Ukraine. Kyiv

Додано: 19 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 1012 разів
29 запитань
Запитання 1

The main street in Kyiv is ...

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Orange Street

Khreschatyk Street

Ukrainian Street

Запитання 2

Maydan Nezalezhnosti is ...

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Запитання 3

One who walks up Andriyivsky Uzviz can see a wonderlul...

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St Andrew`s Church

Saint Sophia Cathedral

The Statue of Bohdan Khmelnytsky

The House with Chimeras

Запитання 4

Find all ukrainian landmarks.

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Запитання 5

Saint Sophia Cathedral was founded by ... in 1037.

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Bohdan Khmelnytsky

Yaroslav the Wise


Apostol Andriy

Запитання 6

... was the main entrance to the city.

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Brilliant Gates

Silver Gates

Golden Gates

Zoloti Vorota

Запитання 7

Who was the architect of the House with Chimeras?

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Bartelomeo Rastrelli

Bruno Patchino

Vladyslav Horodetsky

Volodymyr Horodetsky

Запитання 8

It is a monastry where monks live, study, work and pray.

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The Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra

St. Andrew's Church

St. Sophia's Cathedral

Запитання 9

What can you find in Podil?

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Mariyinskiy Park

St. Andrew's Church

Ukrainian souvenirs

Запитання 10

The official residence of the Presedent of Ukraine is ... .

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Verhovna Rada

Mariyinskiy Palace

The House with Chimeras

Запитання 11

Andriyivskiy Uzviz (Descent) is famous for ... .

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souvenir stalls

cafes and clubs

clothes shops

Запитання 12

The ... is a symbol of Kyiv.

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poplar tree

chestnut tree

coconut tree

Запитання 13

... is famous for its mosaics and frescoes.

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The National Opera

St. Sophia's Cathedral

The Golden Gate

Запитання 14

It was late..... we had to stop the football match.

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so that



Запитання 15

The book was very expensive....I didn’t buy it.

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so that


Запитання 16

The exam was so hard ..... I’m sure I won’t pass.

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so that



Запитання 17

It was very cold.... I put on my hat.

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so that



Запитання 18

The teacher spoke slowly .... they could write everything down.

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that so


so that

Запитання 19 the main square in Kyiv.

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Trafalgar Square

Independence Square

Mykhailivska Square

Запитання 20

The jewel of Kyiv is.....

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St Sophia’s Cathedral

The House with Chimeras


Запитання 21

.... has all copies of Kyiv’s most famous landmarks.

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St . Andrew’s Church

Kreshchatyk Street

Kyiv in Miniature Museum

Запитання 22

Kyiv is famous for its attractive parks

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Запитання 23

The symbol of Kyiv is tulip.

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Запитання 24

The National Opera House contains some great mosaics and frescoes.

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Запитання 25

Kyiv has many places of ... .

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Запитання 26

Kyiv was ... more than 1,500 years ago.

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Запитання 27

Kyiv is located on the river .......... .

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Southern Bug


Запитання 28

They haven't been to Podil yet, ...?

варіанти відповідей

have they

didn't they

haven't they

have it

Запитання 29

Kyiv boasts a lot of places of historical interest, ...?

варіанти відповідей

don't they

does it

doesn't it

doesn't he

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