
Додано: 8 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct word

Love your Ukraine, love as you would the 1)____,

The 2)_____, the grasses and the streams together…

Love her in happy 3)_____, when joys are won,

And love her in her time of stormy 4)______.


5)_____ her in happy dreams and when awake,

Ukraine in spring’s white 6)_____-blossom veil.

Her 7)_____ is eternal for your sake;

Her speech is 8)____ with the nightingale

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 2

Love your Ukraine, love as you would the 1)____,

The 2)_____, the grasses and the streams together…

Love her in happy 3)_____, when joys are won,

And love her in her time of stormy 4)______.


5)_____ her in happy dreams and when awake,

Ukraine in spring’s white 6)_____-blossom veil.

Her 7)_____ is eternal for your sake;

Her speech is 8)____ with the nightingale

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 3

Love your Ukraine, love as you would the 1)____,

The 2)_____, the grasses and the streams together…

Love her in happy 3)_____, when joys are won,

And love her in her time of stormy 4)______.


5)_____ her in happy dreams and when awake,

Ukraine in spring’s white 6)_____-blossom veil.

Her 7)_____ is eternal for your sake;

Her speech is 8)____ with the nightingale

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 4

Love your Ukraine, love as you would the 1)____,

The 2)_____, the grasses and the streams together…

Love her in happy 3)_____, when joys are won,

And love her in her time of stormy 4)______.


5)_____ her in happy dreams and when awake,

Ukraine in spring’s white 6)_____-blossom veil.

Her 7)_____ is eternal for your sake;

Her speech is 8)____ with the nightingale

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 5

Love your Ukraine, love as you would the 1)____,

The 2)_____, the grasses and the streams together…

Love her in happy 3)_____, when joys are won,

And love her in her time of stormy 4)______.


5)_____ her in happy dreams and when awake,

Ukraine in spring’s white 6)_____-blossom veil.

Her 7)_____ is eternal for your sake;

Her speech is 8)____ with the nightingale

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 6

Love your Ukraine, love as you would the 1)____,

The 2)_____, the grasses and the streams together…

Love her in happy 3)_____, when joys are won,

And love her in her time of stormy 4)______.


5)_____ her in happy dreams and when awake,

Ukraine in spring’s white 6)_____-blossom veil.

Her 7)_____ is eternal for your sake;

Her speech is 8)____ with the nightingale

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 7

Love your Ukraine, love as you would the 1)____,

The 2)_____, the grasses and the streams together…

Love her in happy 3)_____, when joys are won,

And love her in her time of stormy 4)______.


5)_____ her in happy dreams and when awake,

Ukraine in spring’s white 6)_____-blossom veil.

Her 7)_____ is eternal for your sake;

Her speech is 8)____ with the nightingale

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 8

Love your Ukraine, love as you would the 1)____,

The 2)_____, the grasses and the streams together…

Love her in happy 3)_____, when joys are won,

And love her in her time of stormy 4)______.


5)_____ her in happy dreams and when awake,

Ukraine in spring’s white 6)_____-blossom veil.

Her 7)_____ is eternal for your sake;

Her speech is 8)____ with the nightingale

варіанти відповідей




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