Match the word " a state " with its definition.
Match the word " a part " with its definition.
Match the word " to include " with its definition.
Match the word " to consist " with its definition.
Match the word " to refer " with its definition.
Match the word " to occupy " with its definition.
Match the word " to link " with its definition.
Match the word " to locate " with its definition.
Match the word " independent " with its definition.
Match the word " diverse " with its definition.
Match the word " a society " with its definition.
Match the word " enormous " with its definition.
Match the word " minorities " with its definition.
Match the word " anthem " with its definition.
Match the word " ethnic " with its definition.
Match the word " a border " with its definition.
Match the word " official " with its definition.
Match the word " offensive " with its definition.
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