TRAVEL & HOLIDAYS vocabulary

Choose the correct answer.

Додано: 1 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 32 рази
17 запитань
Запитання 1

Don't ........ your voice, I can hear you!

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Запитання 2

Mark is really ........ about sightseeing; that’s all he does when he’s on holiday.


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Запитання 3

........ nice of her to invite us to spend the summer together!


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      How so                 

  What a


Запитання 4

 Paris is ideal for a(n) ........ break.


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Запитання 5

The service offered at this hotel is second to ........ .


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no one                 





Запитання 6

They spend most days of the cruise sunbathing on the ship’s ........ .


варіанти відповідей

buffet car             





Запитання 7

Swimming in Hawaii was a(n) ........ experience.


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Запитання 8

Benjamin prides himself ........ his ability to take photos.


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Запитання 9

Let’s stay at this pretty, ........ town tonight.


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Запитання 10

  ........ heavy luggage! How will you lift it?


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 What a                  



 How a


Запитання 11

 The scientists are on a mission to ........ the effects of global warming.


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Запитання 12

It’s not very safe to ........ out in that part of the city.

     A explore                  C venture

     B investigate             D dare 

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Запитання 13

You are going to read an article about Egypt and choose the correct option a, b, or c for each of the sentences or questions 1 to 5.

Egypt travel guide

Courtesy and hospitality are important when doing business in Egypt. The host of a business meeting will usually offer tea or a small snack before commencing. It’s polite to refuse the first offer, but once the host insists, the guest should then accept.

Alcohol is legal, but should be avoided until visitors know their Egyptian colleague’s attitude towards drinking, and, if acceptable, should be drunk in moderation. It is not considered suitable for women to over-indulge in alcohol. If invited to a business lunch, expect food to be lavish and plentiful.

Throughout the Arab world, it is considered bad manners either to display anger or to openly criticize another person in public. Tact and diplomacy are always required. In social life, punctuality is almost laughable. For business, visitors should be on time but expect locals to be often late, and do not take offence. Men should not offer to shake a woman’s hand, and vice versa, unless clearly invited to do so. Men and women should dress smartly for business meetings – suits and tie for men; suit for women or smart trousers/skirt/jacket – and always dress modestly. Shoulders and knees should never be shown.

At a business meeting in Egypt,

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refusing food or drink is acceptable

tea will be offered when they reach a deal

it is bad manners to repeatedly reject the drinks offered

Запитання 14

Which one is right?

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Women are not allowed to drink alcohol

Women can drink alcohol but only moderately

Foreign people shouldn’t drink alcohol in any case

Запитання 15

Choose the correct option.


варіанти відповідей

Local people are always on time

Shaking hands is banned to women

Foreign business people are required to be punctual

Запитання 16


On taking power in 1970, Anwar al-Sadat introduced a policy of infitah (openness) towards investment. Egypt’s economy underwent rapid growth during the 1970s with the quick expansion of the oil industry, tourism and the Suez Canal, and it has continued to expand in subsequent decades.

The tourist sector is expanding rapidly, particularly along the Red Sea and Mediterranean coasts, despite sporadic terrorist activities of Islamic fundamentalists. Agriculture, which relies on irrigation from the Nile, employs one-third of the working population. Foreign aid, especially from the USA, is an important source of government funds.

In the 1970s…

варіанти відповідей

Islamic activists prevented its economy from growing

Egypt’s economy was based mainly on three sources

Egyptian oil industry grew rapidly without any foreign help

Запитання 17


There are internet cafés in the main cities, including Cairo, Alexandria, Dahab and Luxor. Even small, more remote towns including Siwa will have at least one venue, usually in the market area. Connection is usually reliable. Tourists can also access the Internet in hotels, with in-room Wi-Fi available, though often at a costly price.


The Egyptian press is one of the most influential and widely read in the region, while Egyptian TV and the film industry supplies much of the Arab-speaking world with shows from its Media Production City. Press freedom is encouraged. Press laws which allow prison sentences for libel have encouraged self-censorship on sensitive issues.

With regards to media and communication...

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Internet connection in hotels is expensive

there is no Internet access in small towns

journalists have their work censored before it is published

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