of the village there is a large square with shops and a cafe near it. The club is on the other side, opposite the hotel. The club has got a big hall, where people watch films and concerts. There is a library in the club. In the evening people of the village go to the club and have good time there. Sometimes they gather there to talk, sing and dance. There are two schools in the village.

Вибери правильну відповідь на питання

Where do people in the village watch films?

варіанти відповідей

at the cinema

at the library

in the club

Запитання 8

Перечитай другий абзац тексту і виконай завдання:

In the centre of the village there is a large square with shops and a cafe near it. The club is on the other side, opposite the hotel. The club has got a big hall, where people watch films and concerts. There is a library in the club. In the evening people of the village go to the club and have good time there. Sometimes they gather there to talk, sing and dance. There are two schools in the village.

Вибери правильну відповідь на питання

Why do many people gather in the club?

варіанти відповідей

They sing, dance and talk

They dance, talk and read

They talk, sing and play

Запитання 9

Перечитай другий абзац тексту і виконай завдання:

In the centre of the village there is a large square with shops and a cafe near it. The club is on the other side, opposite the hotel. The club has got a big hall, where people watch films and concerts. There is a library in the club. In the evening people of the village go to the club and have good time there. Sometimes they gather there to talk, sing and dance. There are two schools in the village.

Вибери правильну відповідь на питання

How many schools are there in Krasne?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 10

Перечитай третій абзац тексту і виконай завдання:

The houses in Krasne are clean and nice. Some of them have got two or three floors. There is gas, cold and hot water in many houses.

Закінчи речення:

The houses in the village are...

варіанти відповідей

clean and high

big and nice

clean and beautiful

Запитання 11

Перечитай третій абзац тексту і виконай завдання:

The houses in Krasne are clean and nice. Some of them have got two or three floors. There is gas, cold and hot water in many houses.

Закінчи речення:

Many houses have ...

варіанти відповідей

three floors

two floors and gas

gas and running water

Запитання 12

Перечитай четвертий і п'ятий абзаци тексту і виконай завдання:

There are a lot of trees in the gardens and lots of flowerbeds along the streets. The traffic is not heavy. There are some crossings and the traffic lights opposite the train station.

I like to visit my uncle and stay in the village for several days.

Вибери правдиві твердження:

варіанти відповідей

There are a lot of flowers in the streets

There are a lot of lbeautiful streets in the village

There are a lot of cars in the village

Запитання 13

Перечитай четвертий і п'ятий абзаци тексту і виконай завдання:

There are a lot of trees in the gardens and lots of flowerbeds along the streets. The traffic is not heavy. There are some crossings and the traffic lights opposite the train station.

I like to visit my uncle and stay in the village for several days.

Вибери правдиві твердження:

варіанти відповідей

There are no traffic lights in the streets

There is heavy traffic in the streets

There are some traffic lights near the train station

Запитання 14

Перечитай четвертий і п'ятий абзаци тексту і виконай завдання:

There are a lot of trees in the gardens and lots of flowerbeds along the streets. The traffic is not heavy. There are some crossings and the traffic lights opposite the train station.

I like to visit my uncle and stay in the village for several days.

Вибери правдиві твердження:

варіанти відповідей

I don't like Krasne

I like to spend my summer holidays in the village

i like to spend a few days in the village with my uncle

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