Types of Films

Додано: 28 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 58 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

A film about a crime and detectives who investigate it

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A detective

A musical

A drama

A western

Запитання 2

This film makes you believe in aliens.

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A historical film

A documentary

A science fiction film

A romance

Запитання 3

A film made of series of drawings is called

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an adventure film.

a historical film.

a science fiction.

a cartoon.

Запитання 4

His father always watches funny, humorous films. He likes

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horror films.

Запитання 5

A film set in a time in the past

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a historical film

a cartoon film

a western

a detective film

Запитання 6

I can't stand dramas. They are too

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Запитання 7

My friend does not like horror films.

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So do I.

Neither I do.

Neither do I.

Either do I.

Запитання 8

If a film is predictable,

варіанти відповідей

it makes you laugh.

it's about love.

you can't stop watching it.

you know what will happen in it.

Запитання 9

Bill, do you fancy going to the cinema tomorrow evening?

варіанти відповідей

OK.See you soon.

Who's in it?

OK, why not? What's on?

OK, today is Monday.

Запитання 10

My mother always chooses films to watch

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