Look at the picture and answer: what is the weather like today?
Look at the picture and answer: what is the weather like today?
Look at the picture and answer: what is the weather like today?
Look at the picture and answer: what is the weather like today?
Look at the picture and answer: what is the weather like today?
Look at the picture and answer: what is the weather like today?
Where is it?
Look at the picture and answer the question: What is the weather like today?
Look at the chart, find the answer.
What’s the weather like in Paris today?
Look at the picture and answer:
Number 1 is _____
Look at the picture and answer:
N7 it is а ______
Look at the picture and answer:
N13 is а _______________
Look at the picture and answer:
N8 is а
Look at the picture and answer:
N22 is ______
Look at the picture and answer:
N9 is ______
What is the man wearing? (Обери 3 варіанти)
You wear it when you sleep.
Прочитай речення і знайди Сема.
Sam is wearing blue jeans, brown shoes, a green T-shirt.
Find the odd word. Знайди зайве слово.
Finish the sentence: Закінчи умовне речення.
If the weather is sunny, …
Finish the sentence: Закінчи умовне речення, постав слово у дужках у правильну форму.
If Stella gets sick, Tom ___________ (call) a doctor.
Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use ‘will’ or ‘won’t’. (Future Simple - майбутній час)
I … (go) to the cinema with you.
Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use ‘will’ or ‘won’t’. (Future Simple - майбутній час)
Sue and George … (not learn) Maths next year.
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